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From Biafra Herald

Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Thursday 13 June 2024

A Biafran US-Based Acknowledges IPOB's State Actor Role, Says IPOB Now Government Of The Eastern Region Of Nigeria

 A Biafran US-Based Acknowledges IPOB's State Actor Role, Says IPOB Now Government Of The Eastern Region Of Nigeria

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a peaceful, nonviolent Self-determination movement, formed by it's leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, around 2012. Advocating for the exit of the Eastern region and the establishment of an independent Biafra, from Nigeria through a United Nation supervised referendum.

Over the years, IPOB's non-violent modus operandi towards Biafra Restoration has drawn criticisms and concerns from various quarters within and outside Nigeria. However, within the confines of the Eastern region of Nigeria, also called Biafraland, IPOB plays a  complex role, ranging from undertaking initiatives, ideas and implementing policies considered to bring positive contributions to the region and also making vital decisions for the overall betterment of the entire Eastern region.

Some of the change-oriented actions and policies that earned IPOB her state actor role and authority include:


1: Filling The Void On Security Of The Eastern Region.

One of the most debated aspects of IPOB's activities, is its armed wing, the Eastern Security Network (ESN); a vigilante group formed by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu; charged with flushing out marauding Fulani herdsmen terrorists encroaching into the Eastern region through the forests and bushes; maiming and killing farmers and innocent residents of the region, as well as securing the safety of the region from any threat of terrorism attack by external aggressors.

With the emergence of ESN, IPOB earned itself a state actor position in the region, despite the various calls on the political leaders of the region to float a regional security outfit to wade off the terrorists herdsmen massacring innocent people in the region. Their failure and politicizing of the security of their people by the political leaders of the region, especially the 5 Southeast governors, opened the door for a nongovernmental actor to fill the gap. 

The Nigerian government often accuses ESN of violent activities, labeling them as terrorist group. However, many residents of the region argue that ESN fills a security void deliberately left unattended by the Nigerian government and security agencies. Decades of neglect of the security of the people in the Southeast led to the rise in kidnappings and violence activities by criminal gangs. In some communities, ESN presence is seen as a deterrent to such terrorist activity. The people of the region view IPOB as a government of the people, for the people and by the people themselves with a massive support and high compliance to IPOB directives.

2: The DOS: A  Sophisticated Leadership Structure.

It is important to acknowledge the complexities surrounding IPOB leadership structure. Their rhetoric can be inflammatory, and their methods has never for once resulted in violence.  IPOB is a well identified peaceful movement in various parts of the world, registered in many countries in Africa, Europe, America and Asian continents without any indictment of violent activities.

The group's leadership structure is opaque, such that one can not penetrate through it, to talk of bringing it down. At various false flag operations carried out by detractors and agent provocateurs recruited by the Nigerian government against IPOB, have continued to be futile to bring IPOB leadership down to the mud.

However, violent activities were been indiscriminately leveled on ESN by the Nigerian government and security agencies especially the Nigerian Army, which were still proven null and void as IPOB continues to maintain it's peaceful agitation for referendum to have a sovereign state of Biafra. 

This is made possible due to the leadership structure, where best think-tanks were assembled for administrative and governance purposes. These group of men and women of impeccable characters are the reason why the state actor position attained by IPOB has been carefully managed and not abused in the last 10 years The leadership of IPOB serve as the fulcrum to the positive changes in the Eastern region.

3: Regional Development Catalyst.

Beyond security of the region, IPOB engages in developmental policies and projects. As a state actor in the region, IPOB have attracted and contributed to the compliance, completion and startup of various abandoned, new projects in the region by Federal Government, State governments and local and foreign investors.

IPOB singlehandedly secured the forests from Fulani herdsmen terrorists, encouraged farmers in the region to go back to farming as well as improved on the food security of the region. A void left for over 40 years since after the Biafran genocide.

Recently, IPOB embarked on a vital policy action to electrify the region inorder to boost and attract industrial growth and development into the region. This is evident through their ongoing campaigns for the withdrawal and removal of incompetent, monopolistic Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, EEDC, from the region. This policy action is best understood from the positive perspective aimed at ensuring institutions charged with providing social amenities to the people of the region are held accountable and charged to provide their services to the public.

These actions address the very real needs of a region grappling with political malfunction and infrastructural challenges.  To many residents in the region, these efforts demonstrate a commitment to improving lives – a commitment they over years seen that the Nigerian government and their controlled Eastern governors lack. IPOB state actor role is  borne out of necessity.

4: Promoting Igbo Cultural Values And Preservation.

IPOB actively promotes Igbo cultural values Through organizing festivals, sponsoring educational programs, and advocating for the inclusion of Igbo language studies in schools in the region. Through IPOB's campaign of back to root, spread through several  sponsored Radio Biafra Broadcasts, a sense of identity and self-esteem were reengineered into the psyche of many Youths in the region. This however, led to many in the region embracing the Igbo cosmology and spirituality. In a globalized world, cultural preservation is an ongoing struggle, and IPOB's efforts resonate with those who fear the dilution of Igbo identity. Hence, IPOB using her state actor role, generated massive interest into culture consciousness now spreading across quarters in the region. 

5: A Complex Reality

Until the restoration of Biafra, IPOB remains a major stakeholder in the affairs of the Eastern region. This reality may not go down well with some individuals and institutions, however, it is proven that when the desirable is not available, then the available becomes desirable. IPOB occupies this void position left by the Nigerian government and the governments in the region. While their methods seem to bring developments into the region, they undertake initiatives that many residents see as positive catalysts.  Ultimately, the group's future hinges on its ability to embrace non-violent means and contribute to a more democratic and prosperous sovereign state of Biafra, whether as part of the contentious Nigeria or in a truly independent and sovereign Biafra. Therefore, it doesn't matter how long it takes for anyone to deny the complex reality in Eastern region, IPOB have come to stay. 

The difference is clear; IPOB is the people and the people are IPOB. A government of the people by the people and for the betterment of the people. It is empirically obvious that the people are with this government, judging from the just concluded 30th May, Biafra Heroes Day anniversary Sit-at-home, there are no second thoughts, IPOB is moving forward everyday and they will definitely get to their destination. It's just a matter time. The Nigerian government should stop being blinded with delusions and be bold to acknowledge this fact. Dialogue with this movement and conduct referendum for their peaceful exit. This is candidly wise to do.

Dr. Chikwe Onwuchakwe

Published by Family Writers Press International.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Biafrans Be Wise; Hunting And Noise Never Goes In Unison

Biafrans Be Wise; Hunting And Noise Never Goes In Unison

This period in which we are is so very critical and such that require utmost consciousness.  It is a time we watch several shocking events unfold with such a speed of light that one must be strategically positioned in order to remain in touch and control of situations and their possible outcomes in his pathway. 

Following the recent general hardship ravaging Nigerian, orchestrated by the daily skyrocketing cost of living, we have witnessed that it appears the effects is telling more on some regions in the country where protests and strikes have begun. With North and South West bearing heavily the effects of the hardship, South - East have witnessed a minimal effect of its own share on the Easterners. This have led to what appears as though some Easterners are making mockery of the situation, while the North and West are cunningly pleading for East to join them in protest against the government of Ahmed Bola Tinubu, a Southwesterner.

However, it is important to note that since over five (5) decades ago, Easterners have been maneuvering economic strangulation policies from both Western and Northern cabals ruling the Nigeria. It is palpable to understand that the effect of the current realities in Nigeria is not going to have heavy blows on Easterners due to their harsh economic survival instincts and skills developed over the years of deliberate marginalization and injustices. This in ironical disposition explains why the mockery celebrations from some quarters are urging the situation in the country.

Suffice to say, Easterners must understand that as bush hunters in the Nigerian State, we must remain calm, with absolute decorum, move with consistency without unnecessary attractions and distractive noises. This is because with our calmness, we would not be distracted easily by the twilight of events that shapes the struggle we are in. We would be able to decipher what we want out of the situation at hand. Carefulness and propriety is expected of us in this trying time. We should not aggravate or endanger ourselves, interests and properties, out of exuberances.

This calls for avoidance of unnecessary attractions and distractions as seen in the unwarranted mockery celebrations going on in various parts of Igboland and on social media. These noises could get us loose focus on the ball, and or indirectly fuel another level of Igbophobic agenda against our people outside the East. As the tension and polity in Nigeria is eagerly searching for avenue to prey on the East as scapegoat.

The present ugly situation in the Zoo(Nigeria) is preparing Biafrans towards reaching our goal. Therefore, we should be smart enough not to jeopardize our positions and interests now or ever. As hunting and noise making does not go together, Biafrans in general should understand that we are encircled by events that tends to shape our struggle. At this moment, noise making will distract our focus, prolong our hunting time in the bush. It will be wisdom for us not to create noises by ourselves, rather we should utilize the quietness or noisiness already in the bush to hit our target unscathed.

