"An independent investigation into Biafran allegations of genocide was held, and it produced a report published in England on May 31st 1969.
The officer responsible for conducting the enquiry, Dr. Mensah, from Ghana, interviewed members of the International Observer Team and people serving in the administration on both sides.
Dr. Mensah concludes his report after many stipulations about the difficulty of proving mens rea, or genocidal intent, with these words: 'I am of the opinion that in many of the cases cited to me, hatred of the Biafrans and a wish to exterminate them was a foremost motivational factor.'
These include: mass executions by slitting of throats and the chopping of heads in the market place of newly captured towns; the killing of unborn babies by slitting open the stomachs of pregnant women; the plucking out of eyes from prisoners-of-war, and the skinning of live Biafrans."------------Auberon Waugh & Suzanne Cronje (BIAFRA--Britain's Shame--pages113 & 114).
Why is this too moch hatred on my people pls some body should tall that mery I can play a major role on that
ReplyDeleteMost of the countries that were colonialized by Britain in Africa, Asia, Middle East, America, etc. were all mired in conflict and civil wars before separation and division. Nigeria will not be an exception. The British Empire destroyed Africa – case-in-point is Nigeria. Without decolonization and division of Nigeria, there will be no progress and development but killings, poverty, disease and degradation.