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Monday, 3 July 2017

Biafrexit: Ever Since You Have Been Voting In Nigerian Elections, Have Your Votes Counted?

Biafrexit: Ever Since You Have Been Voting In Nigerian Elections, Have Your Votes Counted?

By Chima Chibueze
For Family Writers

Between a PDP, APGA and APC governor,  is there any difference in terms of Political party?

Let me ask you who claim to know it all, haven't you voted for a PDP governor and he turned out to be an APC-leaning Buhari-groveling Arewa-bootlicking politician? Haven't you ever voted for an APGA governor and he turned into an APC governor within few years of his first tenure in office? How many of your sitting governors in every honesty represents the will and protect the interests of the people of the State that elected them?

What have you ever benefited from the so-called elections that are mere rituals for selection by political godfathers in sokoto? Don't you see you have been used by those greedy self-centered politicians? They use you in the elections but after the election, they dump you and do what they like. They don’t care whether you live or die. And you want to vote them again.
The only people that benefit from the elections are the politicians themselves, their friends and families, but idiocy won't allow you know this just like you don't know how to stop accepting bribes that come in the form of campaign rice and bread.

Some of you are suggesting that a person should not discard a faulty system (even when there is a good system in the store and ready for use) until they get a new one. This suggestion is more like asking that a country being ruled by a dead President should not replace him with a live and eager Acting President until the cabal that is ruling in the dead President's stead are totally done with the country and hands over the carcass. Very dumb! All these asinine ideas in your heads come from un-examined association with "Biafraphobes and Igbo-haters" who have now disguised themselves as "advisers" and "admirers" of Biafrans.

However, what those poorly-informed advisers of Biafrans failed to grasp is that Biafra is already here and that Biafrans have discarded Nigeria long-long time ago. All Biafrans want now is a formal head count that will serve as a pedestal for world to recognize their decision to be a sovereign nation.

The truth is: all those "advising" Biafrans to ignore the command of IPOB and vote in Nigerian elections are those same enemies of Biafra who tried to discourage Biafrans from observing the May 30 sit-at-home exercise. They knew a successful sit-at-home exercise was an informal referendum, then the next day these same crop of haters went about with vainly lies that Biafrans stayed at home because they were scared of being attacked. Believe me, these Biafra haters will not stop attacking Biafra and trying to derail our movement until we get to the holy land of Biafra and then bury them with Nigeria.


Edited by Ngozi Kalu
For Family Writers


  1. Press on. Be even more determined than ever.Elections in Nigeria have always been fraudulent. In the Igbo areas they've only served to put the 5th column in power and empower the legislooters to milk the people to death.

  2. Even with conspicuous evidences showing the dilapidated system & irreparable conditions of same, the mostly subjugated region that's should be wise & redeem the time-although the minority,are preoccupied with mesmerizing,insulting,abusing the freedom seekers & IPOB at large to their own detriment. We shall no longer remain football in the hands of the political puppets in ironic treaty with the slave masters that had mortgaged our lives for so long. Biafra is our hope.

    1. Well said, brother. Let's stay focused on our goal.

    2. Well said, brother. Let's stay focused on our goal.

  3. Ever since you have been voting in Nigerian elections, have your votes counted? Great question! Or has your voting yielded any different result? Voting in Nigerian elections is complete waste of time and enormous risk taking. It’s simply waste of your time and exposes one to be maimed or killed. So, I fully support IPOB order to boycott all elections in Biafra land. Even in advanced democracies, people demonstrate their dissent by not voting. So, what’s the fuss about Nigeria corrupt and dead democracy?


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