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Friday, 8 June 2018



Written by Moses Agbo
For Family Writers Press

The declaration of June 12 as the new Democracy Day in Nigeria by President Muhammadu Buhari, in honor of the late political mogul, Chief MKO Abiola is really expository. Abiola won the victory of the Presidential election of June 12 1999 that he was never allowed to access. And of course, the events of that year, culminated into exposing the atrocious activities of the powers that then existed and the colossal damage that illicit encroachment that introduced into the democratic experiment of the Nigerian Federation.

MKO Abiola was never allowed by the Hausa-Fulani dominated military junta to assume office as the duly elected democratic President of Nigeria after many years of draconian government. He was thrown into prison for daring to declare himself the President of the Federal Republic and died subsequently without realizing his dream. Shameful enough, is that the late chief MKO Abiola a couple of days back, was posthumously, awarded the rank of a Grand Commander of the Federal Republic (GCFR) while in the grave, by one of the principal officers that denied him his victory, who happens today to be the Nigerian President known as Muhammadu Buhari. This is really considered as "Medicine after Death", craftily orchestrated to hoodwink the gullible, through the chessboard of jaundiced politics. It came as a surprise though from a bigostic tyrant who today is a President, that committed that very monumental atrocity against an overwhelming choice of the people. A democratic experiment that Nigeria firstly had which enjoyed massive support of the people across all sections of the country. The same despot in the person of Muhammadu Buhari yet forced through manipulative machineries into power over the people wearing the mask of a nationalist.

Buhari's actions simply put, smacks of a proverbial killer and a masquerade who killed and as well, deceitfully forfeited the burial of the victims to the bereaved. It seems that his drunken bid for power is the fundamental reason behind the recent posthumous award given to late Chief MKO Abiola in order to hoodwink the gullible Yorubas into sympathy with his second tenure plan. Conversely and by virtue of that award, it has become obviously clear that MKO Abiola was murdered in his victory against an opponent in the masquerade.

On the hand, the posthumous award is seen as a blatant mockery at the face of the entire Yoruba nation and all civilised democracies, that an unrepentant dictator who partook in the overthrow of a democratically elected government,   cold-bloodedly killed this man while sitting over a sector of the  country's economy.

The game plan of this anarchist/terrorist who made the country ungovernable under the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan, is to garner support for his purported tenure elongation in 2019 from the Western part of Nigeria. It was he who threatened the peace of the citizenry. Many people were variously killed including National Youth Corps members on assignment down North. The mayhem of Boko Haram terrorists which himself and his fellow Islamic accomplices created has seemingly defied known solutions. Muhammadu Buhari as a man, forced his way to power in 2015 following a well organized rigging machinery desperately adopted to rule by all means, his gross incompetence notwithstanding.

What a shame to an uncivilized and corrupt country even in the 21st century! He in line with his hard Islamic fundamentalism, has remained adamantly silent about the unabated spate of killings being carried out Christians even globally. All these are droplets of the antecedents of a desperate individual just in the bid to cling unto power.

The posthumous award given to the late MKO Abiola is a testification of the personality of Yoruba nationalism. Muhammadu Buhari is a killer with varying records of untrustworthiness and instinct hypocrisy. The civilised global community is awaiting the planned success of Muhammadu Buhari in his wooing antics to the Yorubas, to endorse an inglorious honor of an illustrious son by a monster, who is shamelessly masquerading as a trusted nationalistic democrat whose government never allowed the 1999 widely celebrated Presidential winner, to be.

Humanity can no longer be deceived!

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press

1 comment

  1. Courageously very true. Some evils controlling Hausas/Fulanis, double faces Yorubas and their supporters, must give accounts of many killings including Dele Giwa, Ken Sarowiwa etc. Ise to Peace and Equity.


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