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Monday, 7 October 2019



As the struggle for the total restoration of the Sovereign State of Biafra, being championed by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) globally, as ably being led by Mazi Nnamdi Okwu-Kanu, reaches a very decisive stage, Biafrans need to draw from a critical value stock that aided other victorious freedom loving nations around the world, in the quest for the realization of their long sought goals.

That critical value stock is Persistence. This was what separated winners from losers in the long march to freedom in the past. Persistence ensured victory for the African National Congress (ANC) and it's oppressed South African blacks against the then racist minority white government. Persistence ensured victory for late Fidel Castro and the Cuban people against Baptista and America (one of the two super powers in the world then). Persistence ensured victory for the people of Eritrea against a much bigger and better funded Ethiopia. Persistence ensured victory for the people of tiny East Timor of only 1.4 million against Indonesia of 300 million population. Persistence was the deciding factor in the victory of the liberation movements in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea and Cape Verde, against imperial powers. Persistence guaranteed freedom for the long suffering people of South Sudan over the Islamic Sudanese empire. Wherever you see victory in a people's march for freedom and liberation, you will see persistence lurking at the background, guiding them all, on the way to victory.

The reverse is also true. Lack of persistence was what caused the failure of the first attempt to restore Biafra from 1967 to 1970 and the consequences of that failure is obvious to all Biafrans today to see. This time around, Biafrans must ensure that persistence is the chief companion of the march to freedom, irrespective of the cost: lives, money, tribulations, misery and whatsoever, because at the end of it all, what will come will be exceptionally glorious. Persistence means that we stay the course despite all odds and delay until the final victory is achieved.

Why Persist? Because the rewards of the attached victory are inumerable. Biafra will be a first world nation, a nation of our dreams, a nation that will assuage the memories of our heroes and heroines who died for the cause. Why persist? Because the consequences of failure will be too terrible to imagine. Remaining in Nigeria, a country that we are not wanted in, a country that will never work, a country that uses the blood of our people for sacrifice on regular basis, a country that is set to take it's seventh century right of place in the 21st century era.

How then can we persist? We can persist by remaining loyal to the cause of justice, despite deprivations. By maintaining our continued memberships and activism of the liberation movement under the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), through our continued financing and support of the ideals of the struggle for the restoration of the nation of Biafra unto victory. It is only by persistence that victory can be assured.

Persistence will rattle the enemy's camp and bring out the worst in him in terms of deaths, imprisonments and denial of fundamental freedoms but in the end, all those will faze and make them realize the futility of their quest for continued dominance of a determined people. It is persistence that will also bring about the guardian angels (international partners and others) to join forces for our quest for freedom. Persistence has a way of making the world say "Yes" to the justly desperate.

Therefore Biafrans, let us persist onto victory so that on that epochal day of freedom and liberation, we shall all sing, dance, rejoice and make merry of true freedom that has eventually come our way. We shall sing and dance in our cities, in our villages, on our mountains, in our rivers and everywhere to the glory of GOD, the Most High, for it is only the genuine and uncompromised persistent that deserves the freedom that we so much yearn for.

Written by Okechukwu Ise
Editor, Family Writers Press International

1 comment

  1. The IPOB Media and Team of writers are the very best in Nigeria if not entire Africa. You are an exemplary group of talented and courageous writers. You are a major contributor to the restoration of Biafra. We are waiting for that day when we all shall sing and dance in our cities, in our villages, on our mountains, in our rivers and everywhere to the glory of Chuwku Okike Abiama. Thank you for the work that you do. May Almighty God bless and keep you all. Iseeeeeee.


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