By Paul Emerenini
For Family Writers' Press
On this day, 95% of Biafrans all over Biafra Land enjoys a particular meal called Ofe-Nsala.
I call it "Free Government Rule Day'
Ofe Nsala is an amazing delicious soup, which no body will like to miss. It is a special soup that is usually prepared during special ceremonies because of its high cost of preparation. In ofe-nsala, every amazing spice that is used in cooking are a found in it.
Due to the excesses of ingredients (varieties of meat and fish), there is no free passage of hand in the soup.
The soup is a prostitute in terms of swallow because be it can be eaten with samovita, garri, akpu, wheat or pounded yam. Continuing discretion of this soup may lead me to eat it in dream because i am in a very distant land from Biafra Land.
The gods of the land having suffered for over a decade on hunger and starvation decided to appease himself and his people with this soup by the introduction of this awesome festival through the mouth of the chief custodian and the prince of the land Prince Nnamdi Kanu.
The Land of Biafra is a great and blessed land of the ancient people. The land is known for many things that cannot be found elsewhere in any part of the world.
It is a land whose occupants and origin cannot be traced. The men of the land are known as ancient warriors who never lose any battle they went. While others hunt rats with guns and machetes, Biafran men hunt Lions, beers and tigers with bare hands this is a verifiable fact.
In Biafra Land, men climb Iroko trees without rope or swing.
Biafrans are born scientists by nature. We invent and reinvent whatever that can be seen or touched.
Everything about Biafra Land marvels the universe.
When you talk of sea foods in Biafra, it is beyond science imagination. What about forestry? it thunders the sky.
When you talk about farming, you remember feeding the universe, dream of mineral resources, you see the British government, and every world power nations dancing on Biafrans' blood. Think of human intellectual, they try buying us and our entire generations or they combined and ensure that we are eliminated. With their sophisticated and chemical weapons, they suppress and intimidated us and held us in captivity, but now the prison bird has discovered an escape route and his willingness to escape on the festival day! Thanks be to God who have remembered his people and have come to the help of Biafrans to set us free. Thanks be to the prophet whom God have used to manifest his power. Thanks be to the womb that bore the prophet. Blessed be the day of our unity festival.
Blessed be all that will participate in this solemn festival.
It is a dancing of the captives
The festival of the prisoners
The feast of every political demotion
The merry of tyranny end
It is a feast of the joy of the sorrowed
The slogan is boycotting
The real name is unity festival
May the First Son (Anambra Indigenes) never fail us all
May every other part of Biafra Land follow your footsteps
At the end Biafrans will chorus:
God bless Biafra Nation!!
By Paul Emerenini
For Family Writers' Press
On this day, 95% of Biafrans all over Biafra Land enjoys a particular meal called Ofe-Nsala.
I call it "Free Government Rule Day'

Due to the excesses of ingredients (varieties of meat and fish), there is no free passage of hand in the soup.
The soup is a prostitute in terms of swallow because be it can be eaten with samovita, garri, akpu, wheat or pounded yam. Continuing discretion of this soup may lead me to eat it in dream because i am in a very distant land from Biafra Land.
The gods of the land having suffered for over a decade on hunger and starvation decided to appease himself and his people with this soup by the introduction of this awesome festival through the mouth of the chief custodian and the prince of the land Prince Nnamdi Kanu.
The Land of Biafra is a great and blessed land of the ancient people. The land is known for many things that cannot be found elsewhere in any part of the world.
It is a land whose occupants and origin cannot be traced. The men of the land are known as ancient warriors who never lose any battle they went. While others hunt rats with guns and machetes, Biafran men hunt Lions, beers and tigers with bare hands this is a verifiable fact.
In Biafra Land, men climb Iroko trees without rope or swing.
Biafrans are born scientists by nature. We invent and reinvent whatever that can be seen or touched.
Everything about Biafra Land marvels the universe.
When you talk of sea foods in Biafra, it is beyond science imagination. What about forestry? it thunders the sky.

Blessed be all that will participate in this solemn festival.
It is a dancing of the captives
The festival of the prisoners
The feast of every political demotion
The merry of tyranny end
It is a feast of the joy of the sorrowed
The slogan is boycotting
The real name is unity festival
May the First Son (Anambra Indigenes) never fail us all
May every other part of Biafra Land follow your footsteps
At the end Biafrans will chorus:
God bless Biafra Nation!!
Amen our heavenly God, has already blessed us