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Thursday, 8 December 2016



By Sunday Okafor
For Family writers

First and foremost I wish to thank this great and honourable nation of Israel, her representatives and citizens of this powerful nation and all her strong leaders.

On the defence of rule of law and human right this nation thrived. The making of a better world where mankind and humanity shall be free, easy life and prosperous world had been the banner of this great nation and never shall diplomacy or any form of tie cause a deviation or severe the cause of this delighted nation. I use this honourable time to bring you the issues between Nigeria and Biafra respectively before I proceed to other matters. The leader of the Indigenous peoples of Biafra IPOB Director of Radio Biafra /BIAFRATV was arrested on 14th October 2015. And for a year now, he's been facing false allegations of treason felony charges and has been illegally detained without reasonable trial and evidence that he's guilty of any crime, therefore we the Indigenous people of Biafra, passionately ask for his release without no further delay.

Secondly, Biafrans have been going through many challenges in the hands of Nigeria security agencies such as: illegal arrest, inhumane treatments, torture and abuse, raping our women and wife's, killing innocent children and youths. We don't know how long we can be on the receiving end of violence from the Nigeria government. We Biafrans are peaceful and law abiding citizens. We don't believe in picking up Arms to fight the Nigeria government, it's not our ideology and our leader Nnamdi Kanu has always taught us to be peaceful and upholding when protesting against the injustice been perpetrated by president Muhammadu Buhari and his armed forces. The truth remains that some Biafrans can no longer stand this evilness and injustice, therefore they would rather prefer to face there oppressors in a combat, instead of folding their hands and watch while their love ones are taken from them every day.

The United Nations gave us the right to agitate for Freedom; the UN charter told us to demand for Freedom. Nigeria constitution also says to agitate for Biafra. That's the law. But when Biafrans start to exercise these laws, we began to find ourselves thrown into prison and killed by the Nigeria Armed forces. Amnesty international also confirmed these killings and massacre after conducting their investigation on the Nigeria Army. You can kindly visit ( for Amnesty international full reports on the killings of Biafra.

Biafrans have never threatened the lives of any Nigeria security officers, neither do we carry arms when peacefully protesting. We only stand by the truth and our only weapon of truth is Radio Biafra station, which we have been using to expose the ongoing Genocides happening in Biafra land. We are non-violent people that cherished freedom of speech\Expression. Biafrans are persecuted because we seek self-determination under the UN CHARTER. Our people were massacred in our own lands and the Nigeria president has declared a war on Biafrans by deploying his armed forces to different parts of our land in a bid to restrict and enslave us to his dictatorial government. Biafrans are now kidnapped, extra-judiciary killed and illegally imprisoned by president Buhari in what he calls "Operation Python Dance".  Biafrans are being marginalised, subjugated and enslaved just because we continue to seek for a sovereign state of Biafra. Millions of Biafrans have already been massacred since 1987 by the British-Nigeria government just to prevent us from breakingout of Nigeria.

That's why the Indigenous people of Biafra under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu calls on the Israeli government and prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to please do something to stop the ongoing massacre of Biafrans in Nigeria and also to help secure the release of Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, who have been illegally imprisoned since October, 2015. Biafra and Israel will continue to stand together in the spirit of brotherhood.

God bless Biafra and God bless Israel.


  1. One Nigeria is a different way of enslaving the seed of Israel by the Roman empires which are the so called white men/British today. The Biafrans who's father is the Igbo, the Igbo who's father is God, God who's father is Jacob, Jacob who is the father of 12 tribes of Israel. WAKE UP Biafrans and make research of who you are, the more you know your history the more you know who you really are and what you should be doing and how to worship Most High Yahuah the creator of heaven and earth. (PSALM 83 vs 3 - 4) The white men cut real Israelite off from being a nation, the white men cut seed of Israelite the Biafrans off from the African map and Biafrans were off from being a nation. And that is what Hausa are trying to the Biafrans by trying to cut off the Niger Deltan's like Akwe Ibom, Rivers, Cross Rivers, Bayesia and Delta states from the Biafra Land and they are doing it trough the help of Britain. SO WAKE UP BIAFRANS WAKE UP BIAFRANS , Biafrans wake up.

  2. Factsz! The redeemer should come down and save His beloved children from the hands of the oppressors!��


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