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From Biafra Herald

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Canada Grants Lawyer, Children Asylum, After Credible Evidence of Belonging to IPOB

Canada Grants Lawyer, Children Asylum, After Credible Evidence of Belonging to IPOB

A lawyer of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Promise Nosiri, has been temporarily relieved of immigration concerns after the Canadian federal court in Toronto, Ontario, agreed to review an earlier decision denying her asylum application.

Documents seen by News Men showed that Madam Justice Go on April 3 set aside an earlier decision rejecting the asylum request of Mrs Nosiri, who claimed Nigeria’s secret police, State Security Service, persecuted her family due to her alleged ties with the Indigenous People of Biafra a seld determination movement.

According to Mrs Nosiri, a colleague —with whom she shared an office — in her law firm, was an active IPOB member who sometimes held “IPOB meetings in his office under the guise of community events.”

She explained that she was under intense scrutiny by the SSS agents who went after her husband and detained him for days when they were unable to track her location and arrest her.

The lawyer told the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD), the Canadian department responsible for granting or denying asylum status to immigrants, that her husband was picked up presumably for interrogation about her whereabouts and detained in their facility until he bribed the SSS officials to negotiate his release.

But the RAD had found Ms Nosiri’s claim of alleged persecution and land dispute “unreasonable,” asserting that it could not be fathomed why the asylum applicant never approached a  Nigerian court to lodge her complaints, given her professional background in law.

But Mrs Nosiri was able to tender new evidence showing the text messages of her husband, “stating that he was arrested by the DSS supposedly for interrogation but was instead detained for being a spouse of a wanted suspect.”

“The spouse was released only after he bribed a DSS officer, who is a friend, and was advised to disappear as he would be re-arrested,” court documents showed.

Ms Nosiri also submitted group photos that she supposedly took with her colleague—the IPOB family members — which security operatives may use in implicating her and linking her to the Self determination movement.

Ms Go of the federal court in Toronto said that the new evidence — found to be credible and relevant — provided a unique angle to Mrs Nosiri’s asylum application and thereby ordered a review of the matter by a different panel.

“The application for judicial review is granted,” Ms Go said on April 3. “The decision under review is set aside and the matter referred back for redetermination by a different decision‐maker.”

Ms Nosiri and her two children will continue to reside in Canada until the matter is re-assessed and determined.

Anna Davtyan of Dov Maierovitz EME Professional Corp represented Mrs Nosiri while Brad Gotkin stood in for the respondent, Attorney General of Canada.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Nnamdi Kanu Case: A National Project That Transcends Far Beyond Family Dynamics

Nnamdi Kanu Case: A National Project That Transcends Far Beyond Family Dynamics

The Supreme leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is currently facing serious legal challenge in Nigeria.

 Confronted with a monumental difficulty of obtaining justice from a judicial system that is manipulated by the Executives arm, Kanu has been illegally detained in the facility of Nigerian secret police (DSS) since 2021, and battling terrible health conditions without access to proper medication.

This amounts to why it is necessary to explicate the nature of his case and why careful measures are necessary, as to guarantee the safety of the IPOB Leader. 

First, it is noteworthy that though Nnamdi Kanu was born in the shortlived sovereign state of Biafra, he was trained in Nigeria until he became a full adult. And, there exists no record of differences or law wrecking between himself or family and the government of Nigeria. The government's enmity towards Nnamdi Kanu began since when he unbribably vowed to embark on the journey of emancipation for the decades-long oppressed people of Biafra.

This decision of Kanu is what led to his first arrest in 2015 and charge of treasonable felony. When he got a bail in 2017, he walked freely on the streets of Biafraland (Eastern Nigeria), told Nigeria that he was coming back on the next scheduled court date to win them in their own court. 

The statement broke hell loose and his country home in Afara-ukwu Ibeku was invaded by Nigerian Military in a mission to eliminate him, but he was narrowly whisked to safety and over 28 of his supporters were gruesomely murdered in the incident. 

Then, his kidnap at Kenya and criminal rendition into Nigeria in 2021, and his continued illegal detention, even after several court pronouncements primarily the Appellate Court judgement, that declared him guiltless. 