At the end, it shall all end in praises, but we must be wise.

Written by Oguwuike Kelechi Chukwuezi

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International

Tuesday 31 January 2023

The Worsening Health Of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Is Real And Not Politics- IPOB

  The Worsening Health Of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Is Real And Not Politics- IPOB



The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the Leadership and command of Mazi Nnamdi Okwu Kanu, the Prophet wishes to draw the attention of the public to the press release from Nigeria DSS dismissing the worsening health of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi KANU and labeling IPOB's press releases as  political statements. We want to remind DSS and the public that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's deteriorating health is true and can't be termed a political statement. Nigeria government and her secret police DSS are very much aware that Mazi Nnamdi KANU's health is failing him from their poisoning, denial of adequate medication for his known ailment and torture by means of starvation as he continues to be held illegality in the DSS in solitary confinement. 

We will not be distracted by the ranting contained in the DSS press statement released through anonymous persons attempting to  dismiss and play down the dire health condition of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra. The reason for this is to distract people from the alarm that has been raised on their intention  to systematically and covertly eliminate our leader. The Nigeria government should know by now that IPOB has zero interest in Nigeria politics. The government can play politics with anything but not with the life of our leader.

The DSS should explain why they have refused Mazi Nnamdi KANU access to a doctor since the second week of December 2022. Why has he not been allowed to take his drugs according to prescription? It's on record that Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU is very sick, and he is dying slowly in the DSS solitary confinement. IPOB members worldwide and Ndigbo will not accept any explanation from anyone if anything should happen to him. 

We insist that Mazi Nnamdi KANU has been poisoned inside DSS solitary confinement, we maintain our position. If DSS is denying this, we demand that DSS allow IPOB leadership and lawyers to bring independent medical specialists to conduct comprehensive medical tests on our leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU. 

Alternatively, the DSS Director should take Mazi Nnamdi KANU to a hospital for a comprehensive medical test, and the  test result should be made public. We demand to know why the food he eats comes out from his mouth and why he smells his stomach ordor from his mouth. 

Anybody else giving counter press releases saying that Mazi Nnamdi KANU is not poisoned must know that if anything untoward happens to him, he or she will understand that this is not an issue of brother or sister. Such heartless fellows will be visited by Biafrans as enemies. 

Mazi Nnamdi KANU is an institution. He is not representing his family but Biafrans. He was not abducted, illegally renditioned, and detained because of his family background. No, it was because he demanded for Biafra to be granted referendum and freedom.

Therefore, the fight for his release is a national assignment for all Biafrans and lovers of freedom and not just for those who may be related to him by blood. 

We reiterate our demand on the Nigerian government to urgently and unconditionally release Mazi Nnamdi KANU as ruled by the Nigerian Appeal Court ordering his discharge and acquittal since October 13, 2022, so that we can secure proper medical examination for him to avoid the unexpected. Mazi Nnamdi KANU is not part of Nigerian politics and therefore the Nigeria government MUST not toy with his life. Mazi represents the existence and future of over 80 million Biafrans. Many have given up their lives for him, and many are ready to do the same again if duty calls. A stitch in time saves nine.


Friday 27 May 2022

FWPI Editorial: Biafra, The Fear That Must Be Inexcusably Addressed

 FWPI Editorial: Biafra, The Fear That Must Be Inexcusably Addressed

For many decades now, the Biafra subject has triggered diverse reactions from different peoples. This certainly, is resulting from the inalienable fact that "whenever the name 'Biafra' is sounded, it peculiarly poses divergent meanings to different hearers.”

To individuals who are lost in the raging ocean of the lies on which the British contraption (Nigeria) is founded, they perceive Biafra as an unrealizable dream, because their brains have been so poorly programmed by the Nigerian system, and they literally do not think useful thoughts anymore. They have been so brainwashed with the distorted lines that says "Nigeria will remain one indivisible county", and all of such.

To the Family members of the Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB), and to other millions of IPOB supporters in both Biafraland and beyond, Biafra represents the "desired freedom and peace.” So, people in this class never hesitates to speedily welcome the idea of Biafra freedom, whenever the discussion is initiated.

But there are yet other parties in whom the name 'Biafra' triggers different forms of fears when mentioned. It is to the people on this side that I am directing this article to. Britain, Fulani Oligarchs and greedy South East politicians are all in this class. For them, the unity of Nigeria is an enterprise that must never be tampered with by anybody. So, the idea of referendum spells danger to their corrupt minds, because they do know that a very greater percentage of other entrapped ethnic nations in Nigeria, aside Biafrans will vote to leave the union.

For close to two centuries now, Britain in particular have lived hugely on both the human and natural resources from Biafra land, and used them to build their country. It is so much so that Britain can closely be said to not have other sufficient sources to make good national income without sucking from the Biafra resources. Take for instance, for every thirty-one (31) barrels of crude oil that the Nigerian government milks from Biafraland, Britain takes away thirty (30), leaving Nigeria with just one. The plundering is that huge. And that is why it is so difficult for them to overlook. They are willing to exterminate Biafrans for this purpose.

As a result of these, every other person that are aiding the thievery, ranging from the Fulani Oligarchs to other greedy politicians of Biafra extraction can commit any blunder and go free. This is why these politicians steal several resources that belong to the public, and are not questioned. Because those that control the system (the British) are actually paving way for them (Nigeria politicians) to flourish in the crimes, as a pay for continuing to play their devilish assistance to the British in looting Biafran resources.

But one thing is certain. The Biafra restoration project is divine. It cannot be stopped by humans, not when those it is handed to are willing to sacrifice anything sacrificeable to see the Biafra restoration come through. This is a fact that Britain and all those fighting the Biafra restoration process must accept. When they do this early enough, then it will make things easy for all.

The Biafra that IPOB dreams to restore is one that will welcome both bilateral and multilateral economic partnerships. Britain will have the chance to still partner with a free Biafra and legally obtain whatever they wish to get from Biafra soil, than continue to steal from the people. To the south east politicians, IPOB have severally emphasized that the window of repentance is still open for any of them that wishes to turn over a new leaf.

Therefore, wisdom demands that all come in terms with the Biafra restoration idea, since it cannot be stopped either. The British and all their accomplices in the crimes against the Biafran people should muster the courage to accost their fears about letting Biafra restoration become a reality, and permit a United Nation's supervised referendum. Biafrans will settle for nothing less!



Written by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

Editor, Family Writers Press International

Friday 30 October 2020

The Hotelier

 The Hotelier

Written by Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu

For Family Writers Press International

Date: 18.10.2020


Be wary of his many lies

Oh mortal men!

Me shall get you 'UN!' 

Rejoice, freedom alas!

Me shall 'trump' into the White House 

And dine with Donald,

When am done speaking with Mr EU,

So he tells you,

Empty words of the clueless hotelier.

Like the proverbial tortie

Always on the lookout for goodies

Promises upon promises non fulfilled

But getting his purse filled

To build Mansions his only priority, 

The glutinous hotelier.

His Fake tears, 

And his polished words

All to fool you

But his words are never his bonds!

Behold as he makes his pretty lies

The gullibles his only allies,

The old evil hotelier!

When easy is the going

Out jumps he from his hiding,

His voice echoes loud in the hood

While preying for food,

And the next victim to dupe.

But when roughy 'n toughy the going

The deceiver cowardly disappears

Leaving behind many in tears.

Like the kites of the skies

Would speedily swoop 

Down on their preys

So is the crook

When sees he public funds,

His criminal head spines 

Like the old farmer's wheels

As he crawls out from his hiding hole

To make his usual grabs - the Hotelier.

For I pity the gullibles

Who believe still in his fairy tales

Just as I rejoice with the wise 

Who for long have known

Through his own tone 

That the Owerri hotelier,

Had for long abandoned

The divine quest for freedom

For his own personal gains.

Sunday 13 September 2020

Emene Massacre: IPOB Self-Defence As Ordered, Is Nigerian Law Compliant

Emene Massacre: IPOB Self-Defence As Ordered, Is Nigerian Law Compliant

The most daunting task to be handled in human relationship, is how to effectively deal with individuals or certain group of people whose minds have been corrupted by sheer hatred particularly against their own. Why really on earth should someone in his/her right frame mind, want to cook up fallacy out of a public statement made via such a revered and global media platform as Radio Biafra?

