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Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Biafra: An Unanswered Question That Must Be Answered for the Interest of Peace

 Biafra: An Unanswered Question That Must Be Answered for the Interest of Peace

"There shall come a time when the news about Biafra shall be carried by the international medias". Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra stated this month before he was kidnapped in Kenya and extra ordinarily renditioned to Nigeria.

None seemed to take Kanu seriously when he made this statement. However, this have started to come to fruition as notable individuals from across the globe have began to call for the careful review of the Biafra case, and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's arrest.

Only a few days ago a popular international journalist, Leah Harding (@LeahHardingAJE) tweeted about the yearns for freedom from over hundred regions of the world. In the tweet, she gave special recognition to Biafra and Ambazonia, stating that the reason she is fascinated about the two is because of their unified voice.

The tweet reads: "Did you know... There are hundreds of separatist movements globally, or regions that want to be their own country. I am particularly fascinated about those in #Biafra (Nigeria) and #Ambazonia (Cameroon) because of their unified voice. Should there be more countries in the world?"

@LeahHardingAJE also responded to another tweet from @AfricanJesu, questioning Nigerians on their view of the boundaries drawn by Britain over a century ago.

The tweet from @AfricanJesu reads: “Every #Nigerian should ask themselves. What is sacred about a boundary drawn by the British, over a century ago, with no input from a single African anywhere?”

To this, @LeahHardingAJE responded in a retweet which reads: "This is a very interesting sound bite about drawing new boundaries for the sake of peace/progress. Do you think boundaries drawn by (mainly) western countries hundreds of years ago in continents like Africa should all remain? #biafra #ambazonia"

The yearning for self-determination should not be treated with silence, especially as the rate at which the oppressing countries kill and destroy the lives and properties of the parts seeking self-determination is very alarming and should never be ignored. Self-determination is a right enshrined in the United Nation's charter.

The world and her governing bodies should take peace and progress as priorities and resolve the issues of Biafra and Ambazonia once and for all, for the betterment of Africa and the world at large. And this is very important to avoid a repetition of the Ukrainian scenario.



Written by Onyemachi Gabriel

Edited by Cindy Etuk 

For Family Writers Press International

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