By Ibeh Gift Amarachi
For Family Writers
A lot of people,have not gotten the insight behind the deployment agenda and mission of the Saudi BlackWater Mercenaries to BiafraLand and Nigeria. I want every reasonable individual to ponder on this question; "WHY WERE SAUDI MERCENARIES NOT PAID AND DEPLOYED BY MUHAMMADU BUHARI AND THE NORTHERN NIGERIA POLITICIANS, TO FIGHT AGAINST BOKOHARAM INSURGENCY? I researched on the Northern agenda from the emergence of the New Estate of their forefathers called Nigeria, following the statement of Usman Dan Fodio. When you study and think properly, you will understand that the BlackWater mercenaries public target of the Avengers Freedom Fighters,is a carmoflage to fulfil their secret Islamic domination agenda.
I put up an article "THE ARROGANCE OF THE NORTH IS BASED ON TERRORISM". In that article, I countered Obafemi Awolowo's view of a baseless arrogant lifestyle of the Northerners. I also made it clear that, Nigeria is an Islamic Country following the dictates of the Quaran, to achieve its mission of World domination. Northern Nigerians sponsored the Islamic Sect maitatsine in the 1980's and when they faded away, the Northern prominent Politicians sponsored a new Islamic terrorist group called Bokoharam which took the main stage of religious disturbance in Nigeria.
Bokoharam was sponsored by Northern Muslims in Nigeria, including their Chief sponsor Muhammadu Buhari to fulfill the Sharia agenda of Islam. Devout Muslims in Nigeria and the World at large have risen to execute the dictates of the Qua'ran. And every Islamic Country is bent to sponsor the domination of Nigeria. That is why, they have trained various terrorist sects, like Saudi-BlackWater Mercenaries, Al-qaeda,Isis, maitatsine,Bokokoharam etc This Islamic terrorist groups, have a goal which is, to subdue Non-Muslims in a State of subjection and forcing them to acknowledge their religious acclaimed superiority.
I want to state it clear that, The BlackWater Mercenaries are the new tool which will be used, to fulfill the implementation of Sharia in Nigeria. The President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari called for total implementation of Sharia, In 2001. At an Islamic Seminar in Kaduna,Buhari stated "I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement in Nigeria. God willing,we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the Country". And he is on the verge of fulfilling that Islamic agenda, through various Islamic terrorist sects. Let's not forget the fact that, before the emergence of Niger-Delta Freedom Fighters, Buhari have been soliciting for arms from various Countries including CHINA,USA,GERMANY,BRITAIN,ISREAL and several other Countries highly technological.
Islam is theocracy and a religion, used to achieve the Muslims mission of World domination. Northern Nigerians are devout Muslims simply following the dictates of their Quar'an. When you read through Quar'an 9:29;" FIGHT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN ALLAH,NOR IN THE LATER DAY,NOR DO THEY PROHIBIT WHAT ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER HAVE PROHIBITED,NOR FOLLOW THE RELIGION OF TRUTH OUT OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE BOOK,'UNTILL THEY PAY THE TAX IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPERIORITY AND THEY ARE IN A STATE OF SUBJECTION".
With the arrival of the BlackWater Mercenaries, there will be more Beheading, Massacres,Killings and Destructions. These mercenaries are sent, to drive Non-Muslims out from their Land and take them up as captives. BN ISHAQ: 327 "Allah said,A PROPHET MUST SLAUGHTER BEFORE COLLECTING CAPTIVES. A SLAUGHTERED ENEMY IS DRIVEN FROM THE LAND. MUHAMMAD,YOU CRAVED THE DESIRES OF THE WORLD,ITS GOODS AND THE RANSOM CAPTIVES WOULD BRING. BUT ALLAH DESIRES KILLING THEM TO MANIFEST THE RELIGION". The Arewas are unitedly executing this command from the Qua'ran,that is why series of beheading in the North have being carried out with impunity. Muslims invaded a Catholic Church in Abuja the Capital Territory of Nigeria and no one countered such barbaric act. Mrs Bridget was massacred for preaching in Abuja and no Northern Politician verbally protested against it and the perpetrators were not brought to book.
The Northern bourgeoisie are agitating passionately to actualise their Islamic agendas,hence everyone should be on the alert and get ready for whatever evil they are concocting to execute. They have seen the Biafra struggle, as an Anti-Islamic agitation,hence will strife passionately to stop the ordained quest. But Biafrans are resolute enough to rise above them and we must not retreat nor surrender.
Islamization of Nigeria did not start today. Now, Jihadist Buhari wants to take to the next level. I'm saddened to say that Christians in Nigeria - especially in the South are either naive, blind, ignorant or simply stupid. For years, Saudi Arabia has been masterminding jihad globally. Nigeria is not an exception. We better wake up and battle against this satanic plan to Islamize Nigeria. It is already here.
ReplyDeleteSo did you people confused? You better focus on your Biafra mission, or forget it let have Nigeria in mind, but I had confidence buhari will. Not islamanise Nigeria, for Nigeria belongs to all, stop creating what does not exit, pray for the peace and progress for Nigeria is I think is better,