Following the unprovoked and callously orchestrated massacre of twenty one (21) innocent, unarmed promising young Biafeans as well as the other forty seven (47) arrested, who were simply harmlessly gathered and worshipping their God in an enclosure on Sunday 23rd August 2020, at Emene, Enugu, Biafraland, hinge the unpleasant and just responses of the people. The killed/arrested were all family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

The IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu  who has for a long while, made it known globally that   the docility of the civilized international community to come in aid to Biafrans who are being gruesomely killed by the Nigerian security forces for no just reasons, will definitely trigger off some reprisals. Biafrans would have no other alternative than to collectively defend themselves even with the self-defence mode as has been fully activated. The days of the trigger-happy Nigerian security operatives hunting down Biafrans at will, were totally over. The IPOB leader had ordered that henceforth, Biafrans should defend themselves  against all forms of killings by the Nigerian government-sponsored uniformed terrorists. This is a standing order that every serious minded individual should hold unwaveringly very dear.

And because Biafrans co-habit with chronic haters and accusers who scheme mass murders of our people and orchestrate more killings to their satisfaction, have criminally twisted what was pointedly stated. Callously quoting out of context, they said that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu ordered the IPOB family members to kill Northerners residing in Biafraland. This lie is purely evil and should be discountenounced. Biafrans have value for human life and beneath, is the order:

"IPOB has given an order from it's indefatigable leader to only defend themselves against any killing of any sort, not to kill the innocent Hausas or the Fulanis and that is what we must do because self-defence is in line with the laws of Nigeria and the United Nations, and we are law abiding".

The IPOB leader had also very clearly stated it that in Biafraland, people live in the towns and residential areas, not in bushes and forests. Therefore, anyone who wishes to stay in Biafraland should leave the bush or forest and find a house in the town. That is it and it is abundantly clear.

#Support Biafra!!

Written by Ogah C.S.

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

Sunday 6 September 2020

Nigeria: Stolen From The Mind Of The Fulani

Nigeria: Stolen From The Mind Of The Fulani

We are the Fulani, we own Nigeria. They know we own Nigeria, the Igbo knows, and the Yoruba will not say they don't know. The Fulani has no particular home. We take and possess wherever we want. Before 1804 we weren't in Nigeria. A certain Hausa King, Yumfa welcomed our most revered Uthman Dan Fodio and from a preacher, he rose to Kingship. He killed Mohammad Yumfa, took his Kingdom, and since then Hausa has become our obedient slaves.

For many years we have opened the Nigeria door for the influx of the Fulani into Nigeria. Those that came in some little years back are today governors and in charge of Nigeria. We the Fulani are in charge of Nigeria. And we have ruled them more and more, and we will continue ruling them. We have opened the borders and in few years millions of us will come in to possess our possession.

We the Fulani are Lords. We can steal and still jail those from other tribes that stole. We can kill and still arrest other tribes that didn't kill. Our youths are killing people, sacking villages and occupying them. We go about with AK47 without being molested. Yet we have arrested Igbo youths and imprisoned them for shouting Biafra. We are the Fulani, we do whatever we want. We snapped pictures with our killer brothers, recruited them into the military and police, but for gathering in Emene, Enugu State for a Meeting, we gunned down 21 Igbo youths and made sure non of their leaders coughed.

We shall never allow them take control over their destiny. We must keep making sure the rogues among them rule them. Criminals who doesn't care about their people or have regard for them. People we can control, those that will rule for us and enjoy accelerated looting of their people's resources. That's the type of leaders we the Fulani will gift them. Why do you think their governors rejected Regional Security and embraced our packaged Community Policing? They are our proud slaves.

With CAMA we are taking over the resources of your Churches. That's after we must have taken over your waterways and its surrounding lands. We are Fulani. We own the senate.

Didn't you see what happened in Imo state? Those Igbo people voted for Emeka Ihedioha and we gave them Hope Uzodimma, our shameless stooge. A known thief who has case with our dogs the EFCC. We have been doing this since after the genocide we committed against them, and we will keep doing it.

Yes, we own the EFCC, the army, the police and even the Air force etc. They all belonged to us. Is that not why they are all headed by we the Fulani, with our intellectual slaves from the East and West defending us. They say on our behalf that it doesn't matter if the Fulani takes charges of every organization in Nigeria. That what matters is their performance. That we should all rise above tribe and stop seeing a Fulani, but rather see a Nigerian. They are slaves and we pay them with their own resources.

We are the Fulani, we take whatever we want. We are sacking villages, killing Christians, occupying and renaming their villages and there is nothing anyone of you can do. Rise up and we will bring you to your kneels using your own brothers. That's how powerful a Fulani is.

They say they are sophisticated, intelligent and rich,yet they are fools and we the Fulani controls them.

Is that not why we own their oil wells and give them pipe line guard contract. And they are happy and doing it well. Pathetic slaves.

We are the Fulani and we will become indigenes of every state in Nigeria. We have become indigenes in Benue and will soon become indigenes in Ebonyi and Enugu. After which the Koran will be dipped into the ocean. And your brothers will make all of these possible.

All hail the Fulani!

Written by Elochukwu Ohagi

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Who Really Is In Charge Of Enugu State: Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi Or CP Ahmed Abdulrahman?

Who Really Is In Charge Of Enugu State: Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi Or CP Ahmed Abdulrahman?

The grossly malfunctional Nigerian constitution of 1999 as amended was concocted for the singular interest of the Fulani oligarchy. The embedded oppression policy of indigenous people groups as crafted by one Professor Auwalu Yadudu and directed by former Nigerian military despot, retired General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the state governors in Nigeria, inclusive of Enugu state, which command the status of Chief Security Officers, most of the times, leave much to be desired by critical assessment in functionalities.

The deficient constitution conferred on governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State, by this write up primarily, the absolute power to receive information concerning the security of Enugu state, get analysis of situations on the ground from security experts, with the police department totally inclusive. He then directs the security agencies on the modalities to tackle whatever security challenge that could constitute threat to public peace or imminent danger of breakdown of law and order.
 Unfortunately, the reverse has become the case where the Police Commissioner, Ahmed Abdulrahman has to undermine the constitutional powers of the state governor, Right Honorable Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi.

The Police Commissioner despitefully usurped and discharged the executive orders of the state governor by arrogating to himself, the powers to make the operational use of the State Joint Task Force (JTF), drawn from the Navy, Air Force, Army and Police amongst others, without the prior consent and approval of the State Governor who constituted and funds the Joint Task Force (JTF), in the first instance, for his discretional use in case of emergency security challenges.

In view of the foregoing, the office and the constitutional powers of the Enugu state governor, Mr. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, have blatantly been demeaned and ridiculed by the police commissioner. Ahmed Abdulrahman has absolutely no such power at his disposal, to make operational use of the state JTF without the consent and approval of the Enugu State Chief Security Officer.

It is only a prerogative right of the governor to order the use of the State Joint Task Force (JTF), into an action when there seems to be a serious security situation in any part of the state which includes violent riots, insurgency or any form of breakdown of law and order, which may be beyond the control of the police, civil defense and other para-military organizations. But primarily because the Enugu Police Commissioner, Ahmed Abdulrahman has illicitly arrogated to himself, the powers of the office of the state governor for the execution of sinister agenda, ordered the use of the JTF which is solely constituted for the governor's personal use in his capacity and discretion, only when there arises the need.

To this end however, one begins therefore to wonder why the same security agencies swiftly took to the use of force without the prior knowledge and approval of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, to massacre peaceful, unarmed Igbo (Biafran) youths in Emene, Enugu, by the gravely lawless and unprofessional Police Commissioner, Ahmed Abdulrahman. He had arrogantly snubbed the same governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi in April 2016 when he (governor) called on the police, to arrest the security threat posed by the marauding Fulani killer herdsmen (terrorists) that carried out the heinous killing of Biafrans in Ukpabi, Nimbo with absolutely no action to that effect even up till date. But this same Fulani Police Commissioner, with swift response to orchestrated plot to a terminate the Igbos, gathered his armed team and grievously massacred twenty one (21) Igbo youths in Emene, Enugu, without established/convincing reasons.

As this Enugu State Police Command has proudly demonstrated that it has a religious, tribal, generically biased and lawless man at the helm of it's affairs, a man that has totally lost respect and civility for constituted authorities, such should be shown the right way out of Igboland. His services are no longer needed. As for the government of Enugu State whose office has been ridiculed by this heinous police commissioner, it is up to the Justice Ministry and the Attorney-General of the State, to expedite necessary actions on the matter. The good people of Enugu State do not in anyway, need the services of an just man to be at the helm of affairs law enforcement therein.

