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Monday, 27 November 2017



Once again they have gathered-
Disguised as agents of light;
Looking for souls to destroy.

From every angle they are sprouting out,
With melodious sweet rhythm,
With a near angelic voice,
But singing fabricated lies of crucifixion.

Those who call white, black-
Reviewing a black truth at night,
Where no one can see it;
Instead of noon day
 When all are awake.

Yes they are out!
At the hour of evil operation,
At the darkest hour of the night,
With their 30 pieces of silver-
Wining souls to their kingdom,
And preparing to battle the righteous one-
The holy and chosen one,
The anointed prophet and his mission;

Because they presumed that he is no more;
Because they believed that he has been silenced;
Because they considered the  end to be near,
They now have a cause to merry;
Their hearts leap for joy:
Yes we have made it! they said.

But fear not Biafrans!
IPOB and Nnamdi Kanu are Noah’s ark,
It is built on a divine mandate,
No amount of the sea wave can sink her.

IPOB is unsinkable,
Drowning is never her portion,
Gold and silvers of the Egyptians
 Shall hold some captives in the slave land;

Reject Pharaoh and his gifts;
Aim at your freedom-
 And the freedom of your children's children;
The mandate for the restoration of our nation-
 Is with IPOB and Nnamdi Kanu:
Follow them and you shall be saved.

The sprouting of these evil men, The wolves in a sheep's clothing,
Is nothing but the fulfillment of prophecy.

Don’t be weary in spirit,
Only prepare yourselves and you mind;
These agents of darkness are yet to do their worst,
Yes, they are yet to do it-
Those who think they can stop Biafra
They have been empowered by the enemies,
But the end shall justify the means.

All ye powers of evil,
Why have you chosen to operate at night?
Why have you chosen to disguise yourselves?
Must it be in the absence of Nnamdi Kanu,
 That you make the highest noise?

We have known you and your antics,
It is left for us to deal  decisively with you and your likes.

 IPOB under the Supreme leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu,
Is a global family.
So indestructible,
And Insurmountable.

As the universal Catholic Church is uncountable,
 So also are the members of IPOB;
Therefore, I am not bothered,
 Because without Judas,
the glory of Jesus wouldn’t have been known.

We remain more than resolute,
We are prepared for this faithful day and days beyond,
We shall watch and see to the end of It all.
It is well with our souls.

Written By Paul Emerenini,
For Family Writers Press.

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