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Monday, 26 December 2016



By Ifechineke Akpu
For Family Writers

It was 21st of DECEMBER, 2016. I woke up, got ready and headed straight to work. As usual, I brought out samples of my products and waited for customers to patronize my goods. As I waited, I realized I needed to cut my nails. I was hoping to see a Hausa man to cut my nails. Suddenly, I saw this man passing who does that, average in height, slim and very dark in complexion. I called him, spoke Hausa language to him but he replied in English language.

I became surprised at how he could know how to speak English.  He began to cut my nails, then I asked him if he was from Nigeria. He said no. I called all the Nigerian States in order  to know which one could be his,  but he said he wasn't from any of them. So I became more astonished and curious. I began to wonder who the man was. So many thoughts ran through my mind.

I asked him with every atom of curiosity 'WHERE ARE YOU FROM?’ He opened up finally and answered Mali. So I raised an eye brow, MALI?  He said 'YES, MALI'. I asked his tribe in Mali. He laughed and replied, 'how many tribes do you know?’ I said none, but demanded he told me to research on it. He said he was a Fulani man. He demanded to know my own tribe and State of origin. I told him I speak Igbo, from Anambra. Meanwhile I asked him how many States he knew in Igbo land and he called all the States in Biafra land and said he has been to Onitsha. Frankly, I became more curious. I was perplexed as how a Malian could have such knowledge about us.

 He went further to call the names of all the past Senators and Governors for me, some I don't even remember anymore. My curiosity grew the more. Fear gripped me but I picked courage and I asked him 'WHO ARE YOU AND FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN ONITSHA?'.  He said for three years and that Onitsha isn't in Anambra but in Delta. I enlightened him that Onitsha Ado is in Anambra while Onitsha Ugbo is in Delta. He agreed with me. I didn't stop there.

I demanded to know the particular place he lived in Onitsha.  He said it was the main market Onitsha. I held his hand and asked for his passport. He asked if I were an Immigration officer or if I would call one for him. I replied, yes and he laughed hilariously. I looked at this alien and wondered if the job he claimed to be doing could be his actual mission. I decided to play along; hence I calmed down. As I stared at him, he said something which got me transfixed. 'WHERE IS YOUR PASSPORT? YOU ARE A BIAFRAN. ANAMBRA IS BIAFRA!'

I became speechless; stared at him the more. How comes this man knew Biafra was my imagination. I withdrew my hand and he rose to leave. Quickly, I screamed:  'am a Biafran and my passport will soon be out’! He left.  Today, he saw me again and said to me,' hey Biafra will not come, Obama said Biafra can't exist'.  I replied him, 'Donald Trump would soon become USA President and that time we would know'.  He revealed that Trump called MASSOB a terrorist group. I made him to realize that I, am an IPOB not MASSOB.

He became furious and attacked me saying MASSOB, IPOB, AVENGERS were all terrorist groups. I rebuked him not to associate IPOB and AVENGERS to terrorism but freedom fighting. Immediately, a call came into his phone his behaviour changed as he answered it.  Seeing that, I moved closer to him to show me his passport. He stepped aside brought out a naira note and showed it to me as his passport;  and that with it he could go to any country of his choice, be it UK, USA, or  Ghana. Then, he took his leave.

I sighed, took a very deep breath and watched as he went out of sight. I drew a conclusion that this man wasn't just ordinary. He is here on a mission. An ordinary local 'nail cutter’ as they are popularly called cannot posses such an amazing knowledge. Our people should be very careful and be on the watch at all times. People are hired from Mali to kill us. They are going round Biafra land monitoring and studying the whole place thereafter, come back to Abuja to give reports. We must be vigilant.

May Elohim bless Biafra
Free Nnamdi Kanu
Free Biafra

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