Written by Onyebuchi Eze

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Nigeria: An Abattoir Where Good People Are Massacred

Nigeria: An Abattoir Where Good People Are Massacred

Chinua Achebe appears to be a prophet as regards to predicting accurately the future of Nigeria through his novels. His satirical novel "A Man Of The People" comes to mind. There, he showcased the level of corruption and barbarity ravaging Nigeria. He presented characters that were at first loved by the people, some were even former teachers but ended up in corruption and embezzlement of public funds.

Some years after, although Chinua Achebe is gone, Nigeria remains an abattoir were good people are butchered on a daily basis. Nigeria corrupts even the incorruptible. You only need to join politics or start supporting a politician, then you gradually start losing yourself.

Many people at a particular time have risen with promise of bringing salvation to the people, but only few stood tall till the end for their people. It is only recently that a British colonial officer stated that the great Zik of Africa, Nnamdi Azikiwe was compromised.

Taking the East to go into alliance with the North wasn't for the interest of the people. It was Zik working for Britain against his own people. The East should have formed alliance with the West. The funny part of it is that the people supported Nnamdi Azikiwe's move, because they trusted him wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, Zik allowed himself to be used against his own people.

Biafra is almost totally forgotten until Ralph Uwazurike resurrected her and put up a movement. Movement For The Actualization Of The Sovereign State Of Biafra (MASSOB) he called it. It swept the entire South East and people embraced his message of freedom. Then prison happened. While in prison, the man of freedom changed into another thing. Nigeria happened to him. Nigeria changed him.

It became clear that Uwazurike has been broken. He sold out, while pretending to still fight for Biafra. During Anambra State election campaign, he was in open roof vehicle campaigning for Gov Willie Obiano and against IPOB election Boycott. At Electronics Market and Head Bridge, angry and disappointed Easterners threw sachets of pure water at him.

At a particular time, IPOB members were arrested, imprisoned and killed, MASSOB members were flying Biafra flag at Upper Iweka and dancing around, with Nigeria Police and Army admiring them. I looked at them and shaked my head in dismay. I pitied the men he is still fooling. I was told he informed his followers that Military men didn't molest them because Nigeria fears him.

That particular moment Obasanjo's government allowed Raph Uwazurike to go and bury his mother and never went after him till now, was when he sold out. He can't go against his agreement with Nigeria, even if he wants to. You know why? These agreements always accompany corrupt gifts and dealings. You will never go against it, and your secrets will remain hidden. That notwithstanding, I still respect Uwazurike for the fire of Biafra awareness he rekindled. I detest Nigeria for murdering good people.

Asari Dokubo is another of Uwazurike's kind. He is another man that Nigeria prison changed. Both Asari's tango with IPOB and his misunderstanding with IPOB is all for the interest of One Nigeria. I must tell you with all certainty that Asari Dokubo started his fight for the emancipation of Niger Delta with all sincerity of heart. But along the line, they got to him.

He appeared to have negotiated deals with them, and that was when he started the game of the more you look, the less you see. I still find it absurd that a man fighting for the emancipation of his people will agree to a contract deal to guard Oil Pipelines. That was how the owner of Oil was turned into a guard for pipeline by the people that have no drop of oil in their lands.

Ask yourself these questions. Has oil pollution stopped in Niger Delta?

Has Ogoni land been cleaned? How is the environment in Niger Delta? Is 13% enough compensation for those that own the oil and suffer its numerous hazards? Then why is Asari Dokubo no more talking? Why is he no more fighting? An agreement must have been reached. He once in a while makes empty videos to fool people.

Asari cashed-in inside prison. He is now supper rich, while Niger Delta is still poor. He built a massive University abroad when his people don't have school to go to. He demands for an account from IPOB, but mounts no pressure against Nigeria government looting his people dry. Asari that went to prison is completely different from the one that came out. Imagine what we will achieve should Asari and Uwazurike start exposing the evils of Nigeria government. Their voices are no more loud. Have you asked why?

Femi Fani Kayode also went to prison. With what is happening today, I won't be wrong if I say that the former Aviation Minister was arranged to be in prison same time Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was in prison. Some elements want him to fraternize with the IPOB Leader. He was planted there to break, steal information and confuse him. To make him drop his agitation. Fani Kayode was the one that wrote when Mazi Nnamdi Kanu appeared in Israel, telling us how he has concluded with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to vote out Buhari in 2019.

It turned out he lied. Fani Kayode's little imprisonment and his rapor with IPOB Leader endeared him to the people. He started writing articles on what the people would love to hear. And more people kept praising him. His article calling Abba Kyari a good man and making it Igbo bashing by telling us how it was Abba his friend that made Enugu Airport and Second Niger Bridge to be built, was a pointer to the double agent he is, but lots of people never believed. Today, he went to Zamfara, took a Fulani title and now tells us how beautiful RUGA is. Everything about him have changed completely.

Nigeria doesn't make a saint out of people, Nigeria destroys people. It doesn't matter if you are a Priest, Bishop, Iman, Activist or Freedom Fighter. Once you get close, you are destroyed. Is that not why Chinua Achebe avoided Nigeria like a plague. He even rejected awards offered to him by the Nigeria government on different occasions. He understood Nigeria perfectly. Nigeria kills immaculate characters. That is why some men of God are still supporting Buhari and APC till today. Leave Nigeria while you can. You will never regret you did.

Only two influential men have gone to Nigeria Prison, come out, and still remain their true selves. One is Fela Kuti, and the other is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Fela without committing any crime was thrown into prison by General Muhammadu Buhari, the then Military Head of State. Fela was in prison for five years, came out and continued his message. Unfortunately, he was a lone voice. The Nigeria populace would rather talk about his women and smoking than the raw truth he was speaking about.

I believe Nigeria Government must have thought bringing in Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will offer them opportunity to buy him out. Even Orji Ụzọ Kalu was sent to meet Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in Kuje prison by the government to facilitate the move towards luring him to become a typical corrupt, heartless, wicked and senseless Nigeria politician, but they failed woefully. He rejected their oil wells, said no to their vice-presidential offer, said to hell with their money and refused to betray his people. This is exactly what distinguishes Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from others. They are just two, Fela, an Oduduwa man and Nnamdi Kanu a Biafran.

It is left for you to understand the game and know whom to follow, so as not to be fooled by numerous double agents masquerading as activists, freedom fighters and mouth piece of the people.

The future is blink. Nigeria is going down. The weight of corruption, looting, marginalization, bad governance, killing of Christians by herdsmen and Boko Haram will definitely pull the country down.

May God bless us and keep us all away from evil people.

Written By Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi

(Philosopher, Teacher And Activist)

Edited By Paul Ihechi Alagba

For Family Writers Press International

Thursday 16 July 2020

Open Letter To The Factional Leader Of Ohaneze Ndigbo

Open Letter To The Factional Leader Of Ohaneze Ndigbo

Dear sir,

Needles congratulating you really for it is said that when sleep becomes sweet, snoring commences. Congratulation hinges on successful/beneficial dividends the people are enjoying. Such a time is coming.

Just as John the Baptist sent forth his disciples to go and inquire from the Lord Jesus Christ, if truly he was the Messiah in the Holy book of Matthew 11:2-3; "Meanwhile, John heard in prison about the works of Christ, and he sent two of his disciples to ask Him, "Are you the One who is to come or should we look for another?

So Ohaneze Ndigbo factional President, are you the one or should we continue waiting? We hear it every passing day in multiple variants and interactions from different orators, that Igbos indeed are going through difficult times. Hope you know sir? And all this time I have been thinking our “new normal” was… well, normal.

Igbos have terribly suffered a lot over the years, from men who represented themselves and their immediate families instead of the people. There is something to that though and it is something that needs being paid attention to. Igbos are not of the contraption called Nigeria. Clearly, the Igbos are not set up for times like these in relationship with this evil entity and so, all of us are finding our patience, tolerance and fear stretched to and sometimes past the elastic and breaking point.  It is hard on all of us and for very different reasons, depending on our individual circumstances. Whatever our personal struggles may be though, there are some universal truths we should endeavor to keep in mind that we are Igbos. We are not a thing of regrets.

We have had different Ohaneze Ndigbos with so many betrayal kisses of Judas Iscariot. We have endured so many humiliation from evil men, who are parading themselves as Igbo elders. Instead of selflessly representing the interest of their own people, they prefer to put on the Igboist as a bandage to be removed anytime. They prefer living and dinning with Abuja politicians cum Fulani janjaweeds than their own people at home. They join party politics with Igbo aspirations but work with enemies who would kill Igbos and burn their shops. They condemn Igbo youths but sing praises to those who rape their women/daughters and kill them.

