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Thursday, 12 January 2017



By Ezeoma Nnamdi Obinna

For Family Writers

For those who are under serious hardship, the downtrodden and desolated, the massacred and the enslaved, the persecuted and incarcerated in the Nigerian state, because of their steadfastness, their belief and dream for a better tomorrow, here this. The true Enemy are those who desperately want to build for themselves a caliphate of their kind, an image of themselves that we must all bow to their supremacy.

The true Enemies are not just those who are blood thirsty and barbaric in the disguise of Religious beliefs, they are not just the irresponsible government of ours that take delight in spilling our blood, they are not just those who invade our land and suck our Atlantic resovour, the enemies are not just the herdsmen who rape our proud virgins in the farm, raising houses and destroying fortress. They are only emissaries of the blood mongers who hide behind the scenes to wreck havoc and turn blind to our helpless voices. The true Enemies are the White Masters who we surrender all our customs, norms and values to in the name of colonization and civilization.

They are the ones we abandoned our God given names, language and Tradition in the name of being exposed. They are the opportunist of our narrow understanding of togetherness and lost uniqueness. Just as Dennis Bruitus said in his poem “the sun on the Rubble" bruised though we may be some easement we require, unarguably though we argue against desire, forced into sweat tears sudden slush, Sharpeville to spare point from avenging, now glow lipped for this brief relief from torture, like this sun on this debris after rain. Unarguably, our voices has been muted by torture, hunger and thirst by the masters of deceit and blood thirst demons hiding under the skin of Change, our hopes is like a reverberating Sea that can never flow backwards. Our dreams can never be deterred.

For all those who are murdered in the Middle belt, the Biafrans whose bloods are spilled on daily basis, the Niger Deltan Biafrans who has been raped of their identity by reducing them to bastardos, those who are constantly incarcerated for their believe in a free, fair and prosperous nation. The days of reckoning are not far away, soon the Master will come to separate the sheep from the goat. Our voices may be silenced but never can heaven allow his offspring to be silenced. Never can darkness prevail against light. Judgment day looms.

1 comment

  1. No man is your enemy, in your fight Against tribalism, nepotism... Do not become what you are fighting! Long live humanity


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