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Wednesday, 18 September 2019



Men should always understand that women by their nature, are weaker vessels. That is how God created them. There is the need for us to learn how to pet, love and encourage them in every circumstance. They are blessings to us and so, must be treasured and understood. It is really unfortunate that negligence of these factors by most Biafran married men in our present time, has escorted some wives to early graves.

We should repent from these evil twins of neglect and frustration being meted on our women if we must help them to fulfill their destinies in life. Some of them have even purposefully taken their lives because of frustration in fulfilling their purposes in marriage and yet their husbands remain carelessly unconcerned.

It is important that the feelings and emotions of our wives (women) be closely monitored. Time must be created to give them due attention. Cherish and constantly prove to your wife, your love care and concern. Occasionally take her out and accord her the importance of her worth to you as a man and in your family. Engage her at home in discussions and lovely chats and not subject her to children production machine or house help that must be used and dumped at will.

Honestly, the spirit of buying and selling has ripped our men off their sworn marital duties to their wives. It is divinely mandated that all married men should as a matter of responsibility, take complete care of their wives who are supposedly their partners in the home and other relevant life endeavors. Money is not everything. Women need undivided love, attention, care and encouragement. The crude and unromantic nature of most of our Biafran men towards their wives nowadays, are not just only annoying but disappointing. It is a betrayal of trust. We must not trade the value, happiness and safety of our wives for business and monetary gains.

Marriage is not a do or die affair honestly. Instead of it becoming an avenue of taking lives, it is better to just call it quits as the last option.


Written by Mazi Emeka Gift

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

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