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Monday, 17 December 2018



As the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, a globally acclaimed Biafra freedom movement gives her final push for the unfettered independence state, the question on the lips of some people are: what quantifiable benefits will acrue to Biafrans? What specific gains will be individually derivable from such an eventuality? Why should Biafrans give their energy, time and resources  for the restoration of a sovereign Biafra? Beneath are some of the benefits that await Biafrans in a restored sovereignty, namely:


Biafra will by design and structure, seek To be a first rate nation, favourably competing with the best in Europe and elsewhere, in all socio-economic indices including literacy, access to healthcare delivery, per capita income, adequate provision of basic infrastructural necessities of life like steady supply of clean water, electricity, functional railways, roads, airports, seaports, healthcare facilities, security, Adequate functioning embassies, quality educational institutions in all nooks and crannies of Biafraland. To make this world-class infrastructural provision tenable, Biafrans in diaspora living up to their promise, will repatriate hundreds of billions of dollars  to the independent nation of Biafra, as soon as freedom is realised. These funds will be accompanied by cutting edge skills in business development, technology, statecraft, science, arts and leadership which will effectively reverse the nauseating five decades brain drain syndrome in land following her forceful Nigerian occupatants. This will invariably position Biafra to her place of pride leadership in African continent in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, industrialization and technological advancement. The over all goal of the Biafran strategy is for Biafra to emerge as Africa's topmost economy, industrial and technology giant, ten years after independence.
Biafra right from time has always had the human/natural resources and the enabling environment to make greatness a reality. What has always been missing has been the will power to effectively function. Nigeria never had the will for greatness. With Biafran independence, the will for greatness will be readily available and greatness will most assuredly materialize.

Nigerians have been contentedly living in stone age era and this accounts for their refusal to take advantage of Biafran ingenuity variously manifested during the first Biafra liberation struggle between 1967 and 1970 during which a whole lot of technological breakthroughs were made in science and manufacture of diverse/proficient war equipment. But Nigeria instead, destroyed those advances. The first car produced by a Biafran, Dr. Ezekiel Izuogu, well before India ventured into car production, was also destroyed by Nigeria. With Biafra, the right climate for industrialization and technological advancement will be created and the coast will be clear for Biafrans to actualize their God-given talents spurred on by a spirit of healthy competition amongst the people.


Biafran independence will birth a nation governed by people's constitution entrenching a society with the sovereignty of the citizens. The benefits of a people's constitution in other climes include: civilized democracy, right to free speech & worship, educational/health revolution, equal access to healthcare, servant leadership, peripheralization of corruption, right to jobs/employment, women's rights, child's rights, disabled persons rights to social, political and economic equality. It will be a society that is free from oppression, injustice and hatred, etcetera. This people's constitution will entrench the values and foundations for the mainstreaming of a developed society in the territory of Biafra. Nigeria is a feudal society with an aristocratic constitution which only leads to retrogression and underdevelopment in the quality of life of the inhabitants.


Biafra independence will birth a cultural revolution for the Biafran people. For the past two hundred years following European colonization and neo-colonization, Africans have helplessly abandoned African ways of life and sought to become Europeans in their pattern of speeches (languages), mode of worship, dressing, lifestyle, residence, food/eating habits, makeups, etcetera. In fact, Africans are neck deep into seeking on maddening daily basis, in their cravings, to live borrowed or false lives. After two hundred years of pitiable and jaundiced experimentation, we have Africans that are neither Africans nor Europeans, but fruitlessly interloping with virtually nothing developmentally progressive to show for it.

With the arrival of a restored sovereign State of Biafra, this spate of despondency must surely be jettisoned as Africans will be attracted back to their roots to fully live out their potentials and genuineness. Every successfull race has always remained true to itself for greatness like what obtains in Russia, India, China, etcetera.


An independent Biafra promises to be a confederal nation with true political autonomy and right to self determination. There will be full language development/utilization, cultural heritage entrenchment, resource control, fiscal federalism and the right of consenting nations to organize their own elections (the localization of election management). The ultimate goal is to create a nation of healthy competitions among her constituent parts with none hindering the progress of another quite unlike the Nigerian culture of impunity, deprivation and corruption, where others feel they can only progress when their supposed fellows are held down. Biafra will thus mould citizens that can compete any where in the world and emerge exceptionally victorious.


Biafra will be a nation that will seek industrialization and technological advancement in the shortest possible time of her existence as a restored nation. She will seek to be a net exporter of finished goods and not necessarily raw materials. She will be self-sufficient in food production, manufactured goods and services. Biafrans will add value to the global community by meeting up all their stately responsibilities in the areas of security of lives and property, defense of  citizens' rights, provision of running water, steady electricity, sustainable/quality healthcare delivery, business opportunities, right to jobs and entrenchment of fundamental human rights.


Biafra independence will deliver to the citizenry, a judicial revolution, with trials by jury/justice system. This will eliminate corruption and justice for the highest bidder syndrome as shamelessly produced, practiced and pronounced in the Nigerian judiciary. Biafra judiciary system will be complimented by the crafting of a society based on judeo-christian value system wherein nobody will be victimized for his religious obligation. This contrasts sharply with the Nigerian value sytem that favorably tends towards Islamic theocracy.

Above are quite a few, out of many more benefits that await Biafrans once freedom is fully restored. Get duly identified therefore, with the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, ably led by her supreme leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in this final push for the total restoration of the sovereignty of the nation of Biafra.

Written by Okechukwu Ise

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press

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