You should also know that Igbos are not after Nigerian politics. So, you should take  your mind away from or how an Igbo person will become Nigeria's President. Now that Ohaneze is factionalized, I hope your own group will work for Igbos and her youths, distinctly separating party politics from Igbo culture and aspiration. It must be working on the Igbos to work for Igbos. The Igbos are known for their respect for elders who perform well. Our respect is assured if you work for the alleviation  of the sufferings of Igbo people.

Kindness has not been canceled in Igboland.

Compassion has not been canceled.

Friendliness has not been canceled.

Joy and smiling have not been canceled.

Understanding has not been canceled.

Lending profitable help and assistance have not been canceled. The past Ohaneze Presidents have made things very difficult for the Igbos to the extent that the people seem to have totally lost every hope.

If you are not deeply burdened to live from a place of love towards your fellow Igbos, not moved to alleviate their sufferings, not compelled to leave people especially the dying Igbo youths better than you have met them, it is completely needles then,  calling yourself an Ohaneze Ndigbo President. This is just the glaring truth.


Obulose Chidiebere N.
For Family Writers Press International

Thursday 9 July 2020

Nigeria: Who Really Is Sponsoring Boko Haram And Herdsmen Terrorists?

Who Really Is Sponsoring Boko Haram And Herdsmen Terrorists?

Often times, critical questions do prop up pertaining Boko Haram and Herdsmen terrorists, about the sources of their money and military equipment being employed in their deadly activities. These Fulani Islamists have always been seen using costly hilux trucks, triumph tricycles, military armored tanks, sophisticated weapons, drones, military camouflage uniforms, food items, etcetera. All these doutlessly, cost millions of dollars thereby, raising serious curiosity about their sponsorship. The armory of these Islamic killers is presently more sophisticated than that of Nigeria and a couple of other Africa countries. Yet, the Nigerian government, Northern elders and Northern governors forum, all claim ignorance of the sources of all these things.

Despite the poverty rate ravaging Northern Nigeria with ninety percent (90℅) of the people living in less than one dollar per a day, the Boko Haram and herdsmen terrorist groups have at their disposals, seemingly limitless amount of heavy weaponry, ammunition, drones, vehicles, bombs, etcetara. The terrorists employ these to kill with unfathomable wantonness. They have never for a day ran out of food and their numbers keep on rising, not minding the soothing
news of deception being churned out by the Nigerian mendacious journalists.

How do these terrorists get their incomes? How do they get those vehicles and tricycles that they are using and which road/route do they access Sambisa forest? Who provided those military  camouflage uniforms they are wearing? Do they have companies and where are all these manufactured? Do they have food factories inside the so-called Sambisa forest? All these questions are really begging for answers from the Nigerian government which is undoubtedly complicit.

These terrorists on regular basis, make viral videos of their atrocities and are being fed large, lacking virtually nothing and yet, Nigerians see them to be spirits. We have heard and watched how they attacked military men and bombed Nigeria military base but how do they get information from the government and the military, remains a coded secret.

We have to tell ourselves the truth and stop all these self-deceptive/destructive games. The Nigerian Government, Northern Elders Forum, Arewa Youth and other concerned Associations and Organizations in Northern Nigeria should stop deceiving themselves. Some very critical questions need be answered if Nigerians really the truth is being treasured. One day and just one day, there will be the news that these Fulani Islamic killer elements have acquired private jets.

One-Nigeria is terribly a misnomer!

Written by Obulose Chidiebere N.

Edited by Domendu Emilia
For Family Writers Press International

Sunday 21 June 2020

Biafra: What Will Save Endangered Christians In Nigeria

Biafra: What Will Save Endangered Christians In Nigeria

By Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi
For Family Writers Press International.

Priests and Pastors in Nigeria are the greatest advocate of peace. Every Sunday, they are seen speaking into the minds of their faithfuls, urging them to embrace peace and pray to God Almighty for him to restore peace to Nigeria. They ask their congregation to know that as Christians, what they owe to their leaders is prayers.

This have made the people the puppets of the politicians, as the people keep praying for God to come down and change the mindset of the politicians, so that they will stop looting and start providing infrastructure for the people. However, the more they pray, the more the politicians keep looting them dry. The hospitals in Nigeria are nothing short of slaughter houses. There is absolutely no infrastructural facility for the people. The people don't even know that it is the duty of the government to provide housing for them. The teachings from the men of God seem to have cowed the people into accepting virtually every abuse, neglect and ineptitude from the government.

The Christian faith abhors violence; hence the priests and pastors have made sure the people are so peaceful. I am a Christian and I am peaceful too; but are we to become too peaceful not to rise up in defense of our lives?

We saw the Islamic extremists behead Adamawa CAN President. We saw how a pastor and his wife were killed in one of the northern states as they were tending to their farms. We saw this same Islamic extremists kill two Catholic priests celebrating Holy Mass in Benue, together with other 17 congregation. We saw them shoot and kill a Catholic priest in Enugu state.

What of the woman-pastor killed in Abuja by these Islamists just for preaching the gospel? Not excluding the seminarian from Uga , Anambra State killed in Kaduna state. Many attacks in many towns and villages. Islamic Fulani Herdsmen went to Agatu in Benue state and killed over 300 people in one night.

Where is the peace you have been praying for? Yes, I believe in prayers, yet I don't think we should only pray and do nothing.

This is the time for pastors and priests in Biafra Land to stop standing with the government and for once stand with the people and for the people. The government have proven to be the enablers of corruption. They are in support of the activities of the Islamists. If you doubt me, then you tell me how many Islamic Fulani herdsmen are presently under arrest in Nigeria? How come a community will be attacked for hours by herdsmen without the security operatives coming to the rescue? Are you not seeing them pay captured Boko Haram terrorists and recruit them into the military. Didn't you hear them say that a repentant Boko Haram member can become the president of Nigeria?

What peace are you still preaching? Is it when they kill us all that you will understand that you have to tell people to start doing something? Do you think an attack on your congregation will leave you alive? Can't you see what is happening?

Without revolution, nothing will change. Without the people rising up, the politicians will never stop. Prayers without work is dead. Why then do you forget that the people should not just pray without doing something? Martin Luther King was a priest. He prayed and as well did something. We need our pastors and priests at this moment. Enough of the silence.

The era of telling the people to go get their PVC and vote is long gone. The Federal government of Nigeria doesn't care again if voters refuses to vote for their anointed candidate or not. They will just rig their political puppet into office, and when they can't, there is the supreme Court that will do it for them.


There is no amount of prayers that will keep people that believe in killing and destruction at peace with those who don't have such ideology. Relevant positions steering the affairs of Nigeria are occupied by 98% Muslims, including different security agencies which are equally headed by Muslims. Not forgetting that in Islam, Christians are seen as infidels. And according to the teaching of Islam, infidels are always meant to be killed.

This is exactly why we are demanding for Biafra. We want a situation where we can protect ourselves from annihilation from those that doesn't believe in religious freedom.

Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist.

Edited By Paul Ihechi Alagba.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Nnamdi Kanu And The Pinching Truth On Nigeria Christian Leaders

Nnamdi Kanu And The Pinching Truth On Nigeria Christian Leaders
Nnamdi Kanu

Nigeria Christians attacking Nnamdi Kanu for speaking out against the hypocrisy of most Nigeria men of God should endeavour go and study the Holy Bible appropriately. No place captures the scenario better than the book of Amos where God used an ordinary vegetarian and shepherd(Amos) to caution and warn the Israelites, their priests and the king of the impending wrath of God should they continue in their evil ways. Ironically, the very person that started and led a campaign of calumny against Amos is a Chief priest called Amaziah, just as overzealous Nigeria Christians are doing to Nnamdi Kanu today. From the 10th verse of the 7th chapter reads thus:

" Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel: “Amos is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words.  For this is what Amos is saying:

“‘Jeroboam will die by the sword,
    and Israel will surely go into exile,
    away from their native land.’”

 Then Amaziah said to Amos, “Get out, you seer! Go back to the land of Judah. Earn your bread there and do your prophesying there. Don’t prophesy anymore at Bethel, because this is the king’s sanctuary and the temple of the kingdom.”

Amos answered Amaziah, “I was neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I was a shepherd, and I also took care of sycamore-fig trees. But the Lord took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’  Now then, hear the word of the Lord. You say,

“‘Do not prophesy against Israel,
    and stop preaching against the descendants of Isaac.’

 “Therefore this is what the Lord says:

“‘Your wife will become a prostitute in the city,
    and your sons and daughters will fall by the sword.
Your land will be measured and divided up,
    and you yourself will die in a pagan[c] country.
And Israel will surely go into exile,
    away from their native land.’”

