Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers Press
The FIFA World Cup tournament organised and hosted in Russia has definitely come and gone, leaving behind it's trail, bitter lessons for the African continent. This unforgettable experience hinges squarely on factual indices proving that the entire continent yearns for genuine and total political independence from the Western world commonly referred to as Europe. Social pundits and established interests could dispute this reality for obvious reasons but the truth remains that divergent geographical locations presently known as countries within Africa are yet European colonies, left under the tyrannical management of African oppressors. It is not surprising therefore, that African countries continue to stutter under the weight of second fiddle enslavement in virtually every strata of life, sports related activities inclusive.
The recently concluded Russia 2018 world soccer tournament where five African countries participated, poor preparation and presentation were brazenly and respectively showcased by their premature eliminations in the first round, in the FIFA organized thirty two (32) nations quadrennial soccer fiesta. It is imperative for the African Union (AU), to wholesomely take introspective look into it's operations/programs with the question: "what really is the problem of Africa with particular reference to social developments"? By taking this very important step, the grossly deteriorating status of Africa amongst the comity of continents would be addressed.
With Egypt as an already civilised society dating back to the year 2050 BC, when the patriarch of the Hebrew nation (Abraham) took refuge to avert the then famine that swept across the ancient world, one then is at a loss on what actually transpired or attracted the abysmal regression of the continent. As at the year 1654 BC, according to my study in Systemic Theology, account has it that Ethiopia was already a civilised society which warranted Beersheba, the Queen of Ethiopia to visit King Solomon of the ancient Israel to tap into His God-given wisdom. She was a witness to the then much talked about splendor of King Solomon's Kingdom. In the year 1270 BC, historical record revealed that the Sudanese King gathered allied nations/forces for war against the nation of Israel which indisputably establishes the fact that civilization came to Sudan way back over one thousand (1000) years before the birth of Jesus Christ. What realistically then is the problem with Africa?
Through the compilation of these historical facts of civilization situated variously in ancient Africa, it is verifiably correct to state here that the Europeans and the entire Western world, had their abode in caves and forests whilst Africans lived ostensibly in houses built with gold, silver, precious stones and cedar woods transported from Lebanon.
The first European civilization commenced between 730 and 516 BC when the Greeks and the Romans despatched their philosophers to Egypt to acquire knowledge in the Egyptian ancient civilization relating to arts, culture and science via her standard of education. It was the Egyptian civilization that shaped the great Greek philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, Alexander De Great amongst others. Yet the authentic and unadulterated history of the world irrefutably proves that civilization started precisely in Egypt (Africa). And regardless of these startling realities that are historically indisputable, the fortunes of the African continent have very shamefully, continued to dwindle based on the second fiddle mentality syndrome. What a shame!
It is pertinent that the African Union (AU) fully understand that the seeming endemic problems bedevilling the continent are traceable to "enforced colonialism" of the Europeans with it's attendant evil devastations. These have relentlessly resulted in the bizarre destruction of our ancient identity, cultural heritage, history, science and technology, as a people. It is important equally to state at this juncture, that no present crop of Africans should be unjustifiably blamed for the invasion of Africa by the Europeans and the inherent ills being suffered. However, the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), other sub-regional organisations and cynical politicians in all these colonies (African countries), that are shamelessly striving to retain the status quo, should share in the blame for all the ravagings left behind by the callous colonial overlords. These factors have grossly strangulated and stagnated the continent of Africa. One of such impediments to the developments, is the heinous artificial creation of colonies of supremacists' convenience called countries within the continent. As at the 15th, 16th and to the 20th century, the enclave called Nigerian Federation
which is yet under the fistic grip of her British colonialists where the indigenous nationalities of Biafra in the East of the Niger River, Oduduwa in the West and Arewa Hausa Kingdoms at the Northern flank, independently and progressively were in control of their ancestral heritage before the advent of the invading colonialists. The same experience is recorded about other European colonies within the continent which regrettably, has persisted till date.