These and more are of course why Kanu's case obviously extends far beyond the confines of a family dispute. It is an national cum international matter by the quest for Self-determination, which as a plausible consequence of prompts the presence of the global IPOB movement, in over one-hundred nations of the World, has captured the attention of the global community with its case for the recognition of their rights as the Indigenous People Of Biafra even before Nigeria was amalgamated in 1914 by colonial Britain.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's case is totally about his demand for the fundamental right to self-determination of the Biafran people, as enshrined in the United Nations charter.

Nigeria is clearly persecuting him for insisting that Biafrans be allowed the right to this universal values that transcend borders and are enshrined in international laws. Equally, Nigeria's continual infringement on these rights amount to breaking of international laws that protect the rights of indigenous people. And these shall eventually be resolved by the global community through a political process, between Nigeria and Biafra, not for Nigeria and the Kanu's family.

This is why Nigeria government's fear of the IPOB worldwide movement is evident in its handling of Kanu's case. The government perceives IPOB as a significant threat to its authority and stability. This fear has led to drastic measures; including the recruitment of criminals, agent provocateurs with the order to commit crimes, then get the media and military to tag them on IPOB. All geared towards distorting the world view of IPOB, because the government understands that the people they have this battle with are IPOB, not the Kanu Family. 

Unfortunately, the seemingly usurper involvement of Kanu's family in his case has raised concerns, and threatens his safety and well-being, considering how Nigeria government have shown willingness to use any means necessary to suppress dissent, including targeting family members of perceived dissident as willing tools. While it is understandable that his family would want to support him, their involvement should be outrightly healthy and not to the extent that could inadvertently put him at greater risk.  

To protect Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafra struggle, it is crucial for his family to stay out of the spotlight and stop meddling in pivotal affairs of national importance. And this has been the position of his dear wife, Uchechi Okwu Kanu whom for the past three years has haunted by the misery and pains of one not having her spouse handy to discharge his respective role as a significant and irreplaceable figure of the family, Yet she remained disciplined and understood the factors required by a struggle as delicate as the Biafra one, championed by the IPOB movement led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, her husband.

This is not to say that they should abandon whatever necessary roles they can play in the process, but rather, it means that they should work in tandem with IPOB global movement. The IPOB movement has declared a vote of no confidence on the Nigerian Judiciary, as its consequently become an extension of the Federal government and judging by recent developments, it appears that even the family who hijacked the case to prove a point are coming to same realization – there will be no justice as far as Nigeria Judiciary is concern.

In conclusion, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's case is not a family matter, it is a national issue that requires careful considerations and actions. The potency of Nigeria government's fear of the IPOB worldwide movement should not be underestimated or ridiculed for personal grudges, and all efforts must be made to maintain this strength of IPOB and ensure Kanu's safety and well-being. That essentially is his strategic deterrence against any form of sinister antics orchestrated against him.

His family's role in this process is welcomed and for the most part welcomed but not irreplaceably. They must play their respective and expected role which by implications must be in the best interest of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the national Biafra cause he spearheads, and give way for the necessary bodies - the IPOB leadership, her structure and chain of command - to do their designated/constituted Job and get the Biafra Leader released.

 Even though, they were not aware of the ordeal in Kenya that brought him to the current situation of undue incarceration. It has however become their cross to bear and the Biafra populace expects them to deliver against all odds. 

Family Writers Press International

Sunday 31 March 2024

Breaking: Nnamdi Kanu's Health Worsens Inside DSS, Meets Personal Physician, Set For Possible Surgery In DSS

 Breaking: Nnamdi Kanu's Health Worsens Inside DSS, Meets Personal Physician, Set For Possible Surgery In DSS 

In a disturbing report gathered by Family Writers Press International, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is set to undergo another surgery after a preliminary diagnosis conducted by his personal doctor in DSS facility.

This was gathered from the update made on 31st March, 2024 by Bar. Maxwell Opara, Lawyer to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, via his official Facebook page, disclosed that he visited Mazi Nnamdi Kanu alongside his personal doctor in DSS facility. He noted, after official introductions to DSS protocols, the physician embarked on a preliminary examination on Mazi Nnamdi Kanu health.

Below are excerpts of the update.

"A few weeks ago, MNK asked us to get a private consultant physician to come and review his medical records and personally handle his health. Based on that, we were able to get an independent consultant physician.

