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Monday, 3 July 2017



By Ogeh Friday Igiri
For Family Writers Press

There is absolutely no better time than now, for Biafra to get her restoration as a nation. Biafra has been in existence long ago before the evil contraption called Nigeria was imposed on the indigenous ethnic nationalities by the British, through Lord Lugard without the mutual consent of the people in 1914, primarily because of crass egocentric of their interests. Biafraland is exceptionally blessed with abundant natural endowments which right from the genesis of the Nigerian contraption which has been under the firm grip of the British puppets, the real owners of the land (Biafrans) have literally and steadily borne the brunt of disfavoratism and despondency, in all ramifications. The main beneficiaries have been the Arewas who emigrated from the FutaJalon mountains and their Oduduwa accomplies who are joint avowed stooges of the British, thereby fulfilling well articulated plans of their British overlords.

 Sincere efforts previously made by Biafran salient personalities like Nnamdi Azikiwe and others from the old Eastern region over the years to really work together with these people, were divergently and clandestinely rebuffed, brazenly portraying unhidden hatred and fake superiority against us. The unabated marginalisation, injustice, decimation and calculated orgy of violence targeted against Biafrans in different shades are quite evident. No Biafran is spared from the grand extermination design of the enemies in whatever location of the contraption, including Biafraland.

The struggle to emancipate Biafrans from the shackles of age long slavery and bondage jolted the late Odumegwu Ojukwu and his Biafran brothers to stand up against the Nigerian state, though that mission flopped. And that led to the gruesome genocide of Biafrans between 1967 to 1970 of attritional war which Nigeria waged against Biafrans through the instrumentality of the British and her allies. Over 3.5 million Biafrans including women and children were massacred.

The Arewa Youths ably supported by their political and ethnic leaders, recently and arrogantly issued 3 months quit ultimatum to all the Biafrans sojourning in the Northern region, to vacate not exceeding 1st October, 2017. This is following years of Biafrans' developmental strides recorded across the North with their hard earned resources. The delusional "One-Nigera" got sustained till date because of enormous earnings from their exploration and exploitation of abundant natural resources taken from Biafraland by the evil governments that had existed in succession over the years. The revenues are used to sustain and execute government policies in the three tiers of governments at federal, state and local levels. The "One-Nigeria" jargon is just a scam employed by politicians to hypnotise and deceive the gullible. No transparent accountability in all strata of governance by politicians who cherish corruption and wickedness.

Nnamdi Kanu, the resilient and highly enlightened leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and director of Radio Biafra/Biafra TV, has come through the authorisation of Chukwu Okike Abiama (Almighty God), to get Biafra fully and totally restored regardless the costs, in this our generation. This mission has massively attracted Biafrans of all professions all over the world to pull their resources together under one umbrella and with one voice, rally round Nnamdi Kanu, for this onerous task which must be actualised. The IPOB leader has unequivocally stated for the world to hear, that the emergence or birth of the nation of Biafra, will be the "last miracle on earth".


One Nigeria is a ruse concocted to enslave Biafrans. It is a reality that few cabals due to selfish interests, brought about their imposition to bear upon Biafrans since after the declaration of the Aburi accord of "No victor, No vanquish". Nigeria became one immediately after the genocidal war elapsed in 1970, to the extent that the psycholgical, economic and political scars remain revealing. The only indication of one Nigerianism could just be traced in the rich deposition of oil in Biafraland. It is not in dressing code, culture or food consumed? According to the definition of Oxford English dictionary of a nation, it says " A Nation comprises of people of the same culture and ideology and there is also a need to say:


Nigeria is irredeemably a dead country and administering medication to a dead person amounts to wastages. Nigeria's ailments are beyond restructuring as it has been programmed to fail from onset. There is no known panacea that can address the myriads of problems inherent in Nigeria. The last organised national conference put together by former President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, made far reaching decisions on how best to restructure the country to the benefit of all but till today, that effort has become a colossal wastage as the Hausa-Fulanis

vehemently opposed such a move despite the billions of Naira that were wasted in such a venture. The ideology of restructuring today is realistically,  a fraudulent tool in the hands of the enemies of the Biafra restoration project just to divert attention. But their antics are bound to hit the rocks as there is no other time  to accomplish that mission other than now.


This evil program of the Northern oligarchy in collaboration with their Yoruba allies, was introduced long time ago into Biafraland to perpetually create division and enmity amongst brethren bounded as one by destiny. And this was why Ijaw man and Igbo man hardly co-exist likewise a man from Asaba sees a brother from Calabar as a stranger that must be carefully avoided. This tool of segregation was effectively utilised by the cabals to cheat Biafrans out of their God-given blessings as a family. This is why some Biafrans from the coastal divide still find it illusionary, joining the Biafra restoration struggle. Biafrans are at this point encouraged to unify and strongly oppose these enemies whose only intention is to cause disaffection amongst the people, thereby paving the way for their persistent trade of enslavement and impoverishment. This is the time to fight and save our unborn children from oppression and marginalisation as we stand firm to say:


Having an Igbo President at this time of our struggle amounts to mortgaging our future and that of the coming generations because the Biafran problems will never be addressed but instead will be used by the Northern oligarchy to perpetrate their slave/master relationship. It will just be ceremonial as the Hausa-Fulanis will never hands off the reins of power. The contraption called Nigeria is a property of the Northern oligarchy who will always prefer to be at the driving seat, serving the obnoxious interest of their British demigods. The case of Goodluck Jonathan and the present APC political vampires of the Northern Islamic fundamentalists, is still very fresh in our memory. You also have to call to mind the antecedents of the government under the overseership of Yemi Osinbajo, Nigeria's Acting President. The country was well structured to be a disadvantage to the Igbos (Biafrans) in every strata of existence so long Nigeria exists. An Igbo man can never successfully be a President in such a bizarre structured entity. In the existing structures of states administration, you can vividly count the number of states in the North and those in the East. For the purpose of keeping the records straight, how many INEC polling centres are in the entire Biafraland when compared with what exists in the North? How many eligible voters are here and how many are there in the North? On the issue of senatorial districts and constituencies, you will discover to your chagrin, the enormous gap between the North and this area wickedly concocted by the imbeciles to maintain an unbroken advantage of marginalisation over Biafran. These are unarguably some questions that when answered, will be an eye opener to myriads of injustice being suffered by the Igbos (Biafrans) in the hands of these people. They keep exchanging powers with their Yoruba collaborators, all in a bid to keep fate with their evil plots. In the light of these therefore, it becomes imperative to  ask you never to make the mistake of not saying


It is evidently clear that as soon as the Biafran politicians get voted into office, they become slaves to the political cabals of the Arewas and the Oduduwas, shamelessly pushing aside, those on whose mandate they climbed to the pinnacle of power. Your cooperation with these political saboteurs from the Biafran stock, will inadvertently lend credence to the delay or non-restoration of Biafra. The forthcoming Anambra state gubernatorial election in Biafraland billed for November 2017, is pivotal to  further test our resolve over the command of our leader, Nnamdi Kanu, to boycott massively, that coming election. It affords the IPOB in particular and Biafrans in general, to show to the world, how fanatically enlightened and determined we are, in pressing home our demand for Biafra restoration. We must obey the order of our leader non- violently and democratically by frantically and resiliently saying NO MORE VOTING IN BIAFRALAND UNTIL REFERENDUM IS CONDUCTED. The world will yet be shocked by another round of devastating "Sit-At-Home" exercise given by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the courageous and indefatigable leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), just like that which was held on the 30th of May 2017, in honor of our Biafran fallen Heroes and Heroines. There is no doubt that the good people of Anambra state will comply unreservedly.

Conclusively, my beloved fellow compatriots, we must overwhelmingly say YES TO BIAFRA REFERENDUM because that is our world recognised template

in freedom fighting for independence. Referendum is not a call for war as widely been interpreted and speculated by some brainless and  moronic bigots in the evil colony called Nigeria. It is a call for peaceful separation of grossly dissatisfied indigenous people groups from a contraption they were forced into, with no derivable favorable fortunes by the citizens. It affords them the ample opportunity of being restored back to their original inheritance as indigenous peoples, who are able to control, manage their resources and develop their territories as deemed fit for the wellbeing of all. This is contained in the Human rights charter of the indigenous peoples around the world as recognised and ratified by the United Nations of which Nigeria is a signatory. In this, Biafrans are afforded the rights of equity, justice, freedom, self defence, etc. Therefore, every Biafran in the light of the above, is expected to wholeheartedly support the BIAFREXIT efforts.

Long live IPOB!
Long live Nnamdi Kanu!!
Long live Biafra Media Warriors
Long live Biafra!!!

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press


  1. Dear IPOB leadership,

    I salute you! Bravo! Keep on keeping on.

    We're certainly nearer victory now than when we started out on this long and tortuous journey.

    I'm commenting here in order lisp my advice regarding the necessity to build alliances across Nigeria's many peoples. I've noticed the invective you pour on the Yorubas. I well understand you, but I think it unwise. They say in politics there're no permanent friends or enemies; you rather have interests. If your interests coincide you build an alliance with the party concerned. Today, our interests and those of the Yorubas coincide. We should therefore ally with those of them seeking an independent Oduduwa nation. At the very least we should refrain from attacking them. Attacking them would only serve the interest of our most mortal enemy, the Muslim North.

    Let's avoid struggling without allies. One reason our first attempt failed was that we had no allies when the struggle began. Let's be wiser this time.

  2. Biafrans must be liberated from this murderous sharia Islamic republic of Nigeria - no matter what it takes - Nigerians or enemies within Biafra land especially Igbos in particular the governors, senators, legislators, Ohaneze, etc. will be disgraced. The people are solidly behind IPOB under Mazi Kau and Mefor. Do not be distracted by selfish saboteurs, greedy and jealousy Igbos. They are ungodly and do not see the hand of God upon Nnamdi Kanu. They will be destroyed.


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