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Friday, 26 August 2016



By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers

Distinguished International Community,

President Muhammadu Buhari who was once a former military ruler, has track records of Human Right violations. He ruled Nigeria from January 1984 until August 1985, taking charge after a military coup in December 1983. During his reign, he started a so-called campaign against indiscipline and corruption. The campaign resulted to constant Human Rights abuses. Civilians was kidnapped, tortured and killed. Journalists were arrested, imprisoned and executed. Opposition parties, politicians, military officials, businessmen were jailed, declared missing and even hanged. This acts of Nazism resulted to job losses, closure of businesses, economy meltdown, high poverty rates, unemployment and poor security for the masses.

30 years later, history repeated its self, General Buhari assumed office on the 29th of May 2015 after he won the 2015 Nigeria presidential elections as a democratic president. Since May 2015 till now president Buhari adminstration has been a regime of total tyranny. Thousands of innocent civilians has been killed and executed by the Nigeria Armed Forces. The Nigeria judiciary has been forcely controlled by President Buhari. Opposition party members are been harassed. The Nigeria Media House are either threatened or bribed. Civilians are been abducted and killed. The Nigeria Army are now very active in a democratic country and used as a tool of oppression by president Buhari. Once again, the economy is in ruins and Nigerians are dying of hunger and starvation. No one is allowed to speak against him, no Freedom of speech and expression. Those who do, turn up missing, humiliated and even killed. His government is total shambles and autocracy.

Now on the issue of Biafra, self-determination and freedom of speech\expression, president Buhari publicly stated that he would shed more blood for the unity of Nigeria and sadly enough, he kept to his word. Over 5000 Biafrans have been killed, 1500 missing and several others still in detention at various prison locations in Nigeria. Just recently on the 25th of August 2016, 5 Biafrans were kidnapped and abducted by the department of state services (DSS), some eye witness also confirmed this. Here are the names of the victims:

Ikecqhukwu Ugwuoha.
Asochukwu Ugochukwu.         
Sunday J. Okafor.      
Joseph okorie
Ekene onuoha.

This is not the first time such issue is coming up and in fact there are still several other Biafrans in prison since January, 2016. Even the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) is also a victim of president Buhari's dictatorship. On the 14th of October 2015, the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra(IPOB) was illegally arrested by president Muhammadu Buhari for no probable course. Nnamdi Kanu was arrested by the department of state services (DSS) on the accusations of been a threat to the sovereignty of Nigeria. He was slammed a terrorist and was falsely accused of sponsoring a terrorist group. We the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) hold these allegations to be untrue and also flawed without any visible evidence to back up their claims. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu's arrest was an act of authoritarianism carried out by president Buhari a renounced dictator, who have vowed never to grant Nnamdi Kanu bail.

Amnesty international carried out an investigation in Nigeria on the 10th of June as regards to the mass murder of Biafrans by the Nigeria military who opened fire on peaceful Biafrans on commemoration events in Onitsha, Anambra state between 29-30 may 2016. After on-the-ground investigation, Amnesty International confirmed that the Nigerian army gunned down over 50 unarmed Biafrans while over 70 were seriously injured. Till now justice is yet to be served to the perpetrators. Amnesty international has also failed to bring those accused to face their crimes.

Now self-determination and freedom of speech has never been a crime especially when it's been carried out in a democratic government. According to the United Nations charter on self-determination,
It states that nations, based on respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equality of opportunity, have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference. The killing of Biafrans and prosecution of Nnamdi Kanu out rightly against the United Nations Charter on the right of the indigenous people of which Nigeria is a signatory to. Nnamdi Kanu is demanding for the freedom of his people according to the UN CHARTER.

I hereby urge you (the international community) to order investigations into a variety of acts of impunity and human rights abuses under president Buhari's government, particularly extra-judicial execution of Biafrans by the Nigeria Armed Forces and the unlawful killing, brutal raping of unarmed Biafra women, abduction of children by the terrorists called Fulani Herdsmen. Also on the continued detention of Nnamdi Kanu, his arrest signifies the height of fascism, repression and despotism of President Muhammadu Buhari's adminstration. This is not the first time we have written to the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Right international, European Union, even to world leaders yet no response. The longer International Community stays silent, more lives perishes. For these reasons, I plead to you, save more innocent lives  by taking up action against the tyrant and dictator Muhammadu Buhari. Biafran lives matters!

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