 On Thursday, March 28, 2024, I took the doctor to the DSS Headquarters in Abuja. A few minutes upon our arrival in the office of the Deputy Director of Investigation of DSS, MNK was brought out of the detention room"

"The Deputy Director asked Barr. I. A. Awo, the counsel to DSS, to introduce the matter; he simply said that it was in line with the court order, which said that MNK is entitled to a medical practitioner of his choice, and as a result of that,  MNK legal team led by Maxwell Opara, Esq., was there with the consultant physician", he says.

"Everyone thereat was allowed to introduce himself, and thereafter, MNK introduced the doctor to the DSS as his personal doctor, who will be coordinating other medical specialists to handle his medical issues"

"The new doctor carried out an interim medical examination and interview with MNK, and MNK stated thus: -that he easily gets tired or loses strength, and in most cases, it will look as if he wants to collapse as his BP is always high. He has swollen bumps at his armpits, which gave him regular pain and constant headaches. He experienced constant ringing sensations in his ears, which made him very uncomfortable, especially at night. He said that he started having this feeling as a result of the torture he received from Kenyan police when he was unlawfully arrested and detained for nine days before he was unlawfully brought to Nigeria. Having listened to him, the doctor quickly checked his BP and discovered that it was really high. The doctor advised that he will urgently get a cardiologist to review him and come up with a report, and definitely MNK may undergo surgery. Let’s keep praying for the freedom fighter, and we will continue to update you as we progress" he concludes.

Recall that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu had on his last court appearance asked the Federal High Court to grant him bail, or s house arrest on a health emergency basis, so he could trest himself adequately. Unfortunately, Binta Nyako denied him bail despite his failing health conditions, citing flight risks.

Family Writers Press International.

Friday 29 March 2024

LAWLESSNESS: The DSS Have Turned To A Societal Hazard That Should Be Disbanded

  LAWLESSNESS: The DSS Have Turned To A Societal Hazard That Should Be Disbanded

There is nothing so abusing as acting or overstepping your boundaries.

The excesses of the Nigerian Department of State Services(DSS) have become worrisome.

For clarity, the National Security Agencies Decree of 1986 gave birth to three(3) establishments: the State Security Services (SSS), Defence Intelligence Service(DIS) and the National Intelligence Agency(NIA). Therefore, legally speaking, there is ought to be no such thing as DSS.

Hence, the reference as the Department of State Services(DSS) or secret police is politically expedient but legally incorrect. This arm of national security whose original duty is the protection of the president and the state governors is factually under the control of the presidency, actually in the office of the National Security Adviser(NSA) .

Furthermore, this important national security agency is supposed to discharge its activities to the extent allowed by law. Infact, whatever its conduct represents and reflects the constitutional behavior of the president and his lieutenants.

Regrettably, it is crystal clear that this security agency have little or no regard for the law it claims to enforce. Perhaps, it is worth stating that every government agency, including law enforcement, derive their power from an established law, beyond which it becomes ultra vire or overstepping power.

Surely, whether it is the executive, legislative or judicative arm, the same justice should be dispensed. That is why Lady Justice is blindfolded. She gives equal justice no matter who is involved.  

The DSS have shown disdain to Lady Justice and judicial pronouncements over the years. But recently have gone out of control with lawless activities. These, to mention but a few, include the destruction of the house of Chief Rochas Okorocha(former governor of Imo state), continued detention of Godwin(embattled former governor of Central Bank) and many others, even after courts ordered their release. And, refusal to obey many court orders directing that the leader of Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu be discharged and acquitted. DSS have beaten and dragged Omoyele Sowore inside the court hall, fought against prison warders after court gave a clear order for Godwin Emefiele to be taken to Kuje, and many more indecent acts. 

The recent disclosure by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu attorney, Barr. Aloy Ejimakor, regarding the seizure of a legal document he brought to his client at the DSS headquarter, Abuja, is crude, cringy and gross. It is emblematic and symptomatic of this presidency and the penchant for abuse of law.

As the lawyer has made known to the world via his X-handle;

"I just exited from today’s visitation with Onyendu #MNK. I took a critical legal document to him to preview but, as usual, the DSS seized the document & never brought it back until I left. MNK will NEVER BE TRIED under violations like this. It’s not a court-martial. #FairHearing."

