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Friday, 24 August 2018



Written by Nwafor Somtochukwu Aloysius
For Family Writers Press

A cross section of women of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), numbering one hundred and forty (140), and between the age brackets of 45 and 80 years, amongst whom are breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and the elderly, were bluntly refused bail by Magistrate Court. They were arrested on Friday 17th August 2018 amongst other IPOB women who converged and protested albeit peacefully, demanding the whereabouts and immediate/unconditional release of their leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his aged parents from secretive custody. These women got arrested, extra-judicially incarcerated and placed under varying degrees of torture and dehumanizing treatments in the hands of the Nigerian armed forces eversince then.

Most disheartening, is the callous silence of the likes of self-serving Igbo leaders in the mould of Nnia Nwodo, Ohaneze Ndigbo, Southeast governors, the intelligentsia, political elites and Igbo elders/traditional rulers in the face of these provocations and oppressions. These women whose ages range from 50 to 80 years, were teargassed, assaulted, molested, shot at and forcefully jam-packed into Imo State owned Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Prison facility on the order of an Hausa-Fulani Islamic fundamentalist Police Commissioner called Dansuki Galandanchi. Some of the detained nursing mothers have been denied breastfeeding their babies for over five days now because of police denials of their accessibility to their families.

On Monday 20th of August 2018, before the very eyes of the presiding judge of Owerri-based Magistrate Court were they were charged, an IPOB detainee pregnant woman profusely bled due to the spate of torture she was subjected to in the hands of the Nigerian Police. Disappointedly, she was denied immediate medical attention and bail. One of the women slumped yet before the judge as a result of exhilarating despotic treatments she received from the captors. Which other comparable dehumanizing treatments could one cite beyond these life-threatening conditions being despicably meted out even against our mothers with the involvement of breastfeeding babies, the pregnant and the elderly?

Amidst these calamitous onslaughts, the Magistrate Court judge yet had the temerity, against civilised, professional adjudication, to give an order that these harmless, innocent women be sent back to prison under spurious charges till Monday 3rd of September 2018, just to service the interests of his slavemasters. This is extremely heartless and oppressive.

From the foregoing and without apology, it is correct to state here that Africans are the most corrupt and wicked set of human species to have ever existed on this planet earth.
What a continent!
What a country called Nigeria!!

The so-called Ohaneze Ndigbo, Southeast governors and their band of political hooligans that have dotted the land of Biafra, could not make a statement of concern regarding the bizarre treatments given to our mothers by the Nigerian State. I am pained by this grievous and dastardly act of men who claim to be fighting for their interest of Igbo brethren.

It is irrefutably correct to state that the creation of Ohaneze Ndigbo was not premised on the provision of the socio-cultural needs of the people but for cushioning the very interest of the Fulanis. Ohaneze Ndigbo socio-cultural organisation going by it's name, ought to see through the collective needs of the people particularly when their lives are threatened. But disgracefully, they have turned the other way when the lives of our mothers, sisters, wives, aunties and even breastfeeding babies are being jeopardized. No words of condemnation of government's action nor consolation for our mothers have so far been given.

These crop of imbeciles and self-serving political hooligans from Igbo extraction, have blatantly murdered justice and peace in the land and never in life will they enjoy same. It is awful that the Igbo socio-cultural organisation which supposedly was formed to advance the interest of the people, has shamelessly metamorphosed into a self-seeking partisan group, full of men who are psychopathically deficient and gravely money conscious. How could the Ohaneze Ndigbo be politically toying with the destiny of the people they claim to be protecting even our aged mothers?
The truth remains that with this callous act of betrayal, they have murdered peace and justice in Igboland and they remain the target victims.

Our aged mothers are being extra-judicially incarcerated and not even any of the Igbo born celebrities nor the so-called political elites is talking. This absurdity can never happen either in the Northern or Western part of the evil entity called Nigeria. Hell will be let loose if it does. But not so with Igbo Biafrans. Who bewitched us?

It is heartwarming however, to have a crack, highly enlightened and resilient global organization

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