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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

No Justice For The Masses, No Peace For The Government

 No Justice For The  Masses, No Peace For The Government

History they say, "repeats itself", according to a Mexican revolutionist, Emiliano Zapata. Going by the recent happenings in the South-East and South-South regions of Nigeria, the political leaders have rudely  maintained adamant and negligence to plight of the people. The  historical events, the aftermath, the repercussion of their greediness and shameless loyalty to maintain the evil promises of the Fulani caliphate, have so terribly overwhelmed their consciousness.

It is quite ironic that political leaders in Biafraland are now crying loud for the crippled businesses and properties they are presently losing which is occasioned by the attacks of the "unknown gunmen" within the South-East region particularly. This is coupled with the wastage of human lives due to the murderous activities of the Fulani killer herdsmen.

For almost a decade now, the so-called political elites kept mute over the senseless killings of our farmers and youths in their own ancestral farmlands by this Islamic killer squad that is ravagely terrorising the entire land. The state governors amongst other politicians, are just being selfish and care only for the glories of their positions, while the masses can go ahead and be grappling with tribulations, torments, molestations and brutal killings.

Any form of  protest against the heinous terror attacks meted on them, would lead to public assult and slaughtering at will, by the Fulani controlled armed forces. Government pays virtually no attention to the cries of the people despite several petitions that have been made through human rights organizations for government proactive aids. Such efforts fell on deaf ears and were intentionally  ignored. 

Over the past few months, there have been several records of attacks on government structures and security agencies, which were precipitated by the insensitivity of the murderous political party officials. The institutionalized corruption that have erupted in the Nigerian political parties have given rise to the killing of opponents and the innocent and being blamed on the Indigenous People of Biafra ( IPOB), the most peaceful freedom fighting movement globally. 

The IPOB will therefore, not fold her hands and watch politicians initiate, commit crimes and turn round to blame such on IPOB. No well informed individual will ever contemplate tagging the over fifty (50) million indigenous people, terrorists for rightly placing demands for their freedom. It will be the greatest nightmare, when these citizens take to terrorism. It is callous and outrageous to imagine this great cultivation of monsters. IPOB cannot be ridiculed or maligned by mere accusation without evidential proofs.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu established a security outfit known as Eastern Security Network (ESN), purely to counter the bloody incursion of the Fulani herdsmen into Biafraland and all manner of terror relate activities against Biafrans, but the South Eastern governors connived with the Fulani leaders to counter the Eastern Security Network, through their establishment of the so-called Ebube Agu. 

In Ebonyi State, the Ebube Agu Security has only been terrorising and killing peaceful IPOB members under the direct supervision of governor Dave Umahi. Many innocent lives have been wasted by the Ebube Agu operatives instead of tackling the security challenges facing the people. Imagine such an evil irony. The political leaders in Biafraland must fully understand that whatever they are seeing now is directly caused by their acts of gross negligence to the cries and agonies of the masses.

The situation in Imo and Anambra States, is a very typically example of what is to come if situations remain unaddressed. The masses reactions over the continuous weekly Sit-At-Home exercise, even as it has been suspended by the IPOB leadership, coupled with the activities of the Unknown Gunmen against government officials and properties, ably justify the quotes of a popular Mexican revolutionist, Emiliano Zapata who said: "If there is no justice for the people, let there be no peace for the government".

Article Written by Egwuatu Chukz

Edited by Onyebuchi Eucharia O.

For Family Writers Press International

1 comment

  1. تضع الطيور بيوضها في أعشاش تبنيها من العيدان الصغيرة، وقد تلجأ الطيور أحياناً خاصّة الحمام إلى بناء أعشاشها على أسطح البيوت أو على النوافذ، مما يسبّب العديد من المشاكل والأضرار عند السكان؛ إذ إنّهم يشكون من أصواتها المزعجة، وانتشار الكثير من الحشرات الصغيرة بسببها، بالإضافة إلى رائحتها الكريهة التي تنتشر في المكان الذي توجد فيه، لذلك سنذكر في هذا المقال بعض الطؤق لطرد الحمام.

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