By Onyedikachi Chimaobim Kalu
For Family Writers
To some, leadership is all about occupying an office and being an adjudicator. What one espies in that present Presidential administration of Nigeria leaves one wondering the fate of her citizens if the ship of this administration is allowed to sail for few more years. From how events has unraveled since the past fifteen months, it is now vivid that the sailor of this administration is clueless, desperate and sloppy. One can apparently beam at the simpleton as being beclouded with illiteracy. In fact the way things are going; the probability of 98% malnutrition is one in the next 12months if things are left unchecked as there is already little or nothing to eat.
Comrade Adeniyi Alimuyu Sulaiman a human rights and executive chairman, center for human rights and social justice on may 29, 2016 said President Buhari of Nigeria lacks the educational requirements to be a President at least not in this jet age. In his word, I quote "Buhari has no clue to solve the mirage of problems facing the country as the country goes worst day by day since his administration came on board". Adeniyi Alimuyu Sulaiman went further to say Buhari should do the needful by resigning from the office so as to avoid future cacophony brouhaha.
This few words from this bookman has unshelled what might keep one in a footing of fluster concerning the Buhari administration, the basic educational requirement that certify a person for election to the office of President in Nigeria which is the Senior Secondary School Certificate is sans in Buhari's credentials. How then shall a blank, blind, handicap illiterate lead brains of high prowess.
Just as Nigeria goes worst day by day in Sulaiman's word, so does Buhari make jest of himself day by day to world viewers. He has made more than 30 international trips and visited over 22 countries just within 10 months in office for no tangible reason neither had he come back with any piece of solution to the echoing predicament of Nigerians. The only success Buhari has recorded since his administration and which is still ongoing is sniffing life out of every working system he met in office. He has murdered the economy system by so destroying the reputation of what used to be the fastest growing economy in Africa (Nigeria). Prices of commodities are now five times what they used to be. The common man can no longer have a meal per day without begging on the street. Buhari has also murdered the security system. Security personnels which are supposed to ensure adequate guard to lifes and properties are now Buhari's personal dogs. He sends them out at will to perceived opponents and rivals to torture and harass them for no just course. Of course anyone would be caught in a state of bewilderment on how Buhari could still have some cuckoo loyalists even after dragging Nigeria to mud. It is then certain to say Mohamadu Buhari who claims to be championing anti-corruption campaign is the number one corrupt specimen as he is busy lavishing monetary funds meant for citizens in buying chauvinists.
He also did not fail to aggrandize his metacarpus of tenebrosity to the country's judicial system. The question of legal rectitude in Nigeria is now a matter of who stands beside you, what political party you belong to, your perception about the sailing administration and your readiness to sellout your integrity nor die while holding tenaciously to justice as seen in the case of citizen Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra. Glowing the legwork of history down to Nigeria, it is only appropriate for one to assert categorically that Buhari's leadership is the most stupid one as it is apparently associated with crappiness and childish actions couple with dictatorship. Often times I am caught in amazement on what could inspire a man at 73(Seventy Three) who should be at his comfort zone with his grand children luxuriating the tussles of his juvenile days come horseracing for the highest office in a said country. I am then close to my conclusion that he has an agenda aside the functions of that office.
From the case of Nnamdi KANU, the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB), there is only one word to define Buhari, Bigot. Because his resoluteness in ensuring perverted justice is only second to his co-genocidal Yakubu Gowon of 1967-1970 Biafra genocide. Buhari sops the media houses to publish lies to the detriment of Nigeria citizens and dictates to a Jurist what to jaw in the court of law. The whopper he has been trending of recent about the Indigenous People Of Biafra and her leader, citizen Nnamdi KANU only divulges his nervousness about the Biafra agitation and his stupidity. How could a President stand so low by peddling cheap lies that have no base, facts nor figures?
Amongst Buhari's neoteric absurdities was pressuring his sopped media to tell the public that citizen Nnamdi KANU has denounced Biafra.
Inventing phony groups in likes of REIPOB and TRIPOB to impersonate the one formidable IPOB. And his newest is flooding the market with fake CDs of Citizen Nnamdi KANU. All these adamantine efforts just to bamboozle Biafrans and the world at large of citizen Nnamdi kanu's resoluteness on Biafra restoration, But he(Buhari) has always been greeted with abashment and chagrin as the ever ready stand-by media soldiers of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) under citizen Nnamdi Kanu's leadership would always expose his motives and intentions by so make his efforts futile. Base on this, the masses no longer believe or tie hope to any word that comes out of his mouth anymore as they now consider themselves victims of fraudulent propaganda. Not even 0.1% of his campaign promises has been fulfilled after fifteen months in office.