I wonder why at this point, some people still find it hard to assimilate the fact that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is not a man you can blackmail because he speaks the truth, neither can you intimidate him with the exuberance of extreme religious rhetoric.  After reading a portion of the Bible that says-'my people perish due to lack of knowledge,' I actually agreed; however, after a critical look at the way Nigerians reason and react to issues beckoning on them, some thoughts ran through my mind.

Nigerians are perishing not just because they lack knowledge; they're doomed because they have been bewitched with 'ignorance'. It is one thing to acquire knowledge, it is another thing to still think and behave like a wild animal even after accumulation of such knowledge. A legal aphorism says, 'ignorance of the law is not an excuse.'  Ignorance is simply choosing to be foolish whereas you are certifiably trained to be an encyclopedia of wisdom. Ignorance is seeing a black, yet turning around to call it a white. Ignorance is believing that you are free to talk to God concerning your wants and needs, yet you can't even be bold enough to point out and vehemently condemn the ungodly lifestyle of your religious leaders at their face.

Truth be told, the leadership of the Nigeria Christendom cannot excuse themselves from whatever precarious and appalling state Nigeria is today. Either passively or actively, most religious leaders are instrumental to the mess we're in. This is exactly what drives Nnamdi Kanu's rage against the compromised Christian leaders that have never boldly condemned the atrocities and carnage being perpetrated in this country, but would rather devote their time and energy extorting their miserable congregation all in the name of tithing and sowing of seed. When we say Nigeria is home of corruption, we must not just scapegoat the politicians, we should also hold the various sectors that are supposed to function as watchdogs accountable.

There is a magnanimous undercover corruption which is being aided and abetted by some religious leaders in this country. In the north, religion is seen as a weapon of jihadi warfare and a perfect tower of elitism; while in the South, it's turning out to be more of a business enterprise and tragically used as a tool to mentally entangle the masses from revolting against their evil leaders. This is why in Nigeria, everything is virtually prayed for. We pray to God to give us good roads, good hospitals, good schools and even electricity. We easily forget that 'faith without work is dead'. Now have you seen why those attacking Nnamdi Kanu for speaking out against the hypocrisy of most Christian leaders in Nigeria are actually making a mess of themselves?

The worst form of ignorance is not being silent in the face of evil; it is actually fighting tooth and nail against those who are brave enough to bring an end to the evil status quo. Nigerians are in a deep mess politically, religiously and culturally. However, just a look at how this same Nigerians channel all their energy in attacking Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB, you then discover the perfect illustration of 'stockholm syndrome'. Isn't it ironic that a people that have been held captive for so long are now the ones fighting against a person or group that has risen with all sincerity to set them free?

What I actually find baffling and insane is that even the so called Nigeria intellectuals are arguing that Nnamdi Kanu shouldn't dabble into religious affairs, in as much as he is a freedom fighter. Then I ask: Has Nnamdi Kanu who has openly professed to be a Jew ever forced his religion on anyone? Does being a Jew stop anyone from pointing out and criticising the inadequacies of religious leaders of different faith? How on earth could a reasonable person portray such criticism as an act of religious bigotry?

The message from Nnamdi Kanu is clear. Nigerian men of God must sit up, else, God will raise stones to deliver his message and execute His rage unadulterated and uncontrollably. If you think you're immune from criticism because you're a clergy, then you're no different from the family of the Biblical Eli that once fashioned that their fortunate 'Levi' ancestry can shelve them from the wrath of God, having waded off several warnings from their underdog servant called Samuel.  How I nearly knocked a horn out of one extremist that attempted to quote 'touch not my anointed...' simply over some words of love which Nnamdi Kanu dropped to Nigeria Christian leaders.

Even Moses, God's one and only personal secretary couldn't step an inch into the promised land, because at some point in his life, he became intolerable to criticism and the murmuring jabs of his  orally armoured Israeli brethren whom he just led out of Egypt. It is time the Biggies of the Nigeria Christendom had a rethink and lead their flocks appropriately, fearlessly and selflessly.

(Paul Ihechi Alagba is a Senior Analyst and Deputy Nationa Leader of Family Writers Press International).

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Live Radio Broadcast Of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, On Sunday 14th June, 2020

Live Radio Broadcast Of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, On Sunday 14th June, 2020
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

* We must preach this gospel in every truth and honesty because anybody who is unfortunate to be part of the zoo called Nigeria, has become a laughing stock all over the world. The better the zoo comes to an end, the better for everybody.

* The last time in history of what is presently happening in the zoo, happened in Spain during the dark ages. We are living through this era of Fulani infammy and that is why they can bring in an impostor in place of the dead Muhammadu Buhari to Aso Rock.

* And an 80 years old man all of a sudden, has become a 30 years young boy, in a country with 200 million people including religious leaders, elders and professors in various degrees None could rise up and speak out against the evil act of bringing in an impostor to replace the dead Buhari.

* Nigeria is a very terrible experiment that has gone very wrong. It is going back to the dark ages instead, and the Fulani janjaweed are responsible for this.

* Those who are handling this whole Buhari saga was Abba Kyari and his group and when he died, our Yoruba friends began to say he was a defacto President. Now, Aisha Buhari has taken over.

* I told you that Yemi Osinbajo was missing. What is happening today? Have you heard from him giving live address? They were busy doing fake videos. Everybody knows that Nigeria is not working.

* I want the Yorubas to know that holding late Obafemi Awolowo in high esteem is a very big mistake and they must know this. Awolowo and Yakubu Gowon presided over the death of over five million Biafrans and nobody wants to talk about it. Now we are talking about it and we will  continue talking about it.

* Abomination is happening inside Aso Rock as I am talking to you now. We have Imams, we have Pastors and we have Elders and yet, the truth cannot be spoken. You pay your tithes with all the biblical nonsense, telling sinners to come and repent while you are worst than the sinners. Pastors in Nigeria are evil. You are there and you saw the 30 years old boy they gave to you as 80 years old man and you are there pretending. You claim you are a PhD holder, you claim you are a professor and knowledgeable but you cannot ask those in Aso Rock, why are you doing this.

* You have Yoruba Pastors in Pentecostalism, you have Imams in Islam but you are all bunch of hypocrites.

* When a whiteman paints Lucifer with black color, they are only trying to deflect the state of the consciousness of the blackman.

* The worst people you have in the zoo called Nigeria, are the pastors because they are worst than the serpent. If you wake up in the morning and say you are going to church, if you die, you are going to hell direct. Because the message you are receiving is from the messengers of darkness.

* Are you telling me that Pastor E.A. Adeboye is not seeing that little boy in Aso Rock? Are you telling me that the man I respect so much, Pastor T.B. Joshua will tell me that the little boy there is Muhammadu Buhari?

* Those of you that will go and jump and clap inside fraud and want God to bless you, while your heart is full of deceit, how is that possible?

* We are going to shock them and I am assuring you that.

* If you do not know that Buhari is dead, may God have mercy on your soul.

* Write it down, one day Fulani will take over Yorubaland. Mark it down somewhere and it will happen.

* Anybody telling you that Nnamdi Kanu is insulting you, know it very well that such a person is your strong enemy.

* I have come into today's topic which is RACISM.

* Joe Biden of the Democrats in America, is a racist and the democrats are your real enemies. Do you know that Joe Biden introduced legislative racism?

* I want you to examine the flag of Nigeria and let us make a case study. What is BLACK in Latin? Black is 'Nigga'. It also means 'Negro'. It means 'Niger' in French. All these mean dark or black. Go to google and make a research. In America, anything black or Niger means ill omen. And this is how foolish you are by bearing a name that means terror and mourning.

* When are bearing a, how do you expect National Electricity Power Authority (NEPA), to give you  electric power supply?

* What does the Bible say about the name, Nigeria? Biblical meaning of Nigeria is a place that is dark.

* Now let us consider the meaning of WHITE. White means purity and light.

* I want someone to google the color psychology of black. According to color psychology, these are the characteristics of black. It absorbs all light in the color spectrum. Black is often used as a symbol of menace or evil but it is also popular as an indicator of power..... Black is associated with death and mourning in many cultures.

* I want everyone to google search 'Sambation'. In the earliest references, such as the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, the river is given no particular attributes but later, literature claims that it rages with rapids and throws up stones six days a week or even consists entirely of stones, sand and flame. For this six days, the Sambation becomes impossible to cross but it stops flowing every Shabbat, the day Jews are not allowed to travel. Some writers say, this is the origin of the name.

* The same way, we have Biafra in the Afara region of Ethiopia.

* A whiteman doing research in America testified that Biafrans had the first written constitution in the whole world. The Igbos had the first democracy of self governance in the world. They were leading their people in due process of government with fairness. The whites knew all these and they are not happy.