Clearly, Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etcetera, are all colonies of Britain and her government which must according to egocentric, economic interests, remain under their control. Algeria, Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Tunisia, Togo, Senegal amongst others, are yet colonies of France which rip them off the fortunes of their God-given resources, to callously enrich her economy.
The list of players of African descent, paraded in France national team in the recently concluded Russia 2018 FIFA organized world cup, buttresses the point. Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, etc, remain Portuguese colonies while Burundi, Congo, Congo Democratic Republic, etc, are colonies of Belgium. Equatorial Guinea and Gabon are Spanish colonies, all here in the African continent. Unless all the indigenous nations like Biafra, Arewa and Oduduwa in Nigeria or Iwe, Twi indigenous people of Ghana synergize and courageously dissolve the respective British enclaves which they are locked in, they will certainly be no progress so long the status quo remains. The African continent and her diverse indigenous peoples will persistently play the second fiddle to the colonial supremacists.
Now that there exists several agitations for true and people-oriented political independence in different African sub-regions, it is expedient that the African Union exploits available avenues created by the self-determination calls to deliver the continent from varying degrees of devastations of colonialism and the shackles of neocolonialism presently ravaging the people.
The agitating indigenous nations as listed beneath include:
* Biafra is agitating for independence from the colony of Nigeria in West Africa.
* Anglophone Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) is presently demanding for independence from the colony of Cameroon in Central Africa.
* Western Sahara is agitating for freedom from the colony of Morocco in North Africa.
* Oromo is agitating for independence from Ethiopia in East Africa.
* Zanzibar is agitating for independence from the colony of Tanzania in East Africa.
* Cabinda is agitating for independence from the colony of Angola in Southern Africa.
These European (Britain, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal) created colonies (countries) in Africa which some people are proudly and very erroneously claiming to be theirs, need be delivered from delusion by all means justifiable. Africans need to unite and wholesomely dissolve these obnoxious entities deceitfully created by the colonial overlords for the milking of the resources at the detriment of the indigenous owners of the land. It evoked tears of enslavement and deprivation when Paul Pogba (Guinea), Blaise Matuidi (Angola), Umtiti (Cameroon), Kimpembe (Congo Democratic Republic), Mbappe and all other talented/world class African players which France used to win the prestigious world cup, employed everything within them for the glory of the colonial Franc. This is occasioned by the erroneous mindset shared by many that the reason behind the abysmal performance of the African representatives in the Russian 2018 global soccer tournament, hinges on inferiority complex.
Putting the records straight therefore, it is necessary to emphasize here that the first coach in the world to win the prestigious European Championship trophy back to back for three successive times, is from Africa called Zinedine Zidane. He is an Algerian with French nationality. Who then can pointedly state that Africans are not the most blessed specie of humans in the world, given the enabling environment?
If all the artificially created African countries (European colonies) such as Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola etc, for instance, are comprehensively dissolved today, the glory of Africa must certainly shine. The existence of the British contraption called Nigeria, has remained an irredeemable impediment to economic growth and social development in the African continent. Gifted talents from Africa such as Philip Emeagwali (Biafran scientist), George Opong Weah (Liberian sportsman), Zinedine Zidane (Algerian sportsman), Professor Chile Eboe-Osuji of the International Criminal Court (ICC), (Biafran legal luminary), Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Biafran Economist) etc, could be celebrated achievers in their chosen fields but whenever they respectively ply their trades as representatives of any of these European colonies (African countries), they certainly will make no headway because of institutionalized system of corruption gravely prevalent in these European created colonies (African countries). The only available window of salvation and independence of Africa is the outright dissolution of Nigeria and other Africanised European colonies, which will usher in the uninhibited creation of people-oriented indigenous nations according to their diverse cultural heritage and ideologies. This will be progressively structured in such a way that it will totally run alien to the nefarious European ideologies inherent in the created colonies in Africa, meant to service their selfish political cum economic interests.
