By MC Holyman
Paul Biya took over in Cameroun as president in november of '82. In spite of his highhandedness, Camerounians have gone to the polls 7 times, equipped with their PVC to remove him. The failed woefully! Its 36 years now!
For 38 years, Togolese struggled with their PVC to remove President Gnassingbe Eyadema. The more they try, the more they fail. Until his death in 2005, Gnassingbe ruled Togo in spite of the fact that he was rejected by the people. PVC could not help them. At his death however, his son, Faure Gnassingbe took over power! Up till date and for a period of 50 years and counting, 2 men ruled a country! A father and his son, just because the people are politically correct, waiting for election year to remove them with their PVC. What a miserable life?
Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga.
He took over power in Zaire in 1965 as a dictator after killing Patrice Lumumba. He later became a democrat and instead of open democracy, he unified all political parties under himself. People had PVC's but it was just another useless piece of paper. It took a combined military revolution by the Rewandan Tutsi and the Ugandan army to topple his government in 1997! 32 years on!
President Teodore Obiang Nguema Mbasongo of Malabo is still very much in power since 1979! Is it that Equatoguineans do no have their PVCs ? By all means they do but the yoke upon their necks cannot be broken by a piece of paper.
For 42 years 175 days, El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondinba ruled Gabon! PVC or not, he wins election after election. Till his death in 2009! Even after death, his Biafran adopted son, Ali Bongo Ondinba took over power till date!
What was I supposed to say concerning the famous Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe? If not for military revolution, even at 93 years he would have been in power still.
Over 40 years of rulership.
We could go on and on to cite examples but one thing remains outstanding in the case of Cameroun.
Haven tried all they could with their PVC, the southern part of Cameroun knew and understand the power of boycott!
Led by President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe who was later arrested by the british nigerian army, the Republic of Ambazonia embarked on a total boycott in november 2017.
No election, no schools, no office, no banks and no nothing! They declared a ghost town in the whole of their region and by the first quatre of 2018, UN led peacekeeping forces landed in Cameroun! As I write now, serious plans are on-going for a UN monitored referendum for the Ambazonian Republic!
What they could not achieve with 32 years of voting and PVCs, they have achieved with 6 months of boycott!
Its left for you to decide whether the power of PVC is limited or not.
When next you are confronted by the PVC/vote advocates, ask them why voting has failed Africa since 1960?
Its civil disobedience and resistance that weakens despots and tyrants. Not votes and PVCs. Tyrants are even more afraid of boycott than they are of a revolution. They can crush revolutions, arrest the ringleaders, tag them treasonable felons are eliminate them but they have no antidote to a successful boycott.
Do you want to shake tables? Boycott is the fastst, cheapest, safest, painless and loudest route. You need your voice to be heard, boycott!
Think change, think boycott.
Don't be fooled or coerced into mistaking a tyrant for a democrat, or a Buhari for a Jonathan. Do not look at 2019 through the prism of 2015. Your votes did'nt count then and definately will not count tomorrow. You didnt vote out Jonathan and certainly cannot vote out Buhari.
Do not mistake countries where instiitutions are strong for this British political shithole.
Voting works where institutions are strong and independent of the central government, not in evil forests like nigger-area. What you do, every time you go out to vote, is to endorse your slavery and oil the chains that bind you.
While boycott will bring all stakeholders to the conference table, voting validates the charad of a (s)election.
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our own mind", Robert Nesta Rastaman Marley.
Happy weekend pals.
Good morning
By MC Holyman
Paul Biya took over in Cameroun as president in november of '82. In spite of his highhandedness, Camerounians have gone to the polls 7 times, equipped with their PVC to remove him. The failed woefully! Its 36 years now!

Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga.
He took over power in Zaire in 1965 as a dictator after killing Patrice Lumumba. He later became a democrat and instead of open democracy, he unified all political parties under himself. People had PVC's but it was just another useless piece of paper. It took a combined military revolution by the Rewandan Tutsi and the Ugandan army to topple his government in 1997! 32 years on!
President Teodore Obiang Nguema Mbasongo of Malabo is still very much in power since 1979! Is it that Equatoguineans do no have their PVCs ? By all means they do but the yoke upon their necks cannot be broken by a piece of paper.
For 42 years 175 days, El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondinba ruled Gabon! PVC or not, he wins election after election. Till his death in 2009! Even after death, his Biafran adopted son, Ali Bongo Ondinba took over power till date!
What was I supposed to say concerning the famous Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe? If not for military revolution, even at 93 years he would have been in power still.
Over 40 years of rulership.
We could go on and on to cite examples but one thing remains outstanding in the case of Cameroun.
Haven tried all they could with their PVC, the southern part of Cameroun knew and understand the power of boycott!
Led by President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe who was later arrested by the british nigerian army, the Republic of Ambazonia embarked on a total boycott in november 2017.
No election, no schools, no office, no banks and no nothing! They declared a ghost town in the whole of their region and by the first quatre of 2018, UN led peacekeeping forces landed in Cameroun! As I write now, serious plans are on-going for a UN monitored referendum for the Ambazonian Republic!
What they could not achieve with 32 years of voting and PVCs, they have achieved with 6 months of boycott!
Its left for you to decide whether the power of PVC is limited or not.
When next you are confronted by the PVC/vote advocates, ask them why voting has failed Africa since 1960?
Its civil disobedience and resistance that weakens despots and tyrants. Not votes and PVCs. Tyrants are even more afraid of boycott than they are of a revolution. They can crush revolutions, arrest the ringleaders, tag them treasonable felons are eliminate them but they have no antidote to a successful boycott.
Do you want to shake tables? Boycott is the fastst, cheapest, safest, painless and loudest route. You need your voice to be heard, boycott!
Think change, think boycott.
Don't be fooled or coerced into mistaking a tyrant for a democrat, or a Buhari for a Jonathan. Do not look at 2019 through the prism of 2015. Your votes did'nt count then and definately will not count tomorrow. You didnt vote out Jonathan and certainly cannot vote out Buhari.
Do not mistake countries where instiitutions are strong for this British political shithole.
Voting works where institutions are strong and independent of the central government, not in evil forests like nigger-area. What you do, every time you go out to vote, is to endorse your slavery and oil the chains that bind you.
While boycott will bring all stakeholders to the conference table, voting validates the charad of a (s)election.
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our own mind", Robert Nesta Rastaman Marley.
Happy weekend pals.
Good morning
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