* Biafrans are the oldest of the oldest (Ndigbooo) and Biafra was the centre of civilization in the entire universe. There are two sets of people God sent into this world to develop the earth and these are the Israelites and the Biafrans.

* Biafra is the kingdom of God on this very planet earth. We were doing greater in terms of technology than the Americans, the Chinese and what the Japanese are doing today before it was stolen from us.

* Biafra will save Africa and restore back the world to it's original civilization. This is the sole aim of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

* Your name is Chidimma, Chigozie and you prefer answering Isabella. What does that show to you about the brain of the blackman?

* I now come to the issue of Niger Delta. Pa Edwin Clarke wrote a letter to 'Buhari', telling Mr. President how he served the South-South region of Nigeria for seventy (70) years. But my question to Edwin Clarke is: What have your people benefited in your 70 years of service? And you are begging the boy in Aso Rock to come and intervene over the poor conditions of your so-called Niger Delta people.

* Pa Edwin Clarke connived with the Fulani and betrayed former President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan and now, you are begging the North for infrastructures in your community. Edwin Clarke is a traitor just like Ken Saro-Wiwa did to sabotage Biafra. But I promise you, no one sabotaging Biafra will go unpunished.

* Edwin Clarke, do you not see what is happening in the North, how major and minor projects and infrastructures are going on in Daura?

* Edwin Clarke must know that he will not go unpunished. I pray you will be alive to see Biafraland pay you dearly for your atrocities.

* Do you think Ike Ekweremmadu wants Biafra to come, with all the money he has stolen? When Biafra comes, which contract is he going to hijack? So you can never expect them to be part of what we are doing, Never!

* The zoo has come to an end! And we are coming to the end of tonight's broadcast.

* Bukola Adebayo is CNN correspondent in Nigeria, so they will never write or show anything about Biafra. These are the people that Satan is using to suppress the truth so that this freedom will not emerge. Yoruba is created to hate the Igbos. And our people in Nollywood are talking nonsense instead of promoting their culture.


* This very evening, I am announcing that every IPOB family unit in the world, because we going to bypass the Yoruba media, every Biafran and friends of Biafra, must download twitter application in the next four weeks. We are going to launch a twitter campaign. We are going to appoint Twitter Media attached to every family unit in the whole world. Their job is ever. Where you see a Biafran with a smart phone, ensure you download twitter app for such a person.

* You must follow me @MaziNnamdiKanu twitter page and you must follow each other. That is how we shall collapse the zoo called Nigeria, we need critical hands. I am telling you that twitter is even more potent than Facebook.

* Everybody must be on twitter especially those of you in America.

* And this evening as well, I must clarify the hierarchy or our structure in IPOB, very important so that we must understand. IPOB starts with a family meeting, a small unit and from the unit, you get to a zone. Every four units can then form a zone as the case may be. Ten units can also make up a zone. A zone is headed by a Zonal Coordinator.

* In Biafraland, we have Local Government Area Coordinator, Senatorial Coordinator, National Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, and then, we have Continental Coordinator, Directorate of State, Office of the Deputy Leader and then, myself, the Leader.

* And this evening, I cannot thank you enough for persevering and listening. They are many things I would have touched but let me leave them for another time. This evening, I must say that it gives me an honor, serving you and this truth must continue to be preached.

* Thank you all for listening and from me, from here, it is good evening!

Written by Egwuatu Chukz

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

Monday 15 June 2020

Nnamdi Kanu Is Awakening Nigerians To Stand Up For Their Right

Nnamdi Kanu Is Awakening Nigerians To Stand Up For Their Right

A publication by Vanguard on Saturday June 13, titled "Twenty-One Years Of Democracy: Rule Of Law Suffering In Nigeria, SANs Lament" is something commendable, even though it came a little too late.

Vanguard went on to interview some of the Senior Advocates Of Nigeria who fearlessly spoke that the judiciary in Nigeria is not just comatose, but serving a jail term inflicted upon her by the APC led Federal Government of Nigeria.

Before now, it is only the lone voice of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that has been calling out the APC government on their numerous atrocities against the people trapped in Nigeria. He is the only voice speaking against the killings of Christians in Nigeria.

To say that it is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that spurred these senior lawyers to speak up against the impunity of APC government will not be seen as out of place.

According to Vanguard, the Senior lawyers 'maintained that the country is yet to adopt or practice true constitutional democracy.' This means that Nigeria has even jettisoned the terrible 1999 constitution, to rule without a constitution.

One of the SANs according to vanguard went further to suggest 'a return to a modified parliamentary system as a way forward, insisting that it will serve better in terms of development and Rule of law.'

According to the lawyer, “The presidential system which we claim to practice has come with a baggage of impunity which impacts negatively on infrastructural development and Rule of Law.

“Without any hesitation, a return to a modified parliamentary system will serve us better in terms of development and Rule of law.

“Under the present system, the Executive and most especially, the Governors have become demigods who don’t feel accountable to any authority unlike parliamentary system." said Mr. Ahmed Raji(SAN)

 “As Nigeria marks another democracy day. I will say that we have never had it this rough. That is not to say that there is no hope or light at the end of the tunnel.

“The biggest problem Nigeria has faced in the past five years is that of poor leadership, particularly at the highest Executive level where the government has failed all its promises to the Nigerian citizenry.

“Journalists have been arrested and detained with constant clamp down of the social media. People are afraid to speak out. People are sleep-walking, the government appears clueless, rudderless and out of ideas. The only idea is how to borrow and borrow money from China that is gradually taking over the Nigerian economy,"  Barrister Ozekhome added.

On his part, a constitutional lawyer, Mr. Mohammed Abeny, has this to say: “The judiciary has suffered lots of travails under the present administration. The rule of law will only thrive where there is true constitutional democracy."

The outbursts of the above Senior Advocates Of Nigeria  have shown that what Nnamdi Kanu is doing is working positively. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has tried awakening Nigerians to rise up to challenge the impunity of the Federal government of Nigeria. And not allow themselves to be slaughtered and raped by a government that is in love with the terrorists herdsmen.

I wish that the religious leaders would emulate these lawyers and rise up to the occasion by adding their voice to call for an end to the extermination of Christians in Nigeria.

The Nigeria judiciary must be encouraged to speak more and act more, so as to protect the people from the cabals that have perfected plans to destroy them.

By Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi
For Family Writers Press International.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Denial of Persecutions and Killing of Christians in Nigeria: Open Letter To Garba Shehu

Denial of Persecutions and Killing of Christians in Nigeria: Open Letter To Garba Shehu
Malam Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant, Media and Publicity to the Nigeria President

Dear Garba Shehu,

This actually is not a friendly letter. It would have been, had it been you did your job professionally, without insulting the memories of hundreds of thousands of Christians that have been gruesomely murdered in Nigeria, including Pastors, Reverend Fathers, Seminarians and their faithfuls. A religious genocide to which we all are witnesses to.

Your press release titled "IPOB, SELF-PROCLAIMED JEWS, USING CHRISTIANITY TO WAGE WAR AGAINST THE NIGERIAN STATE" is a grievous insult to all Christians in Nigeria. Your attempt to mislead the international community over the plight of Christians in Nigeria, will be confronted and countered by any human of good conscience.

Garba Shehu, as the Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media & Publicity), you accused IPOB of spearheading a misleading campaign using  false allegations of persecution of Christians against the Nigeria state.  You said that Indigenous People Of Biafra in collaboration with relevant NGOs are using "the cover of Christianity – and calling for a US Special Envoy to be appointed to stop the “genocide” of Christians in Nigeria. But the real purpose is to drive a wedge between the Nigeria government and its US and UK/European allies."

I have read your press release from the so called "PRESIDENCY" times without number,  and I have been asking myself how the federal government can possibly deny that Christians are being slaughtered in Nigeria. How can even a government official rise up to utter such rubbish? This to my utmost understanding proves that this is actually the time for Christians to brace up and see that the Nigeria government truly wants to wipe them all off the surface of the earth. With this denial by the Nigeria government, it has proven the fact that the killings of Christians in Nigeria are aided and abetted by the government, if not, why is it that a government which ought to defend the people is now the one denying of their massacre. How heartless could that be?

Yes, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is a Jewish adherent as he has always shown through his dressing and worship; but did that in anyway stop him from speaking against the massacre of Christians in Nigeria? Could that be the reason your so called presidency have put a blind eye as Christians are wiped out in Nigeria? The presidency, the security agencies in Nigeria are of course headed by Muslims, and they shouldn't be seen speaking for or protecting Christians?
Is it not wonderful that IPOB Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu whom you all hated and called names is now speaking for the Northern Christians? Nnamdi Kanu is simply helping to save Christians from government sponsored Jihad and ethnic cleansing.  He has shown that even if Biafra is granted freedom, they will still support and preserve religious freedom across Africa.