These violation of rights and dehumanization of citizens, courts and its orders by the department calls for much needed attention, because the ill-character of the department has totally made them seem above the law. Perhaps, some elements within the presidency perceive themselves as the law, thereby co-opting the DSS as a presidential militia rather than an arm of national security. If an arm of government meant for national security is used deviously by people driven by political capital, then anarchy beckons. This should worry every reasonable citizen.

This is the very time to curtail the excesses of the secret police and prove to the whole world that the government is not in secret agreement with the misbehaviors of the department.

Written by Onyemachi Gabriel

Edited by Daniel Chibueze

For Family Writers Press International

Thursday 28 March 2024

You Have No Constitutional Right to Declare Anyone Wanted – Falana Warns Nigerian Army

 You Have No Constitutional Right to Declare Anyone Wanted – Falana Warns Nigerian Army

“The decision of the defence headquarters to declare the murder suspects wanted is completely illegal. Let the federal government direct the defence headquarters to hand over the investigation of the suspects involved in the gruesome murder of the 17 officers and soldiers. It ought to be pointed out that murder is not a military offence to warrant investigation by the defence headquarters. If the federal government fails to call the defence headquarters to order, the case concerning the tragic murder of the soldiers will be completely bungled”.

The above statement was made by the human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, SAN, on Thursday in response to the eight persons declared wanted in connection with the killing of 17 soldiers in the Okuama community in Delta State by the army.

Recall that 17 military personnel comprising a lieutenant ​colonel, two majors, one captain, and 12 soldiers were killed while on a “peacekeeping mission” in the Okuama community on March 14.

Reacting to their death during their burial ceremony on Wednesday, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu promised to punish perpetrators of the heinous crime, advising the elders and chiefs of Okuoma to help the military in fishing out the gunmen who committed the barbaric crime.

His words: “I want to make it clear, once more, that those who committed this heinous crime will not go unpunished”.

Assuring Nigerians that the culprits must be caught and brought to book, Tinubu opined: “We will find them and our departed heroes will get justice.

However, commenting on the wanted lists published today by the Nigerian army, the outspoken lawyer, warned the military not to bungle the case of the slain soldiers.

He said: “The authorities of the armed forces should be made to realise that the military cannot arrest, detain, investigate and charge civilian suspects with any offence whatsoever. 

In Dr Issa Perry Brimah v Nigerian Army, Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu held that “It must be stated here without equivocation that the defendant [Nigerian Army] has no right to declare the plaintiff wanted without following the appropriate procedure.

“The Judge further said that the defendant cannot arrest the plaintiff arbitrarily without making a formal report to law enforcement agency with the mandate to enforce law and order. Otherwise, it would transmute to self-help. The duty of the defendant is to make a formal report to the appropriate authority like the police and await the outcome.

“In Miss Grace Anita Paul v. The Chief of Army Staff, the Army, Inspector General of Police & the Nigerian Police Force the Federal High Court where held that the Nigerian Army lacks the power to arrest, investigate and hold in custody, anyone who is not subject to the Armed Forces Act or any other military law. Justice Taiwo Taiwo, on Wednesday, warned the military not to usurp the powers of the Nigerian Police under Sections 4 and 84 of the Police Act which empowers the police to detect and investigate crime.

“We have also read the 8 people alleged to be involved in the cruel murder of the soldiers have been declared wanted by the Defence Headquarters it is trite law that the police and security agencies lack the power to declare any suspect wanted without a court order. In Benedit Peters v Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, a high court in Abuja ruled that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission lacks (EFCC) the powers to declare anyone wanted without obtaining a court order or charging the suspect with an offence.

“The presiding judge, Justice Othman Musa ruled that though the EFCC could declare as wanted persons who fail to honour its invitation for investigation, it could only do so if it obtains a court order for that purpose. So, the decision of the defence headquarters to declare the murder suspects wanted is completely illegal.

“Let the federal government direct the defence headquarters to hand over the investigation of the suspects involved in the gruesome murder of the 17 officers and soldiers. It ought to be pointed out that murder is not a military offence to warrant investigation by the defence headquarters. If the federal government fails to call the defence headquarters to order, the case concerning the tragic murder of the soldiers will be completely bungled.”

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Investigate And Probe Insecurity In The Eastern Region, It Is Entirely State-Sponsored – IPOB Tells International Community

  Investigate And Probe Insecurity In The Eastern Region, It Is Entirely State-Sponsored – IPOB Tells International Community



The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our amiable  leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu calls on the  International Intelligence Community, The British government, and the Nigeria government to investigate the continuous insecurity in the Biafra Land. IPOB maintains that insecurity in Biafra Land is Nigeria State sponsored.