Buhari who illegally over threw a democratically elected government in 1983 and should be serving ajail term for his atrocities when he was a military head of state but today his parading himself as anti-corruption crusader. With every sense of indication Mohamadu Buhari of Nigeria is an epitome of FAILURE. Yes!
He failed as military head of states in 1983-1985. He also failed as chairman of Petroleum Trust Fund(PTF) from its inception in 1994 to its disbandment in 1999 by the Olusegun Obasanjo administration. In 2003, 2007 and 2011 Muhamadu Buhari contended for the office of Presidency in Nigeria but as an epitome of failure he failed respectively. Finally on the 29 of May 2015 he was rigged into power and today has ushered the Nigeria denizens into hunger and starvation. If we must tell ourselves the truth, no one wants Nigeria anymore as it has been exposed with TRUTH by the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. Nigeria was unnaturally concocted by British experimentalists in 1914 and today posterity is demanding for JUSTICE. The average denizen of Nigeria prays for her dissolution every night.
No one wants to be associated with an artificial identity (Nigeria) anymore because they now realized they had an organic identity before the British incursion. Scilicet, Biafras, Oduduwas and Arewas. Muhammadu Buhari is conversant to all these but has resoluted to play stiff neck as an unbaked literate he is who doesn't know nothing about 21century governance. Just like the last days of the great Soviet Union, Nigeria is sitting on one verge prior to her dissolution and that is the Military Intimidation. This men are on Mohamadu Buhari's personal payroll to go after anybody that speaks the truth about his administration especially the Biafra agitators. But the good news is he(Buhari) is gradually losing in his self centered influence on the military as thousands of them are now resigning from a service aimed at hunting fellow countrymen. Soon he shall lose complete grip and Biafrans shall feed him with this very cup he is using on them now. This was the story of the Soviet Union.
I therefore forewarn Muhamadu Buhari, to waive and do the needful as Biafrans are already burning out of patience.
#FreeNnamdikanu #FreeBiafra.
Edited by Okonkwo Isaac Somto
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Buhari |
By Onyedikachi Chimaobim Kalu
For Family Writers
To some, leadership is all about occupying an office and being an adjudicator. What one espies in that present Presidential administration of Nigeria leaves one wondering the fate of her citizens if the ship of this administration is allowed to sail for few more years. From how events has unraveled since the past fifteen months, it is now vivid that the sailor of this administration is clueless, desperate and sloppy. One can apparently beam at the simpleton as being beclouded with illiteracy. In fact the way things are going; the probability of 98% malnutrition is one in the next 12months if things are left unchecked as there is already little or nothing to eat.
Comrade Adeniyi Alimuyu Sulaiman a human rights and executive chairman, center for human rights and social justice on may 29, 2016 said President Buhari of Nigeria lacks the educational requirements to be a President at least not in this jet age. In his word, I quote "Buhari has no clue to solve the mirage of problems facing the country as the country goes worst day by day since his administration came on board". Adeniyi Alimuyu Sulaiman went further to say Buhari should do the needful by resigning from the office so as to avoid future cacophony brouhaha.
This few words from this bookman has unshelled what might keep one in a footing of fluster concerning the Buhari administration, the basic educational requirement that certify a person for election to the office of President in Nigeria which is the Senior Secondary School Certificate is sans in Buhari's credentials. How then shall a blank, blind, handicap illiterate lead brains of high prowess.
Just as Nigeria goes worst day by day in Sulaiman's word, so does Buhari make jest of himself day by day to world viewers. He has made more than 30 international trips and visited over 22 countries just within 10 months in office for no tangible reason neither had he come back with any piece of solution to the echoing predicament of Nigerians. The only success Buhari has recorded since his administration and which is still ongoing is sniffing life out of every working system he met in office. He has murdered the economy system by so destroying the reputation of what used to be the fastest growing economy in Africa (Nigeria). Prices of commodities are now five times what they used to be. The common man can no longer have a meal per day without begging on the street. Buhari has also murdered the security system. Security personnels which are supposed to ensure adequate guard to lifes and properties are now Buhari's personal dogs. He sends them out at will to perceived opponents and rivals to torture and harass them for no just course. Of course anyone would be caught in a state of bewilderment on how Buhari could still have some cuckoo loyalists even after dragging Nigeria to mud. It is then certain to say Mohamadu Buhari who claims to be championing anti-corruption campaign is the number one corrupt specimen as he is busy lavishing monetary funds meant for citizens in buying chauvinists.