If the African continent must completely take her proper position amongst the comity of continents, the indigenous nations of Biafra, Ambazonia, Oromo, Western Sahara, Zanzibar and Cabinda must have to unfetteredly, reclaim their sovereignties. It is only this wholistic revolutionary approach that will deliver the continent of Africa from further enslavement, deprivation and oppression. It should emphatically stated in conclusion, that African survival as a continent peopled and variously gifted by God, with species of viable human/natural resources will never be saved by the array of these European colonies currently existing in Africa principally to milk her to extinction.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers Press

The recently concluded Russia 2018 world soccer tournament where five African countries participated, poor preparation and presentation were brazenly and respectively showcased by their premature eliminations in the first round, in the FIFA organized thirty two (32) nations quadrennial soccer fiesta. It is imperative for the African Union (AU), to wholesomely take introspective look into it's operations/programs with the question: "what really is the problem of Africa with particular reference to social developments"? By taking this very important step, the grossly deteriorating status of Africa amongst the comity of continents would be addressed.
With Egypt as an already civilised society dating back to the year 2050 BC, when the patriarch of the Hebrew nation (Abraham) took refuge to avert the then famine that swept across the ancient world, one then is at a loss on what actually transpired or attracted the abysmal regression of the continent. As at the year 1654 BC, according to my study in Systemic Theology, account has it that Ethiopia was already a civilised society which warranted Beersheba, the Queen of Ethiopia to visit King Solomon of the ancient Israel to tap into His God-given wisdom. She was a witness to the then much talked about splendor of King Solomon's Kingdom. In the year 1270 BC, historical record revealed that the Sudanese King gathered allied nations/forces for war against the nation of Israel which indisputably establishes the fact that civilization came to Sudan way back over one thousand (1000) years before the birth of Jesus Christ. What realistically then is the problem with Africa?
Through the compilation of these historical facts of civilization situated variously in ancient Africa, it is verifiably correct to state here that the Europeans and the entire Western world, had their abode in caves and forests whilst Africans lived ostensibly in houses built with gold, silver, precious stones and cedar woods transported from Lebanon.
The first European civilization commenced between 730 and 516 BC when the Greeks and the Romans despatched their philosophers to Egypt to acquire knowledge in the Egyptian ancient civilization relating to arts, culture and science via her standard of education. It was the Egyptian civilization that shaped the great Greek philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, Alexander De Great amongst others. Yet the authentic and unadulterated history of the world irrefutably proves that civilization started precisely in Egypt (Africa). And regardless of these startling realities that are historically indisputable, the fortunes of the African continent have very shamefully, continued to dwindle based on the second fiddle mentality syndrome. What a shame!
It is pertinent that the African Union (AU) fully understand that the seeming endemic problems bedevilling the continent are traceable to "enforced colonialism" of the Europeans with it's attendant evil devastations. These have relentlessly resulted in the bizarre destruction of our ancient identity, cultural heritage, history, science and technology, as a people. It is important equally to state at this juncture, that no present crop of Africans should be unjustifiably blamed for the invasion of Africa by the Europeans and the inherent ills being suffered. However, the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), other sub-regional organisations and cynical politicians in all these colonies (African countries), that are shamelessly striving to retain the status quo, should share in the blame for all the ravagings left behind by the callous colonial overlords. These factors have grossly strangulated and stagnated the continent of Africa. One of such impediments to the developments, is the heinous artificial creation of colonies of supremacists' convenience called countries within the continent. As at the 15th, 16th and to the 20th century, the enclave called Nigerian Federation
which is yet under the fistic grip of her British colonialists where the indigenous nationalities of Biafra in the East of the Niger River, Oduduwa in the West and Arewa Hausa Kingdoms at the Northern flank, independently and progressively were in control of their ancestral heritage before the advent of the invading colonialists. The same experience is recorded about other European colonies within the continent which regrettably, has persisted till date.
Clearly, Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etcetera, are all colonies of Britain and her government which must according to egocentric, economic interests, remain under their control. Algeria, Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Tunisia, Togo, Senegal amongst others, are yet colonies of France which rip them off the fortunes of their God-given resources, to callously enrich her economy.