We are calling on the international community to please ask the IMO state Governor Hope Uzodinma and ex Attorney General, Abubakar Malami, and the Nigerian government who are those responsible for the IMO state prison break in 2020. Governor Hope Uzodinma and the then Nigerian attorney general Malam Abubakar Malami SAN and their cohorts who were behind the jail break in Owerri and must tell us who are responsible for the prison break operation that lasted for more than 4 hours unchallenged in the middle of the state Police headquarters, Obinze Army barracks, and DSS State headquarters in Imo State and other security agencies.

According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report of 2016, the South East region was named the most humanly secure geopolitical zone in Nigeria. South East or Biafra has been the epicenter for IPOB peaceful rallies in Nigeria since 2010. IPOB has never recorded any form of violence in all the crowded peaceful rallies we have held all over the world. However, when the ethnic bigot Muhammadu Buhari and his Fulani cabal took over the Nigeria government in 2016, they applied several brutal forces to stop IPOB's peaceful rallies for Biafra's self determination. 

In the process, a lot of IPOB members were murdered in cold blood during peaceful rallies by the murderous Nigeria Security Forces. Until day, many abducted IPOB members who were forcefully disappeared have not been found. Some IPOB members were permanently deformed by bullets, injuries, acid, and chemicals and tortures by the notorious Nigerian Security Forces. Irrespective of all these provocations, IPOB remains undoubtedly strong and peaceful. Globally, in over 100 countries where IPOB is permitted to operate, including in Nigeria, no IPOB member has ever been convicted for any crime while performing IPOB functions. 

The preliminary investigation by the IPOB Intel group (M.Branch) reveals the  following:

Due to the inability of the Government of Muhammadu Buhari and current Government of Bola Ahmad Tinubu to provoke IPOB into violence and unprepared war by using brutal force and blackmail, they hired infiltrators to infiltrate the movement of IPOB.

These criminal infiltrators under the command of Simon Ekpa were recruited through APC leaders, namely Hope Uzodinma and Abubakar Malami (Ex- Attorney General of the Federation) and others. On the international level, the Nigeria Government colluded with Britain, Kenya and others to abduct our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and detain him illegally for years while equipping Simon Ekpa led gang to increase insecurity and banditry in the South East with the name of IPOB, ESN, and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. 

The objective is to tag their violent activities on IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. 

This is to provide their already concluded evidence to court to jail our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and also to blackmail the IPOB movement globally.

Though IPOB has consistently disassociated the movement and Mazi Nnamdi from the violent criminals led by Simon Ekpa, the Nigeria State remained adamant in tagging their activities on the IPOB movement. 

The governors of the Eastern Region must not keep mute over this insecurity or allow Hope Uzodinma, Abubakar Malami SAN, and their  cohorts to destroy the region because of their selfish interest and political maneuvers to serve their masters. 

IPOB will name those involved in no distance future and tell the world why they are doing so. 

If indeed the International Community will shun political influence and seek to know the truth and those behind the insecurity in the Eastern Region.  The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), African Union (AU), Amnesty International (AI) and other Lovers of Peace can use their Intelligence Units to investigate the insecurity and insurgency in the South East and South South Regions. Nigeria's government runs a rogue security agency that has zero integrity. 

Their security report is without an iota of truth. IPOB maintains that the insecurity in the Eastern Region is State sponsored. IPOB has the mandate to protect our land from marauding Fulani jihadist terrorists and State sponsored criminals not to make our land unsafe. Let the International Intelligence Community carry out an independent security investigation in Biafra Land and publish their findings.

IPOB has remained peaceful irrespective of the use of maximum force against unarmed IPOB members by the Nigerian State. IPOB is seeking Biafra Self Determination via a UN supervised referendum.

But Nigeria Establishments' continuous use of blackmail, intimidation, arrest, torture murder and forceful disappearance to cow us down is dead on arrival. 


Monday 25 March 2024

IPOB Condemns Terrorist Attack In Moscow, Says It Support Every Action Initiated To Bring Perpetrators To Book

 IPOB Condemns Terrorist Attack In Moscow, Says It Support Every Action Initiated To Bring Perpetrators To Book

The Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) movement in a statement released to the press on Monday, 25th March 2024, expressed deep condolences to the Russia Federation, following the recent terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall which claimed the lives of over 140 civilians.

