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Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Kanu mocks Nigeria for seeking external help to defeat "rag tag" Boko haram

Nnamdi Kanu mocks Nigeria for seeking external help to defeat "rag tag" Boko haram

The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has mocked Nigeria government for seeking external help to defeat Boko haram they created and absorbed into Nigeria military

"Can you imagine a so-called good for nothing giant of Africa going to hire a few white mercenaries to help them defeat a rag tag army of terrorists created by the same Fulani Janjaweed politicians that implemented the policy of absorbing the same terrorists into the Nigerian army that is tasked with defeating terrorism? Incredible!"

He said Nigeria army is only good in using their weapon against innocent unarmed civilians, he questioned the conscience of international community in supplying weapon that will be used against unarmed innocent Nigerians.  His statements read in full:

I remember telling my good friend Dele Momodu that Nigerian Army has never won any war in its history or served with...

Posted by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"I remember telling my good friend Dele Momodu that Nigerian Army has never won any war in its history or served with distinction in any theatre of war since our WHITE British colonial masters and creators formed it in 1960, but he struggled to comprehend what I was saying. Can you imagine a so-called good for nothing giant of Africa going to hire a few white mercenaries to help them defeat a rag tag army of terrorists created by the same Fulani Janjaweed politicians that implemented the policy of absorbing the same terrorists into the Nigerian army that is tasked with defeating terrorism? Incredible! Frankly speaking I do not believe that an average Nigerian is a rational human being. 

I maintain that Biafra will defeat Nigeria in an open war any time any day without British and foreign interference as would have been the case in the Biafra-Nigeria War in the late 60s. Had Britain not made a pact with Russia to supply weapons to Nigeria, arranged with Egypt to supply mercenaries to fly Russian made MIG fighters, whilst enforcing air, land and sea blockade against Biafra, Nigeria would have been roundly defeated by Biafra in a matter of weeks. But when you hear them boasting about how they defeated Biafra you’d be forgiven for thinking they are the ones that actually fought the war not knowing it was Britain, Russia and OAU that faced Biafra. Biafra was defeated by a global conspiracy of neo-colonial forces led by Britain intent on holding the black race down, it had nothing to do with keeping the Zoo they created as one. 

Nigerian Army is only good at genocide and killing unarmed civilians, razing and burning down homes of people. #Obigbo and #Lekki are two recent examples. This is the army Lai Mohammed wants the world to supply more weapons to. A country without shame, dignity or honour. Shamefully there aren’t sufficient number of intelligent people in Nigeria to understand the mess they are in. 

Very soon, very very soon.....My Lord and my God!"

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