The list of players of African descent, paraded in France national team in the recently concluded Russia 2018 FIFA organized world cup, buttresses the point. Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, etc, remain Portuguese colonies while Burundi, Congo, Congo Democratic Republic, etc, are colonies of Belgium. Equatorial Guinea and Gabon are Spanish colonies, all here in the African continent. Unless all the indigenous nations like Biafra, Arewa and Oduduwa in Nigeria or Iwe, Twi indigenous people of Ghana synergize and courageously dissolve the respective British enclaves which they are locked in, they will certainly be no progress so long the status quo remains. The African continent and her diverse indigenous peoples will persistently play the second fiddle to the colonial supremacists.
Now that there exists several agitations for true and people-oriented political independence in different African sub-regions, it is expedient that the African Union exploits available avenues created by the self-determination calls to deliver the continent from varying degrees of devastations of colonialism and the shackles of neocolonialism presently ravaging the people.
The agitating indigenous nations as listed beneath include:
* Biafra is agitating for independence from the colony of Nigeria in West Africa.
* Anglophone Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) is presently demanding for independence from the colony of Cameroon in Central Africa.
* Western Sahara is agitating for freedom from the colony of Morocco in North Africa.
* Oromo is agitating for independence from Ethiopia in East Africa.
* Zanzibar is agitating for independence from the colony of Tanzania in East Africa.
* Cabinda is agitating for independence from the colony of Angola in Southern Africa.
These European (Britain, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal) created colonies (countries) in Africa which some people are proudly and very erroneously claiming to be theirs, need be delivered from delusion by all means justifiable. Africans need to unite and wholesomely dissolve these obnoxious entities deceitfully created by the colonial overlords for the milking of the resources at the detriment of the indigenous owners of the land. It evoked tears of enslavement and deprivation when Paul Pogba (Guinea), Blaise Matuidi (Angola), Umtiti (Cameroon), Kimpembe (Congo Democratic Republic), Mbappe and all other talented/world class African players which France used to win the prestigious world cup, employed everything within them for the glory of the colonial Franc. This is occasioned by the erroneous mindset shared by many that the reason behind the abysmal performance of the African representatives in the Russian 2018 global soccer tournament, hinges on inferiority complex.
Putting the records straight therefore, it is necessary to emphasize here that the first coach in the world to win the prestigious European Championship trophy back to back for three successive times, is from Africa called Zinedine Zidane. He is an Algerian with French nationality. Who then can pointedly state that Africans are not the most blessed specie of humans in the world, given the enabling environment?
If all the artificially created African countries (European colonies) such as Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola etc, for instance, are comprehensively dissolved today, the glory of Africa must certainly shine. The existence of the British contraption called Nigeria, has remained an irredeemable impediment to economic growth and social development in the African continent. Gifted talents from Africa such as Philip Emeagwali (Biafran scientist), George Opong Weah (Liberian sportsman), Zinedine Zidane (Algerian sportsman), Professor Chile Eboe-Osuji of the International Criminal Court (ICC), (Biafran legal luminary), Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Biafran Economist) etc, could be celebrated achievers in their chosen fields but whenever they respectively ply their trades as representatives of any of these European colonies (African countries), they certainly will make no headway because of institutionalized system of corruption gravely prevalent in these European created colonies (African countries). The only available window of salvation and independence of Africa is the outright dissolution of Nigeria and other Africanised European colonies, which will usher in the uninhibited creation of people-oriented indigenous nations according to their diverse cultural heritage and ideologies. This will be progressively structured in such a way that it will totally run alien to the nefarious European ideologies inherent in the created colonies in Africa, meant to service their selfish political cum economic interests.
If the African continent must completely take her proper position amongst the comity of continents, the indigenous nations of Biafra, Ambazonia, Oromo, Western Sahara, Zanzibar and Cabinda must have to unfetteredly, reclaim their sovereignties. It is only this wholistic revolutionary approach that will deliver the continent of Africa from further enslavement, deprivation and oppression. It should emphatically stated in conclusion, that African survival as a continent peopled and variously gifted by God, with species of viable human/natural resources will never be saved by the array of these European colonies currently existing in Africa principally to milk her to extinction.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
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