19th July, 2018.
Greetings to all Biafrans.
Voice of Biafran Students(VOBS) are students of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) all Over Biafra Land in every Higher Institutions of Learning, We are Biafran Students Seeking and Working For The Total Restoration (Political, Educational, Spiritual, Economical and Psychological) of the Sovereign State of BIAFRA under the Leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his Deputy Mazi Uche Mefor.
The Voice of Biafra Students (VOBS) had an extra ordinary meeting in University of Igweocha, Choba on the month of July 2018 and in Solidarity and unity of purpose made an unequivocal Statement that:
A. The Biafran Students have Risen to her Responsibilities of establishing IPOB family in every tertiary Institution.
This includes Tactical Operations to penetrate even inside the fabrics of the Student Union Government (SUG). In many occasions where the SUG should stand up and speak up against impunity and tyranny, illegal extortions and Poor Learning Facilities from the School management onbehalf of the Biafran and Non- Biafran Populace that they are supposed to protect their interest and represent well. They have not lived up to expectations not because they are weak but because of the faulty foundation of the Nigerian system. VOBS has come to bridge that Gap amongst the Biafran Populace in all her Universities through the Inauguration of IPOB FAMILY in Every Department in all INSTITUTIONS.
B. We are strongly saying that the Basis of the Existence of this Lugard Creation (Nigeria) has expired like every other Commodity in the market.
We the VOBS in all field of Studies have in Strong Voice said the name “Nigeria” only Came into Existence in 1914 when they (Britian) forcefully coarsed our fore fathers “Biafarans" into a Union that they ( Indigenous People of BIAFRA) had no Say in it.The name Nigeria was suggested by the Journalist who was a Sex Mate to the then Governor General of the Northern Protectorate of the Colony of British West Africa by name Sir Fredrick Luguard.He proposed the bill to expand the Colony for Her Britainic Majesty, In 1914 he Amalgamated the Northern and Southern protectorate .
The Union Nigeria was for the Economic interest of the British Government and her People not the Indigenous Population dwelling in that part of the world. It will interest you to know that the document of Amalgamation was for a Period of 100 years (1914 - 2014), meaning in Reality Nigeria is an Expired Entity for 4 years now.
C. Release our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his Family..
On the 14th day of September 2017, the Nigerian Army invaded the House of the Leader of Indigenous People of BIAFRA shooting Sporadically leaving over 26 dead, Since that Encounter We have not Heard from or Seen our Leader,
It is 305 days today. Since that invasion, the Nigerian military have refused to release him Dead or Alive. We are calling on the Nigerian government and the military to release our leader for us either dead or alive.
D. In REFERENDUM we Stand as a Peaceful Means for Exercising our Right to Self Determination in pursuit of the restoration of the Sovereign State of Biafra. As such We, Biafran Students in Unison have Risen up to Support IPOB Call for A Referendum to opt out from the British creation called Nigeria which is no longer safe for human habitation. We say NO to any Form of Restructuring. There's no basis for any other Negotiations because even the Nigeria is an expired Expression and as such no Law is effective anymore.
E. Therefore, we urge all Biafran students in various higher institutions across Nigeria and in diaspora to rise up and take their pride of place in The Restoration of our dear nation Biafra. We must all stick together to liberate this land for the generations unborn.
We would end with the words of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu," don't be shy don't be timid, stand up and embrace your destiny ,your destiny is greatness your destiny is Biafra“The Force Behind the Biafran Restoration Project is Far Greater Than The Obstacles Ahead".
May Chukwu Okike Abiama continue to direct, guide and enrich us all with His wisdom as we journey to the land of the Rising Sun...
Signed: UNIPORT STUDENT Co-ordinator
FUTO STUDENT Co-ordinator
ALVAN STUDENT Co-ordinator
FPO STUDENT Co-ordinator
UNN STUDENT Co-ordinator
RUST STUDENT Co-ordinator
19th July, 2018.
Greetings to all Biafrans.
Voice of Biafran Students(VOBS) are students of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) all Over Biafra Land in every Higher Institutions of Learning, We are Biafran Students Seeking and Working For The Total Restoration (Political, Educational, Spiritual, Economical and Psychological) of the Sovereign State of BIAFRA under the Leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his Deputy Mazi Uche Mefor.
The Voice of Biafra Students (VOBS) had an extra ordinary meeting in University of Igweocha, Choba on the month of July 2018 and in Solidarity and unity of purpose made an unequivocal Statement that:
A. The Biafran Students have Risen to her Responsibilities of establishing IPOB family in every tertiary Institution.
This includes Tactical Operations to penetrate even inside the fabrics of the Student Union Government (SUG). In many occasions where the SUG should stand up and speak up against impunity and tyranny, illegal extortions and Poor Learning Facilities from the School management onbehalf of the Biafran and Non- Biafran Populace that they are supposed to protect their interest and represent well. They have not lived up to expectations not because they are weak but because of the faulty foundation of the Nigerian system. VOBS has come to bridge that Gap amongst the Biafran Populace in all her Universities through the Inauguration of IPOB FAMILY in Every Department in all INSTITUTIONS.
B. We are strongly saying that the Basis of the Existence of this Lugard Creation (Nigeria) has expired like every other Commodity in the market.
We the VOBS in all field of Studies have in Strong Voice said the name “Nigeria” only Came into Existence in 1914 when they (Britian) forcefully coarsed our fore fathers “Biafarans" into a Union that they ( Indigenous People of BIAFRA) had no Say in it.The name Nigeria was suggested by the Journalist who was a Sex Mate to the then Governor General of the Northern Protectorate of the Colony of British West Africa by name Sir Fredrick Luguard.He proposed the bill to expand the Colony for Her Britainic Majesty, In 1914 he Amalgamated the Northern and Southern protectorate .

C. Release our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his Family..
On the 14th day of September 2017, the Nigerian Army invaded the House of the Leader of Indigenous People of BIAFRA shooting Sporadically leaving over 26 dead, Since that Encounter We have not Heard from or Seen our Leader,
It is 305 days today. Since that invasion, the Nigerian military have refused to release him Dead or Alive. We are calling on the Nigerian government and the military to release our leader for us either dead or alive.
D. In REFERENDUM we Stand as a Peaceful Means for Exercising our Right to Self Determination in pursuit of the restoration of the Sovereign State of Biafra. As such We, Biafran Students in Unison have Risen up to Support IPOB Call for A Referendum to opt out from the British creation called Nigeria which is no longer safe for human habitation. We say NO to any Form of Restructuring. There's no basis for any other Negotiations because even the Nigeria is an expired Expression and as such no Law is effective anymore.
E. Therefore, we urge all Biafran students in various higher institutions across Nigeria and in diaspora to rise up and take their pride of place in The Restoration of our dear nation Biafra. We must all stick together to liberate this land for the generations unborn.
We would end with the words of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu," don't be shy don't be timid, stand up and embrace your destiny ,your destiny is greatness your destiny is Biafra“The Force Behind the Biafran Restoration Project is Far Greater Than The Obstacles Ahead".
May Chukwu Okike Abiama continue to direct, guide and enrich us all with His wisdom as we journey to the land of the Rising Sun...
Signed: UNIPORT STUDENT Co-ordinator
FUTO STUDENT Co-ordinator
ALVAN STUDENT Co-ordinator
FPO STUDENT Co-ordinator
UNN STUDENT Co-ordinator
RUST STUDENT Co-ordinator
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