Written by Ekwenye Samuel
For Family Writers Press
It is an indisputable fact and especially in a decent societies, that keeping to the tenets of the law takes precedence over mere application of humanistic wisdom. The intents of the heart are not usually measured by facial expressions or structured dispositions. This can be deceitful. A country like Nigeria which treasures and pleasures in terrorism, corruption and killings has become a disgrace to humanity in the hands of Muhammadu Buhari, the Islamic despotic Nigerian President and his fellow accomplices.
There could be claims that Nigeria has guiding laws on issues relating to her existence and operations but it is shamefully disheartening to note that those laws are just mere letters put together as tools of oppression and deception. Human rights laws in the country for instance, are just formalities marshalled out to hoodwink the gullible and by extension, the international community. There has been colossal wave of human rights violations in the country by the powers that be, without any commensurate response or justice.
Gruesome killings of innocent citizens by the Nigerian Islamists have persistently remained unabated. The government of the day is covertly giving sponsorship and protection to the agents of this wave of madness, with the masses hopelessly and helplessly living at their mercy. It is self-deception and a mirage for anybody to think that an Islamic fundamentalist government will apply the law against what it conscientiously orchestrated and is ostensibly funding. Therefore, telling people to be law abiding in an atmosphere of lawlessness, dedounds to foolhardiness. The innocent people who have been on the receiving end of pains, suffering and penury all days, are yet crying out for justice and extrication.
It is only in an enclave like Nigeria, that a government can sponsor, breed, supervise and protect terrorism/terrorist groups with impunity. These jihadists are sophisticatedly being armed and deployed to every nook and cranny with the mandate to kill, rape, destroy and occupy. Boko Haram terrorists were groomed and empowered by the caliphate in connivance with the Northern Arewa and Yoruba politicians to make Nigeria ungovernable against the presidency of the immediate past government led by Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan whom they assumed to be an Igboman (Biafran). Right from the inception of his administration, these people started plotting against Biafrans' interests with the resolve that Nigerian leadership remains their birthright. Muhammadu Buhari and his fellow despots have remained eversince then till date, the greatest misfortune that has befallen the Nigerian democratic experiment. Under Buhari's government, the Boko Haram terrorists have been "forgiven", discharged, reabsorbed into the society, readmitted, into the military/ police and empowered with sophisticated weapons and transformed/allied as Fulani killer herdsmen, preparatory to the so-called 2019 upcoming elections. The impostor who is Jubril from Sudan, presently in Aso Rock, will then, with this army of conquest, ably aided and given cover by the Fulani heads of Nigerian security services, stand for re-election. All these were surreptitiously schemed prior to the 2015 general election as detailed investigations revealed. The so-called Fulani herders presently ravaging communities with AK47 riffles are fictitiously dissolved extracts from the Boko Haram terrorist group. The real cattle herders transverse different locations with knives and sticks and not with snipers, grenades and assault rifles.
The Muhammadu Buhari led government and officials themselves, are indisputably the terrorists as they groom, sponsor, patronise and give protection to these lisenced vampires. With this evil tide profusely raging, where then lies the hope and deliverance of the innocent? The chaff has really being separated from the grain and it has become obviously convincing that Nigeria as a forced country, has met her waterloo. It is incumbent upon the civilised global community to without further delay, wade into the situation and adequately apply the laws to save the innocent from extinction. The Nigerian government which itself is a major sponsor of terrorism, cannot proffer any solution. The judiciary has become a mere rubber stamp to the tyrannical antecedents of the executive. It is being used as a conduit of extortion from the people daily facing all kinds of victimization. Justice can no longer be served and so the over- burdened populace only live in anticipation of definitive and untainted redemption.
It is over for Nigeria as a country!
Biafra is on her exit and nothing whatsoever can truncate this mandate!!
God bless Biafrans!!!
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Ekwenye Samuel
For Family Writers Press

There could be claims that Nigeria has guiding laws on issues relating to her existence and operations but it is shamefully disheartening to note that those laws are just mere letters put together as tools of oppression and deception. Human rights laws in the country for instance, are just formalities marshalled out to hoodwink the gullible and by extension, the international community. There has been colossal wave of human rights violations in the country by the powers that be, without any commensurate response or justice.
Gruesome killings of innocent citizens by the Nigerian Islamists have persistently remained unabated. The government of the day is covertly giving sponsorship and protection to the agents of this wave of madness, with the masses hopelessly and helplessly living at their mercy. It is self-deception and a mirage for anybody to think that an Islamic fundamentalist government will apply the law against what it conscientiously orchestrated and is ostensibly funding. Therefore, telling people to be law abiding in an atmosphere of lawlessness, dedounds to foolhardiness. The innocent people who have been on the receiving end of pains, suffering and penury all days, are yet crying out for justice and extrication.
It is only in an enclave like Nigeria, that a government can sponsor, breed, supervise and protect terrorism/terrorist groups with impunity. These jihadists are sophisticatedly being armed and deployed to every nook and cranny with the mandate to kill, rape, destroy and occupy. Boko Haram terrorists were groomed and empowered by the caliphate in connivance with the Northern Arewa and Yoruba politicians to make Nigeria ungovernable against the presidency of the immediate past government led by Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan whom they assumed to be an Igboman (Biafran). Right from the inception of his administration, these people started plotting against Biafrans' interests with the resolve that Nigerian leadership remains their birthright. Muhammadu Buhari and his fellow despots have remained eversince then till date, the greatest misfortune that has befallen the Nigerian democratic experiment. Under Buhari's government, the Boko Haram terrorists have been "forgiven", discharged, reabsorbed into the society, readmitted, into the military/ police and empowered with sophisticated weapons and transformed/allied as Fulani killer herdsmen, preparatory to the so-called 2019 upcoming elections. The impostor who is Jubril from Sudan, presently in Aso Rock, will then, with this army of conquest, ably aided and given cover by the Fulani heads of Nigerian security services, stand for re-election. All these were surreptitiously schemed prior to the 2015 general election as detailed investigations revealed. The so-called Fulani herders presently ravaging communities with AK47 riffles are fictitiously dissolved extracts from the Boko Haram terrorist group. The real cattle herders transverse different locations with knives and sticks and not with snipers, grenades and assault rifles.
The Muhammadu Buhari led government and officials themselves, are indisputably the terrorists as they groom, sponsor, patronise and give protection to these lisenced vampires. With this evil tide profusely raging, where then lies the hope and deliverance of the innocent? The chaff has really being separated from the grain and it has become obviously convincing that Nigeria as a forced country, has met her waterloo. It is incumbent upon the civilised global community to without further delay, wade into the situation and adequately apply the laws to save the innocent from extinction. The Nigerian government which itself is a major sponsor of terrorism, cannot proffer any solution. The judiciary has become a mere rubber stamp to the tyrannical antecedents of the executive. It is being used as a conduit of extortion from the people daily facing all kinds of victimization. Justice can no longer be served and so the over- burdened populace only live in anticipation of definitive and untainted redemption.
It is over for Nigeria as a country!
Biafra is on her exit and nothing whatsoever can truncate this mandate!!
God bless Biafrans!!!
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
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