The killing of Christians in Nigeria is no longer a new thing. It has been ongoing since more than 50 years ago, and took a radical approach since the coming of this government which you belong to.

Here are some examples of massacre of Christians in Nigeria.

Eunice Olawale was a deaconess of the Divine Touch Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God(RCCG), and a mother of seven. She was murdered while performing evangelism by some  Muslim extremists in the early hours of July 9, 2016 at Kubuwa, in the Federal capital city of Abuja.

On Tuesday April 24, 2018,  two Catholic Priests, Rev. Fathers Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha were gruesomely killed during a church service along with 17 other worshippers, as suspected Islamic extremists invaded St. Ignatius Quasi Parish Ukpor-Mbalom in Ayar-Mbalom community of Gwer East LGA of Benue state.

On Thursday August 1, 2019, Ibrahim Adamu (25 years) from Taraba state and Idris Tobe (28 years) shot and killed Rev Fr Paul Offu along Ihe-Agbudu road in Awgu local government area of the state.

Then again, on 1st June 2020, Pastor Emmanuel Bileya and his wife Juliana were killed by unknown gun men. The gun men met the pastor and his wife tending to their farm and they opened fire on them killing both instantly.

Fulani herdsmen attacked Agatu in February 2016, killing more than 300 people. They also struck again on March 4, 2018 in Omusu village, Ojigo ward in Edumoga, Okpokwu local government area of Benue state

 About 20 persons in Ukpabi Nimbo, an agrarian community in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, were murdered during an attack by Fulani herdsmen on April 26, 2016.

These and many more are numerous attacks by Islamic extremists against the Christians. The only offense they committed is their faith as Christians.

As am writing this, Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen are moving around unchallenged, killing and wiping off Christian villages in Nigeria, especially Northern Nigeria of Benue, Taraba, Jos and Southern Kaduna. These same terrorists have been continuously pampered by the Nigeria government whom you serve. Boko Haram members that have been killing and massacring Christians are rehabilitated, paid and recruited into the Nigeria military by Nigeria government, while those displaced by that same terrorist groups are not taken care of. Nigeria airforce have even bombed and killed children in IDP camp and in a Christian village in the North, claiming it was a mistake. How do you deny these atrocities?

How many Fulani herdsmen who have declared war on Nigerians and Biafrans for the past five years have been arrested and prosecuted by the Nigeria government? None of course! For five years, they have been killing, occupying their victims' villages and renaming them. How many of these terrorists have been confronted? Rather, your government rushed to declare IPOB that have never harmed a fly a terrorist group, leaving Fulani herdsmen terrorists to be killing Christians. Didn't the presidency declare Miyetti Allah a legal stakeholder in Nigeria and called for Nigerians to respect them? Didn't you people ask the victims of Fulani herdsmen attacks to accommodate their killers? How come Nigeria Government refused to talk about and trace the source of income of Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen, Bandits and kidnappers terrorising Christians across Nigeria? Why spending these huge resources on IPOB who are only demanding for referendum?

Mr Garba Shehu, this your denial is yet again another big blunder which has incontrovertibly indicted the government of Nigeria in the gruesome killings of Christians across country. The press release you doctored on behalf of the Nigeria government serves nothing but the interest of the truth which IPOB stands for. I still wonder what you are still doing there as a Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media & Publicity). If this government is competent, which I doubt they are, they should be considering relieving you of your duty. Your press release is a complete blunder, of which if truly there is a president, he must have signed your sack letter by now. That is because, no government will ever take such reckless blunder from someone paid to protect its interest.

Every Christian in Nigeria have now seen who their true friend is. Nnamdi Kanu they called a miscreant is the only voice speaking against the slaughtering of Christians in Nigeria. Nigerians can now see that IPOB was unjustly proscribed. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu without firing a shot, has dealt a massive blow on Nigeria. He threatened that he will destroy Nigeria with the truth, and he is perfectly executing that mission.
Your unguided Press Release has exposed the truth to Nigerians who thought IPOB have been making noise all these while. The international community can't be fooled again. You people have killed us and still use the resources in our regions to bribe diplomats not to speak the truth. That era is gone.

Thank you for opening the eyes of Nigerians.  Thank you IPOB for speaking for the people. We now know better.

Yours Truly,

Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi
(Philosopher, Teacher and Activist).

Wednesday 3 June 2020

30th Of May: Day Of Biafra True Heroes/Heroines

30th Of May: Day Of Biafra True Heroes/Heroines

On the threshold of history
And frontline of war,
you stood out
Bravely fighting night and day
As you led the way,
On the very pathway to freedom,
To you, I call my true heroes and heroines.

As nature still grieves
Over five million deaths
Of the innocent Biafrans
Brutally killed in nineteen sixties and seventies
On their quest to restore the kingdom of heaven
That has been trapped in the devil's coven,
We remember thee,
Our true heroes and heroines.

As we are still on this journey
To restore our land,
To cleanse it of filth,
Oh, this holy land of our forefathers
That has been desecrated by the evil marauders,
We remember thee,
Our true heroes and heroines!

Even as we still mourn,
We shall continue to fight on,
To freedom from our age long plight,
To defend our land with all our might,
To secure a better future
For the unborn generations.

And to those who lost their souls
In the filthy hands of death
So that we may live,
To you I call
My true heroes and heroines.

Written by Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu
For Family Writers Press International

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Biafra: Nigeria's Divide And Rule Strategy, Reason Why Biafra Restoration Is Delayed

Biafra: Nigeria's Divide And Rule Strategy, Reason Why Biafra Restoration Is Delayed

"Divide and Rule" is keeping control over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to unite and oppose you together. It is the gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into segments that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. It is a strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The premise refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and formenting disagreements among the people. It was heavily used by the British empire in Nigeria, India and elsewhere.

According to Suzy Kassem, "The most dangerous people in the world are not the tiny minority instigating evil acts, but those who do the acts for them". For example, when the British invaded India, many Indians accepted to work for the British to kill off Indians who resisted their occupation. So, in other words, many Indians were hired to kill other Indians on behalf of the enemy for a paycheck. Today, we have mercenaries in Africa, corporate armies from the western world and unemployed men throughout the Middle East, killing their own people — and people of other nations — for a paycheck. To act without a conscience but for a paycheck, makes anyone a dangerous animal. The devil would be powerless if he could not entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.

The bible louds it that a house divided against itself cannot stand. If a people are one they are strong and are able to stand in resistance of their values, rights and privileges. However, what nations and many politicians have done is to sow (sponsor) the seed of disagreements and dissension among their people or the people of the other groups in order to divide them and then take advantage of their scattered wellbeing. If any group or nation therefore want to emerge from the present humiliation, then such group must bring all interests together to the place of unity and understanding – for only "united we stand and divided we fall".

One cannot realize the smartness with which various Nigeria governments have divided various groups, parties, and tribes in Nigeria for their own convenience. These were the stratagem they used to divide us into junks called geographical zones. For your information, the division of Nigeria into six geo-political zones from where South-South, South-East and so on emerged, was not to develop the country, it was not for the economical management of the zones, it was not for the wellbeing of the poor populace, not for the purpose of employment but just to make us weak and under-develop us for easier escalation of corruption, for easier Islamization of Nigeria, to frustrate our future and for all other evil intentions in their hearts.

It has been a big fear for Britain that if they should allow Biafrans' unity the way they have been even before the war, they will be a big problem and certainly Biafra restoration will be so much easier and their business venture will collapse. South-South and South-East are in discord today because of this evil stratagem initiated by Britian. That Biafra is yet to be restored is because of this devilish "divide and rule" method.

"United we stand, divided we fall", so goes the age old saying and there is indeed a sea of wisdom behind this proverbial statement. There is no merit in splitting up a nation from within. If not anything, it hampers the efficiency of the nation with the unnecessary chaos and disharmony created intentionally. Instead of learning from, and with one another, the nation drifts apart and there is a lack of communication and coordination like what we are seeing today amongst Biafrans.

How have the six geo-political zones helped in the development of Nigeria? How has it helped in adding value to our lives? Absolutely nothing!. I believe that "divide and rule" is an expired ideology that cannot continue, and it is essential that everyone entrapped in Nigeria stands together against the cooperative marauding of our future by the political agents and political entities. Indeed, enough is enough of "Divide and Rule". "Divide-and-Conquer" leaders want followers, they just care about themselves. "Unite-and-build" leaders create more leaders, they care about the mission. The former are self-serving, the latter serve something bigger than themselves. Which one are you? Are you for Biafra or South-south and South East?

Written by Obulose Chidiebere N.

Edited by Domendu Emilia
For Family Writers Press International

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