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Thursday, 18 August 2016



By Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers

Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra and the Director of Radio Biafra has once again written to the British government alerting them of the extent at which President Muhammadu Buhari's Nigerian government is suffocating justice just to get rid of him.

  The letter which is expected to also be submitted to other High Commissions of foreign governments accused the Buhari led government of excessive infringements on the rule of law, as well as total affront to various Articles of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Covenant of the League of Nations, as well as Resolution 2625 (Xxv) of the United Nations Charter of 1970 and Rulings of courts of competent jurisdiction ordering his unconditional release from detention. The letter in part-

 “We write to the British High Commission on the ugly direction the political orchestrated trial of Nnamdi Kanu (a British citizen) is premised on a most concocted charges of treasonable felony is gradually assuming.”

“In the face of this conspiratorial plot by the Nigerian government to hang our client at all cost and by any means, we respectfully invite the British government to demonstrate more responsive concern in restoring the dignity and freedom of our client whose fundamental rights as guaranteed under the supreme laws of the land and relevant international conventions has been grossly violated by Nigerian government.

“Despite our stiff opposition to this application (protection of witnesses), the honourable court for reasons best known to him, apparently not supported by any legal precedence or judicial authorities made a volte-face and strangely varied the order he made on the 19th day of February, 2016.

“In effect, the court granted an application for a secret trial of our client, a British citizen obviously sitting in appeal against his order made on the February 2016.

“To set in motion, the expeditious hearing of this appeal, we filed a motion for accelerated hearing of the appeal and all processes so far filled in this appeal were duly served on the prosecution, yet there is no single process filed by the prosecution in response to our appeal.

“Upon being informed of this date of adjournment, we promptly protested and consequently filed a complaint before the deputy chief registrar of the Court of Appeal Abuja division.

“In the aforesaid letter we carefully provided legal basis for the date to be adjusted backward in line with the requirement of the fast track rules.”

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