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Thursday, 9 May 2019



Without presumptions, the Biafra Heroes and Heroines Remembrance Memorial, annually observed and championed by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) globally, ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has greatly exposed lots of anomalies amongst the so-called Igbo political leaders particularly, in Biafraland. In what appears like the worst neglect to humanity, this crop of self-serving, self-acclaimed Igbo leaders whose nation  lost not less than 3.5 million heroes and heroines during the 1967/1970 pogrom, have blatantly reneged on their responsibilities. They have failed to hold accountable, the very culprits of that heinous crime. These men, in their mad crave for disgusting selfish interests and service to their Fulani slavemasters, have totally lost focus on the invaluable sacrifices made by our people in defense of the freedom of their fatherland, Biafra.

It is right on record that between 1967 and 1970, the Yakubu Gowon led Nigerian government through the connivance of the British government, the Arabs and other foreign allies of theirs, murderously and randomly invaded Biafraland, committing varying degrees of heinous crimes, starving millions of helpless Biafran children and women to death; acts ranking as the most awful genocide ever to be carried out against a people in human history.

While humanity annually commemorates the Rwandan genocide for instance, with recorded casualties far less incomparable with that of Biafra, there exists saddening silence on the worst human experience recorded in Biafraland, thereby emboldening the perpetrators to freely gallivant around the globe without being called to question. There is this popular adage which says that: "those rejected by others are not supposed to reject themselves". This is the primary reason why we, the living, must forever, call to memory, the sacrifices of our beloved brethren unavoidably made for us.

Regarding the abnormal self-serving political inclinations and privileges of the supposed but grossly compromised Biafra leaders of today, they have very shamelessly, thrown away the just fight for justice and freedom of their people, by ensuring that the horrendous Biafran genocide is forever not discussed nor entered the history books. The commendable civil action of strong resistance of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) through  definitive annual call/order for 30th of May, a remarkable day of total and complete withdrawal from all activities by Biafrans, through their remaining indoors (Sit-At-Home), and mourning these our fallen heroes and heroines, are exceptionally revealing. That some Igbo leaders are standing opposed to this laudable objective smacks of great suspicion of their Brafran ancestry. Their actions and utterances are suggestive of their biological ties with the Fulani caliphate hence the need for them to undergo comprehensive DNA evaluation. Or how on earth could those that secretly or openly supported the marked Rwandan genocide in their right consciences, stand against the rights of their people  (IPOB), in observing the memorial of their slain brethren?

It is therefore important that we urge the likes of the South-East Governors and their Ohaneze Ndigbo and other fellow accomplices, to begin retrace their steps or better still, begin to trace their ancestry as a matter of concern and urgency. The earlier they commence aligning themselves with reality regarding the Biafra restoration question, the better for them. God Almighty who orchestrated this project, is also very jealously watching over it and traitors and saboteurs will never ever go unrecompensed.

Written by Moses Agbo

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press

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