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Wednesday, 17 March 2021

IPOB's Arrival Marked The Woeful Failure Of Fulani Islamization Agenda In Eastern Nigeria

 IPOB's Arrival Marked The Woeful Failure Of Fulani Islamization Agenda In Eastern Nigeria

It is glaringly an indisputable truth that the citizens of the old Eastern Nigeria owe quite a lot to the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), led by Mazi Nnamdi Okwu Kanu. Their resilience and consistency are the basic factors why the menace of Fulani Islamic terrorism have been beaten to stupor within the region.

Between the years of 2001 and 2010, over fifty two (52) communities in Plateau State (Middle Belt), were attacked by the marauding Fulani Islamic killers. Quite a number of residents were either gruesomely massacred or displaced. According to Vanguard Newspaper report, over thirteen thousand (13,000) innocent people have been killed in Jos between 2001 and now, with the number of recorded deaths continuing.

While the Nigerian government most unfortunately had released statements to condemn these barbaric attacks, no swift action has been taken to stem the tide and rightly compensate the victims. Those at the receiving end of these terrorist attacks presently have their ancestral homes and farmlands taken over by the Islamic atrackers. The pillaged communities have been renamed and the government appears shamelessly unperturbed, doing absolutely nothing to remedy the situation.

These horde of terrorist attacks have gravely displaced many indigenous citizens. Many Christians have been killed with many feeble faithed others, converted to Islam. On virtually all attacks, the government has set up commissions of enquiry and committees with reports submitted. Yet, the criminals behind these horrendous attacks and deaths remain untouchable. In most cases, the individuals saddled with the responsibility of deploying security personnel to the troubled spots, have ended up conniving with the terrorists. This is evidenced by how officers of the Nigerian security forces have severally lamented over their intelligence leakage to the enemies, coupled with sub-standardized military hardware when compared to the equipment employed by the Fulani Islamic terrorists.

In some occasions, the Nigerian government resorted to requesting the victims to cede their valued ancestral lands to the enemies to avert deadly attacks. One then begins to wonder how this position should be the alternative. The associated brutality of these dastardly attacks have however persisted unabated.  Sometimes, any opportunity the victims have to tell their stories, one cannot but listen to the very gory tales of vampirism being unleashed on the people. Pregnant women are ripped open and the unborn babies, dashed into pieces.

Nobody needs further be explained to, what life really is to communities of Zamfara, Borno, Plateau, Benue, Kaduna, Katsina States, Ibarapa, Yewaland, Nimbo, etcetera. Despite all these atrocious acts orchestrated by these untouchable evil men, the only justice the victims have so far got are the politicized visits by affected State governors with documented photographs. Both the Nigerian government and that of Plateau State, have respectively acknowledged that these attackers are foreigners. 

Then the corrupt and inept nature of the leadership of the security agencies is no more news. The core intent, value and responsibility of the country's security apparatus have been gravely compromised. Recall how Nigerian soldiers invaded one of the Yoruba communities with many of the innocent, inhumanly beaten for refusing to accommodate the terrorists in their domain. O'dua Peoples Congress (OPC) security agents who arrested a notorious Fulani terrorist, were in return, arrested by the Nigerian security operatives.

The Nigerian government is well known for it's complacency and silence whenever the fulanization agenda is advanced. The Fulanis are now at the helm of affairs in virtually every department of concern in Nigeria. They are randomly and heavily recruited into all government agencies, aimed primarily at advancing the Islamization cause. With all these developments, the most vocal groups within the Nigeria federation and of course globally today, has remained the Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). They have right from onset, waged war against the Nigerian oppressive regimes and have successfully stemmed the influx of Fulani terrorists into the South-East region particularly.

The thunderous voice of this rare gem called Nnamdi Kanu, is being heard by the Nigerian government at all levels and the response has been the officials trying so hard to fruitlessly cow him. The illegal proscription of IPOB has really backfired as more Nigerian inhabitants presently heed Kanu's warnings. There has been an overwhelming mentality shift in their reasonings contrary to what obtained previously. The people have now realized the alerts being raised about the government's complicity in terrorism which are just true. They have widely acknowledged IPOB's potency and huge influential roles in combating terror-related issues via the truth. It is safe to rightly say that many have so regained their lost voices because of the marvelous work being done by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

This mass movement has stoutly fought the government of the day in courts of law and has roundly won numerous cases. It is positioning even better through the launch of Eastern Security Network (ESN), to extinguish and reverse the intended government murderous policies targeted at the South. Experientially, everyone that is not aligned with this terrorist government of Nigeria, is automatically a targeted victim of either direct or indirect oppression via outright obnoxious policies or actions of the Nigeria security forces.

Technocrats from across Nigeria have dissipated their energy over the years and have equally failed to solve marked inherent problems. The country is structurally skewed in favor of the Islamic North that has ruled for decades of years and presided over it's generic problems while yet advancing their covert agenda of subjugation, marginalization and exclusion of non-Muslim Southerners. They have also been strenuously trying but equally failing  in their mad drive to kill the most latent opposition that IPOB ably represent , to their Islamization agenda.

This time is no more a comfortable season of indecision or playing of double standard. The victims of terror have risen up and courageously organized themselves in IPOB with their unfazed, fiery leader, Nnamdi Kanu, running with the mandate to vehemently oppose/defeat the Islamization madness and liberate the people from this cacophonic bowl of hell. Let none be carried away contending with knives in a gun duel. There is a choice to be heard and such cannot be denied.



Written by  Emma Iwu

Edited by Chuks Lyon

For Family Writers Press International

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