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Tuesday, 5 July 2016



Chima Onyekachi

For Family Writers

When I came across the piece titled "Brexit: Lessons for Biafra, By Mbasekei Martin Obono", I expected to read a witty piece but as usual it turned out to be the writing of one of the so called Nigerian ink warriors, which usually ends with lack of insight or superior reasoning. I would not have bothered to respond but for the fact it was published by a popular online news blog. Martin Obono started by describing the beautiful concept of the European Union, its history, treaty, laws and the mostly the boost the union has brought to the economy of the globe. He accused David Cameron of mistakes in handling Brexit especially allowing referendum. He went on and on until he came to the nitty-gritty of his piece and asked a question "but is leaving the Nigerian entity the solution?" though he accepted that Biafrans have been marginalized. He also wants to know the next plan if we succeed in separating from Nigeria and demanded that Nnamdi Kanu or any Biafra agitator be asked those questions.

Before I go further, I wish the writer should have pointed out specifically the lessons that Biafrans should learn from Brexit in his article. If am not mistaken, from his piece, was he talking about loss of confidence by investors or the fact that Westminster is considering negotiations with Brussels in order to get better deals and to remain in the single market, while there will be no deal for the free movement of persons? Is the lesson to be learned from Brexit, the skyrocketing of prices for goods and services and also the fall in the value of the British pounds? Before the writer spreads his deception to those who read his article, I wish to enlighten them on the real happenings in Nigeria.

Every genuine and sane investor have lost confidence in Nigeria, even those still in Nigeria are seeking alternative places to migrate to. If I may ask which of the industries in Nigeria is functioning well? The Banking and Oil industries that used to be the most employer of labour have sacked more workers than ever before. Nigeria was handed over to Muhammadu Buhari as a thriving place for businesses but illiteracy and lack of planning have brought the country's economy to a brink. Price of goods and services in Nigeria is on the increase every week due to the free fall in value of the country's currency- Naira. Naira is more worthless than the toilet tissue paper sold in the market. Isn't the writer aware of the devaluation of naira against the dollar? There are no tangible lessons to be learnt by Biafrans from Martin Obono's article except in the area of referendum. It is not surprising that the writer berated Cameron for allowing referendum because he is from a country that does not respect the will of the masses.

If Martin Obono had foresight, he will not question the ability of Biafrans to sustain themselves in a sovereign state of their own. He must not take for granted that the top 5 states in Nigeria with the highest score in the recent West Africa O'level examination are all in Biafraland. Even with the marginalization, is it surprising to him that manufacturing and trade has grown in Biafraland without government support? Even with only 20 pounds given to Biafrans who survived the 1967-1970 Biafra genocide, most of the thriving industries that have boosted the revenue of Nigeria are owned by Biafrans. The natural resources that have sustained Nigeria all her life is been plundered from Biafraland to the detriment of her people. I assure Martin Obono that Biafrans are not confused as he was when he was planning to leave his family home as an adult. It is a shame his elder brother couldn't help out of his confusion. Biafrans are going to build a nation that will be envied across the world and the plans are embodied in every true Biafran. Martin Obono can reside in UK and wallow in his confusion or come down to Biafra land to see the true strives of Biafrans under the hardship and marginalization of Muhammadu Buhari's government.

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