IPOB while reacting to the tragic incident, called the perpetrators “soulless individuals who murdered civilians in cold blood” and thus advised that the Russia government alongside its allies to intensify their efforts in counterterrorism operations on global scale, to avert the repetition of such in the future.

IPOB continued to say that it stands against violent extremists, and trust that the Russian Security/intelligence agencies are sophisticated enough to uncover the sponsors of these terrorists who committed these terror campaigns against Russian citizens at heart of the state capital.

Additionally, IPOB proposed that one prime solution against terrorism on a global scale which should be enhanced by the Russian government, is the facilitation of decolonization process in Africa, where most of these terrorists and their sponsors gets most of their resources to continue their terrorist activities.

Citing Nigeria as a practical example, IPOB listed four terrorist organization with very stronghold in Nigeria: ISWAP, BOKO HARAM, ANSARU, FULANI HERDSMEN, BANDITS which continued to operate unabridged and even gains logistics and tactical support from the Nigerian state as well as its various security agencies.

"Unfortunately, Biafrans that have been victims of these terrorists' attacks attempt to exit the terrorist infested Nigeria are either illegally detained, murdered, or forcefully disappeared by the Nigerian Security Forces. We are not even allowed to defend ourselves against the state sponsored terrorists. The IPOB leadership formed the Eastern Security Network (ESN) to protect Biafrans against terrorists in our farmlands. But, the Nigeria government decided to proscribe IPOB for daring to protect Biafrans or opt out of the country that indirectly funds terrorists. Biafrans have, for many years, suffered terrorist attacks either from one of the above terrorists or from the Nigerian Security Forces." The statement continued.

Finally, IPOB said it supports every action and protocol Initiated by the Russian government to defend its people and sovereignty against terrorists and their sponsors.

The press statement read in full:

The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by the great liberator Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu Kanu commiserate with the Peoples Republic of Russia on the attack and murder of innocent citizens by the heartless terrorists. The leadership and the global family of IPOB send our condolences to the Russian families that lost their relatives on the unfortunate terrorist attack.

IPOB stands against violent extremists and soulless individuals who attack unarmed civilians globally. We trust the Russian Security intel to unravel the sponsors of the terrorists that attacked, injured, and murdered a large number of their civilians in cold blood. If a sophisticated nation like Russian can be attacked either by the homegrown or foreign terrorists, it shows how dangerous terrorists and their sponsors can be. Therefore, Russia and their allies must double their efforts in eliminating the breeding grounds of the terrorists that may target them in the future.

One of the biggest breeding grounds for terrorists globally is Nigeria. Nigeria alone is the headquarters for about four or more deadly terrorist groups in the world. Nigeria is home to the following terrorist groups: ISWAP, BOKO HARAM, ANSARU, FULANI HERDSMEN, BANDITS, and more. These terrorists are controlling some territories in the Northern Region of Nigeria. The Nigerian government and military are either complacent or fed up with countering the terrorist activities. These terrorists freely carry out mass abductions of school children while the government pays them millions of dollars as ransom to free their victims. In this way, these terrorists are emboldened and funded to coordinate and carry out continental and intercontinental terrorist attacks.

Unfortunately, Biafrans that have been victims of these terrorists' attacks attempt to exit the terrorist infested Nigeria are either illegally detained, murdered, or forcefully disappeared by the Nigerian Security Forces. We are not even allowed to defend ourselves against the state sponsored terrorists. The IPOB leadership formed the Eastern Security Network (ESN) to protect Biafrans against terrorists in our farmlands. But, the Nigeria government decided to proscribe IPOB for daring to protect Biafrans or opt out of the country that indirectly funds terrorists. Biafrans have, for many years, suffered terrorist attacks either from one of the above terrorists or from the Nigerian Security Forces.

One of the easiest ways Russia and other nations can stop terrorist attacks against them is to put efforts in decolonization of Africa, particularly the Indigenous nations in Nigeria. When Nigeria and other Africa countries are decolonized terrorists and their sponsors will not have resources to fund their activities.
IPOB stands with Russia during this trying period and will support any actions taken to defend themselves against terrorists and their enablers.


Family Writers Press International

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