He also did not fail to aggrandize his metacarpus of tenebrosity to the country's judicial system. The question of legal rectitude in Nigeria is now a matter of who stands beside you, what political party you belong to, your perception about the sailing administration and your readiness to sellout your integrity nor die while holding tenaciously to justice as seen in the case of citizen Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra. Glowing the legwork of history down to Nigeria, it is only appropriate for one to assert categorically that Buhari's leadership is the most stupid one as it is apparently associated with crappiness and childish actions couple with dictatorship. Often times I am caught in amazement on what could inspire a man at 73(Seventy Three) who should be at his comfort zone with his grand children luxuriating the tussles of his juvenile days come horseracing for the highest office in a said country. I am then close to my conclusion that he has an agenda aside the functions of that office.
From the case of Nnamdi KANU, the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB), there is only one word to define Buhari, Bigot. Because his resoluteness in ensuring perverted justice is only second to his co-genocidal Yakubu Gowon of 1967-1970 Biafra genocide. Buhari sops the media houses to publish lies to the detriment of Nigeria citizens and dictates to a Jurist what to jaw in the court of law. The whopper he has been trending of recent about the Indigenous People Of Biafra and her leader, citizen Nnamdi KANU only divulges his nervousness about the Biafra agitation and his stupidity. How could a President stand so low by peddling cheap lies that have no base, facts nor figures?
Amongst Buhari's neoteric absurdities was pressuring his sopped media to tell the public that citizen Nnamdi KANU has denounced Biafra.
Inventing phony groups in likes of REIPOB and TRIPOB to impersonate the one formidable IPOB. And his newest is flooding the market with fake CDs of Citizen Nnamdi KANU. All these adamantine efforts just to bamboozle Biafrans and the world at large of citizen Nnamdi kanu's resoluteness on Biafra restoration, But he(Buhari) has always been greeted with abashment and chagrin as the ever ready stand-by media soldiers of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) under citizen Nnamdi Kanu's leadership would always expose his motives and intentions by so make his efforts futile. Base on this, the masses no longer believe or tie hope to any word that comes out of his mouth anymore as they now consider themselves victims of fraudulent propaganda. Not even 0.1% of his campaign promises has been fulfilled after fifteen months in office.
Buhari who illegally over threw a democratically elected government in 1983 and should be serving ajail term for his atrocities when he was a military head of state but today his parading himself as anti-corruption crusader. With every sense of indication Mohamadu Buhari of Nigeria is an epitome of FAILURE. Yes!
He failed as military head of states in 1983-1985. He also failed as chairman of Petroleum Trust Fund(PTF) from its inception in 1994 to its disbandment in 1999 by the Olusegun Obasanjo administration. In 2003, 2007 and 2011 Muhamadu Buhari contended for the office of Presidency in Nigeria but as an epitome of failure he failed respectively. Finally on the 29 of May 2015 he was rigged into power and today has ushered the Nigeria denizens into hunger and starvation. If we must tell ourselves the truth, no one wants Nigeria anymore as it has been exposed with TRUTH by the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. Nigeria was unnaturally concocted by British experimentalists in 1914 and today posterity is demanding for JUSTICE. The average denizen of Nigeria prays for her dissolution every night.
No one wants to be associated with an artificial identity (Nigeria) anymore because they now realized they had an organic identity before the British incursion. Scilicet, Biafras, Oduduwas and Arewas. Muhammadu Buhari is conversant to all these but has resoluted to play stiff neck as an unbaked literate he is who doesn't know nothing about 21century governance. Just like the last days of the great Soviet Union, Nigeria is sitting on one verge prior to her dissolution and that is the Military Intimidation. This men are on Mohamadu Buhari's personal payroll to go after anybody that speaks the truth about his administration especially the Biafra agitators. But the good news is he(Buhari) is gradually losing in his self centered influence on the military as thousands of them are now resigning from a service aimed at hunting fellow countrymen. Soon he shall lose complete grip and Biafrans shall feed him with this very cup he is using on them now. This was the story of the Soviet Union.
I therefore forewarn Muhamadu Buhari, to waive and do the needful as Biafrans are already burning out of patience.
#FreeNnamdikanu #FreeBiafra.
Edited by Okonkwo Isaac Somto
But this clueless, sloppy and und unable individual is still on power and crying out his lies in the world. Stop this brainless idiot!!
ReplyDeleteAll haile BIAFRA !!