Written by Ogeh Friday Igiri
For Family Writers Press
As a great thinker and a lover of freedom, I oftentimes get myself in-depthly engaged on African related issues, with the attendant devastating consequences and how best solutions can be proffered to them. Disappointedly, I find myself wallowing in emptiness as to what better ways those issues could be addressed, as over the years, there existed virtually no foreseeable redemptive agenda in place.
These seeming endemic issues adversely affecting Africa, range from gross political misconduct, corruption, wickedness, insecurity, penury, illiteracy, diseases, lack of infrastructural developments to diverse kinds of conflicts. Some schools of thought had quickly concluded that the continent of Africa is built on Satanism with Nigeria serving as the headquarters. This they reasoned, is premised on highly shameless levels of illegality being perpetrated. Africa has the highest percentage of total corrupt politicians and other individuals, with Nigeria topping the list in the entire world. It is worrisome to note that Nigeria as a country, ranks highest on the wrung of the ladder, having satanic ambassadors in the entire universe. Out of these Nigerians, the Hausa-Fulanis are in the majority.
One therefore, should not be surprised why Nigeria steadily thriving as the satanic abode in Africa, should not be the richest and yet the poorest country in the continent and why glorying in the euphoric acclaim of being the giant of Africa, still has thousands of innocent citizens gruesomely murdered at will monthly, by Islamic terrorists. This is consequent upon the fact that there exists cabals who treasure, pleasure and get satisfied from the chain of atrocious illegalities unrelentlessly being meted out against others. The continuous killings of the innocent by Fulani killer herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists, coupled with the callous marginalization of Biafrans within the Nigerian enclave, are indisputable evidential proofs of that assertion.
These lend credence to why it appears convincing that the continent of Africa and her people were differently created to play the second fiddle to other continents and their peoples. In Africa and particularly in Nigeria, are men and women that conscientiously work and represent the devil in full capacity.
Who then will salvage Africa? What hope does the continent have? Should the continent be allowed to persistently tilt towards the abyss and helpless stagnation by the wickedness of the selfish? The emphatic answer to all these, is that there exists, a solution. Something tangible, drastic, prompt and positive has to be employed for redemption. All men and women of good consciences have to synergize to wholesomely end this maladious enterprise.
The resilient and result-oriented efforts of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu must be encouraged and supported, the odds notwithstanding. It must be noted that the continent of Africa died in Biafra and it is through the unfettered restoration of Biafra, that the glory of the African continent can undoubtedly be restored. All people irrespective of parochial interests, ethnicity, gender and social/religious backgrounds, should arise and unite to lend the needed support to the Biafra restoration struggle. This is the only panacea that will redress the tainted and strangulated image of the continent and the upheavals confronting the world.
To be continued.....
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Ogeh Friday Igiri
For Family Writers Press
As a great thinker and a lover of freedom, I oftentimes get myself in-depthly engaged on African related issues, with the attendant devastating consequences and how best solutions can be proffered to them. Disappointedly, I find myself wallowing in emptiness as to what better ways those issues could be addressed, as over the years, there existed virtually no foreseeable redemptive agenda in place.
These seeming endemic issues adversely affecting Africa, range from gross political misconduct, corruption, wickedness, insecurity, penury, illiteracy, diseases, lack of infrastructural developments to diverse kinds of conflicts. Some schools of thought had quickly concluded that the continent of Africa is built on Satanism with Nigeria serving as the headquarters. This they reasoned, is premised on highly shameless levels of illegality being perpetrated. Africa has the highest percentage of total corrupt politicians and other individuals, with Nigeria topping the list in the entire world. It is worrisome to note that Nigeria as a country, ranks highest on the wrung of the ladder, having satanic ambassadors in the entire universe. Out of these Nigerians, the Hausa-Fulanis are in the majority.
One therefore, should not be surprised why Nigeria steadily thriving as the satanic abode in Africa, should not be the richest and yet the poorest country in the continent and why glorying in the euphoric acclaim of being the giant of Africa, still has thousands of innocent citizens gruesomely murdered at will monthly, by Islamic terrorists. This is consequent upon the fact that there exists cabals who treasure, pleasure and get satisfied from the chain of atrocious illegalities unrelentlessly being meted out against others. The continuous killings of the innocent by Fulani killer herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists, coupled with the callous marginalization of Biafrans within the Nigerian enclave, are indisputable evidential proofs of that assertion.
These lend credence to why it appears convincing that the continent of Africa and her people were differently created to play the second fiddle to other continents and their peoples. In Africa and particularly in Nigeria, are men and women that conscientiously work and represent the devil in full capacity.
Who then will salvage Africa? What hope does the continent have? Should the continent be allowed to persistently tilt towards the abyss and helpless stagnation by the wickedness of the selfish? The emphatic answer to all these, is that there exists, a solution. Something tangible, drastic, prompt and positive has to be employed for redemption. All men and women of good consciences have to synergize to wholesomely end this maladious enterprise.
The resilient and result-oriented efforts of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu must be encouraged and supported, the odds notwithstanding. It must be noted that the continent of Africa died in Biafra and it is through the unfettered restoration of Biafra, that the glory of the African continent can undoubtedly be restored. All people irrespective of parochial interests, ethnicity, gender and social/religious backgrounds, should arise and unite to lend the needed support to the Biafra restoration struggle. This is the only panacea that will redress the tainted and strangulated image of the continent and the upheavals confronting the world.
To be continued.....
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
the atrocities you have comited have never been done anywhere around the world, so what we have to say for that is you must leave our country for us or we will kill back 7millions of fulanis , you think we are beging you ? we know you cannot stop killing, we know your type of religion and the kind of havoc you are coursing evry were around the world, we can't continue with you here in Nigeria, you must go back to fulani after all its your country , you sopposed to be saying thanks we have tried, but fulani must go..