Written by Ezeali Christopher Otu
For Family Writers Press
The upcoming gubernatorial election scheduled for 18th of November 2017, in Anambra State is essentially immoral and inconsequential. Close observation of the evolving developments in that state preparatory to the so-called scheduled election have confirmed the deadly desperation of the monster presently presiding over affairs as a governor in Anambra state Government House called Willie Obiano in his morbid bid for re-election at all cost. He has voted in huge amounts of Anambra people’s money for bribery purposes. This is part of their enslavement gamesplans against Biafrans in the state.
It has become a shameless norm in the polity within the entire Biafraland where the supposed elected representatives of the people without conscience, get into office through all crude means just to service their egocentric interests at the expense of their own people.
It is therefore pertinent at this juncture to re-echo the "Sit - At - Home" order of our supreme leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to all Biafrans especially the family members of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) come that Anambra election day. If we miss this opportunity by not paying heed to the boycott order, we will remain perpetual slaves with absolutely no hope for our emancipation and that of our posterity. There presently exists unprecedented pressure from desperate Anambra state political class to explore means of spilling blood of the innocent in appeasement of their gods should they desire to emerge victorious in their political quests. And this can only be actualised if eligible Anambra voters turn out to cast their ballots. Going out to vote for any of these politicians is a tacit approval for the spilling of your blood in the event of protests that may ensue should the "anointed" candidate like Obiano fails to make it in the polls. People will definitely be killed. #BIAFRANS are unequivocally saying :"No Referendum, No Elections" in Biafraland starting with Anambra state.
Averting the pending tragedy upon the future generations of Biafrans associated with the participation in such an election, is only by diligently boycotting the Anambra trap of an election. All IPOB family members and of course every Biafran, are advised to shun the sham because the death of any Biafran though sacrosanct, will remain a great loss to our blessed nation. Casting your vote in the election, is a betrayal of the future of our unborn generations which will never be forgiven.
1) All the Prophecies of our leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu have virtually come to pass. Therefore note that participating in that election will attract death just as he pointedly warned that any IPOB member that betrays Biafra restoration project in that wise will surely die.
2) Your vote in that election is a vote against good healthcare delivery to our people, as untimely death will come knocking in the event of not being to afford proper medical evaluation overseas as is the pattern in Nigeria.
3) A vote in the so-called scheduled Anambra election, is a vote for increased bad and impassable roads within our locality poor infrastructural developments and steady electricity amongst others.
4) Your participation in the election will definitely encourage provision of poor quality of education for our people. Educationists will remain restive due to poor pays thereby generating substandisation of our educated children, increase in the Unemployment market and unemployable youths.
The spirit of all Biafran Fallen Heroes and Heroines will hunt and torment all those that will sabotage this election boycott as the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) has already made a declaration to that effect. Total and complete boycott of the Anambra election as scheduled is the only panacea to the institutionalised evil and wickedness that have hitherto pervaded our land. It will engender the acceleration of the restoration of Biafra.
The mistakes and ignorance of past decades should never be repeated. We should never mortgage our future and that of our upcoming generations because of myopic and trivial interests. The bloodsuckers and vampires in our midst in the name of playing politics should not be allowed to have their way any longer. Let us collectively and comprehensively adhere to the clarion call of election boycott in Anambra state come 18th of November 2017.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Ezeali Christopher Otu
For Family Writers Press
The upcoming gubernatorial election scheduled for 18th of November 2017, in Anambra State is essentially immoral and inconsequential. Close observation of the evolving developments in that state preparatory to the so-called scheduled election have confirmed the deadly desperation of the monster presently presiding over affairs as a governor in Anambra state Government House called Willie Obiano in his morbid bid for re-election at all cost. He has voted in huge amounts of Anambra people’s money for bribery purposes. This is part of their enslavement gamesplans against Biafrans in the state.

It is therefore pertinent at this juncture to re-echo the "Sit - At - Home" order of our supreme leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to all Biafrans especially the family members of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) come that Anambra election day. If we miss this opportunity by not paying heed to the boycott order, we will remain perpetual slaves with absolutely no hope for our emancipation and that of our posterity. There presently exists unprecedented pressure from desperate Anambra state political class to explore means of spilling blood of the innocent in appeasement of their gods should they desire to emerge victorious in their political quests. And this can only be actualised if eligible Anambra voters turn out to cast their ballots. Going out to vote for any of these politicians is a tacit approval for the spilling of your blood in the event of protests that may ensue should the "anointed" candidate like Obiano fails to make it in the polls. People will definitely be killed. #BIAFRANS are unequivocally saying :"No Referendum, No Elections" in Biafraland starting with Anambra state.
Averting the pending tragedy upon the future generations of Biafrans associated with the participation in such an election, is only by diligently boycotting the Anambra trap of an election. All IPOB family members and of course every Biafran, are advised to shun the sham because the death of any Biafran though sacrosanct, will remain a great loss to our blessed nation. Casting your vote in the election, is a betrayal of the future of our unborn generations which will never be forgiven.
1) All the Prophecies of our leader - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu have virtually come to pass. Therefore note that participating in that election will attract death just as he pointedly warned that any IPOB member that betrays Biafra restoration project in that wise will surely die.
2) Your vote in that election is a vote against good healthcare delivery to our people, as untimely death will come knocking in the event of not being to afford proper medical evaluation overseas as is the pattern in Nigeria.
3) A vote in the so-called scheduled Anambra election, is a vote for increased bad and impassable roads within our locality poor infrastructural developments and steady electricity amongst others.
4) Your participation in the election will definitely encourage provision of poor quality of education for our people. Educationists will remain restive due to poor pays thereby generating substandisation of our educated children, increase in the Unemployment market and unemployable youths.
The spirit of all Biafran Fallen Heroes and Heroines will hunt and torment all those that will sabotage this election boycott as the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) has already made a declaration to that effect. Total and complete boycott of the Anambra election as scheduled is the only panacea to the institutionalised evil and wickedness that have hitherto pervaded our land. It will engender the acceleration of the restoration of Biafra.
The mistakes and ignorance of past decades should never be repeated. We should never mortgage our future and that of our upcoming generations because of myopic and trivial interests. The bloodsuckers and vampires in our midst in the name of playing politics should not be allowed to have their way any longer. Let us collectively and comprehensively adhere to the clarion call of election boycott in Anambra state come 18th of November 2017.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
All true Biafrans must boycott Anambra governorship elections on November 18 and any further elections in Biafra land. These Fulani jihadists cannot come to your land in collaboration with your political prostitutes and slaves, invaded the royal family residence of IPOB leader, massacred and wounded many unarmed Biafra youths in Umuahia, Aba and Port Harcourt and you want to go vote in Anambra elections. That’s stupidity. Please stay away, stay home on November 18 and never participate in any further elections in SE and SS regions until a date for Biafra referendum is set. We cannot continue be fools and remain in enslaved and in bondage in our God-given land. Enough is enough. Moreover, boycotting elections is your prerogative. No one can force you to cast your vote. After all, you have been voting all your life, what have these corrupt politicians and governors done for you.