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Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Faming Of Anti-Igbo Euphoria By Yoruba Maniacs Is A Welcome Development

 The Faming Of Anti-Igbo Euphoria By Yoruba Maniacs Is A Welcome Development

From the era of Nigeria's antiquity [1900s] till date, the Yorubas have always viewed or regarded the Igbos as competitors of sorts. A very industrious one at that.  And, they constantly struggle to keep up with that, at least. But when they cannot afford to, they resorts to beguile their way out, in order to stay afloat or competitive by all means. 

Since the days of Awolowo and Azikiwe, all the way down to the contemporary times. Evidences of this replete itself. For instance, even after the genocidal war of 1967-70 which claimed the lives of over 3.5 million Biafrans(mostly children and women), Gowon at the behest and advice of Cheif Awolowo moved to confiscate money owned by defeated Biafrans who were still licking their wounds and their homestead destroyed by a war waged by an inconsiderate array of enemies. 

Giving them only £20 each, regardless of how much they owned. Then went on to immediately launch the indigenization policy in 1972 that granted he [Awolowo] his Yoruba kinsmen and the north to buy out shares of exclusive businesses which were reserved for only indegines of Nigeria, painfully at a time when Igbos were still struggling to rebuild what was destroyed amidst the infamous slogan ọf "No Victor No Vanquish". The subsequent '3Rs' standing for Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Restructuring declared by the Gowon regime and its successives were all talk and no show. The stakeholders at the federal level were intentional about their non-commitment to its implementation. 

Fast forward to 2023, after the Yorubas swindled themselves back in power and are jittery of their "Igbo competitors" again. They have resorted to stoking ethnic tensions and genocidal rhetorics against victims of genocide which is yet to be acknowledged by the world and the perpetrators. The social media pundits, trolls who are dishing out this hate and insidious speeches against a race, are mere rookies. 

The Anti-Igbo euphoria is officially a domestic policy of the Tinubu's administration, and this he has demonstrated within these past 14 months of his rule, beyond every reasonable doubt. 

Since the beginning of plans for national hunger protest – spearheaded by the north and key Yorubas figures – the Yoruba online pundits, state officials all the way to the seat of power have concentrated on trying to make the Igbos the bogeymen, even when the later have stated clearly their resolve of collective apathy in partaking in the nationwide protest. The aim of these Yoruba Maniacs is to keep Ndigbo, Biafrans on the defensive and to reserve and assure themselves of a punching bag, should anything go wrong or they loose to the northern oligarchy. 

We are talking about a possible and potential repetition of history that led to the pogroms of 1966 which snowballed into the Biafra war. We are talking about another victimization of a victimized race. 

Nevertheless, as the saying goes. Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise. The occurrences of the past 14 months have proven to every Igbo, Biafran soul that they are indeed endangered species. Not only are Biafrans target for a vile ultranationalist Fulani expansionist agenda, they have also become targets of the Yorubas and as such, the ultimate remedy is collective development of their homeland through patriotic individual contributions and, Biafra restoration.

The wisdom of the Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) movement during the past election with their non-inteference policy was the bedrock of the magic unfolding. The Tinubu's administrations blinded by their animosity played to the gallery. The Igbos are already seceding from Nigeria regions gradually, where their lives and properties are no longer guaranteed, and if this soon to commence protests – which they, Igbos have maintained their stance on ambivalence, will serve as the incentive or catalyst to fasten that process. Then, the heavens are delighted. 

However, one thing enemies of Ndigbo, Biafrans who are warming up for a workout on the blood, sweat and wealth of our people know and bear in mind is this, 2024 will never be like 1966, 1967-70. Biafrans are now alive to their duties to defend their lives or they perish and they will exercise that right from henceforth.

Furthermore, there was no movement and robust institution like the IPOB movement and all it encompasses that is committed to defending the interest of Biafrans, in 1966 like we have today. 

In our view, there will never be a repetition of history where Biafrans will be victims. Instead, they enemies will be forced and made to know their place and tread carefully. But hopefully, common sense and reason will prevail.

If Nigerians are tired of accommodating Biafrans  and wants to resort into killing them again in millions, they should quietly and immediately organize a referendum, followed up by an expulsion program guided by the principles of international law. Biafrans will leave as soon as possible even before they know it.

A word is enough for the wise. 

Family Writers Press International

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