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Monday, 26 June 2017



Yesterday in a missionaries' conference where I attended as one of the missionaries in the mission field, a supposed big man of God who preached to the missionaries made an altar call after his sermon which titled "Prayers that moves Mountain" and he said that if any of you have a need, not just your desire or mere want, that stands before you like mountain, you should come out to the altar for prayers.

When few of us who have such needs assembled, the big man of God said that all of us should say our needs open so that it will stimulate the vehement resolve of the congregation for effective prayers from the congregation.
People began to say their needs as follows

No 1 person - I want God to give me fruits of the womb since 5 years I weeded was his request.
No 2 person - I want God to provide me with resources to begin my station as I just completed my missionary work in the field was his own request.
No 3 person - I want God to arrest to salvation all the wicked witch people making it difficult for me to succeed in my mission work.
No 4 person - (it is myself) I want God to give me and my people the restoration of Biafra because my people have suffered enough in this Babylon De Great called Nigeria which is standing like mountain to us at the moment.

Everywhere in the congregation was quiet due to my outburst on Nigeria as Babylon De Great. Then, the man of God who is shocked by my declaration, quickly recovered from the shock and smiled. He then told me to ask for my personal need and not need of my people.

Then I told him before the congregation that everything including riches I need is contained in Biafra restoration because I have invested in Biafra restoration struggle more than some millionaires have invested in their business systems. I told him that I have invested my skill, intelligence, intellect, comfort, time and financial resources in Biafra restoration struggle because my coming children's children destiny are involved. I told him that should I recoup my all round invested resources into Biafra restoration, I will personally have no need to pray for personal economic resources. I told him that I can only recoup my invested resources when Biafra is restored and not just praying for thousands and millions which makes no meaning to me.

The man quickly said that he has never seen this type of zeal before and I told him that there are millions of Biafrans who are ready to even drop their lives for Biafra restoration.
After this, the Pro-Nigeria man of God who obviously hate Biafra restoration succumbed to my unbeatable responses to his questions and endorsed my prayer request as I refused to bring up any other prayer point. I used the opportunity and preached Biafra on a No-Go area like and everybody become intimidated due to my boldness and my previous intimidating attitudes.

From Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
Family Writers Chief Media Analyst


  1. God bless you. We have been intimidated for 57 years; making most of us to shy away from the name of our nation, Biafra. That has been part of Nigeria's plot to destroy it and so also destroy us. The British thought them to do that. They even dropped it from the map. They took it even so far as to our tribe and the name Ibo to the extent that some of us started changing names. They were about to rob us like us off the surface of the earth, just like anyone would step on and rob of the catarrh he just blew out of this nose. I wept many times when I saw our young men and women keep silent in discussion , like children without mother, in public discussion where other promoted their own nations /ethnic groups. I slept with my eyes open the day that Gideon , while presenting a show, on TV, that was something about money splash or so, asked "which of these cities is not Ibo?". And do you know what, he gave the correct answer as Agbo in Delta State. Our sister whose answer thought otherwise lost out. Please everyone, know that this is a very important battle, the name, the pride in the name is very important. We have to lift our heads high and the name of our nation, Biafra high also. We have to restore the name as we proceed to full restoration of the nation. St Paul wrote somewhere in the bible asking Christians to preach the bible everywhere even when the enemies do not find it convenient. So we have to do that now. Mention and talk about it, in season and out of season. Even when talking about it, and you find an enemy around , tap his feet a bit , so he will hear you. Perhaps "quack" him and smile. Remember that all through history no empire has ever lost in battle and retained its image and name. Egypt lost to Greece and went under. They were even shoved out of the development that followed. That is why we could not follow along with the civilization we started , and it only returned to us when the rest of the world had gone extremely too far. And the people who learnt from us now call us primitive. What happened to Phoenicia, Babylon, Assyria? They all went under through losing battles, even the Roman empire. So many may not believe it but I can tell you that one major reason for the rise of the Anglican Church was that the British would not stand Rome seeming to remain. Relevant through the Catholic Church.Masses to be administered in Latin was a problem to them. They thought Gowon and Nigeria to stigmatize us and rob us off the surface of the earth. One thing again I want us to remember is that the full title of Chinua Achebe's book is "Remember that there was a country'. Chinua Achebe might have died and unhappy man, Ojukwu might have dies an unhappy man too for not seeing this dream come through. We shall not die in the same state, not achieving freedom for us and our generations to come, not restoring the nation leaving a place of sure survival for them, not establishing continuation of our race, culture, and heritage as God willed it in creating us. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen. Nigeria has stepped on us, skidding the earth to wipe us out these 57 years, if we need to do what the writer has done, and what I have suggested in line with St Pauls teaching,for the next 114 years so as to rob ourselves back into the world and to their pains, we have to do it.Well done brothers and Sisters. God bless you. God bless Biafra.

    1. U are a true son of God's kingdom on earth BIAFRA.NICE WRITE UP. I LOVE U BRO

  2. I love biafra


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