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Monday, 11 July 2016



By Ogbuanya Chikezie Nnamdi
For Family Writers

Ever since Christianity was brought to Nigeria about 174 years ago (1842-2016) when Henry Townsend and his group of missionaries arrived Badagry town in Lagos state  Christianity was known to teach Africans/Blacks the western religion and way of life. They condemned traditional African religion and stopped most of the abominable tradition; e:g human sacrifices, killing of twins, slave trade etc. The coming of these missionaries gave birth to a new civilisation in Nigeria, they built hospitals, schools, & introduced industrialisation. Though Christianity had its first contact with western Nigeria, today; Eastern Nigeria have greater number of Christians when compared to other regions.

The church then embarked mostly on missionary activities, free medical care, and scholarship to many communities that they went. Towards the 19th century, Nigeria is now in charge of Christianity which led to the rise of many Churches both orthodox and Pentecostal with different doctrines and teaching's which has brought more confusion to the society. This is because most Church founders, pastors and servants of God have lost the Aura with which the missionaries came with. They forsook missions and order humanitarian activities, they are more interested in enriching themselves, riding expensive cars and owning private jets, building expensive schools which even their followers cannot afford. The new Christianity of this 21st century more like a personal business where men of God Brainwash their followers and exploit them for selfish aggrandizement without taking care of them. The church cannot protect its members, the various associations like CAN,PFN and others have turn to political organs for negotiations of personal gains, they have so derailed that they can't speak in one voice to take actions to stop the continued killings of Christians in different parts of the country.

Butchered by Islamic fundamentalist in Nigeria
Since the inception of Buhari, there has been a hurricane wind of Islamization, sharia law is at the verge of making it's way to the constitution, the proposed grazing bill, the menace of Fulani herdsmen, the continued massacre of Christians on daily basis and the reluctance of the Buhari led administration to tackle these occurrences. Just last week, a woman was killed in Abuja for preaching the gospel, last 2 months another Christian woman was killed in kano the same state where Gideon Akaluka was beheaded for preaching the gospel and we are feeling unconcerned.  Any clergy or Christian who is keeping silent in these injustices must be the devil himself, I have no apologies for these shepherds who sit back in their comfort zones and watch their flocks scattered and devoured by Wolves masked in Islam. It is time we answer this salient questions? How protected are we in this concocted entity called Nigeria, is the forced unity more important than the blood of innocent people been slaughtered on daily basis? The continued attack on Christians is an attack against the Biafran people who are mostly victims of these atrocities. It is time we the followers understand that our Church leaders are in conspiracy with the Islamic republic of Nigeria, I have observed with keen interest there would be outcome of series of meetings of these clergymen but have not seen any good outcome as the killings are yet to stop. Now is the time we defend our land, those of us still sabotaging Biafrans freedom should repent now before it’s too late because judgment day is coming. Biafra is the only thing that can save us from the Islamic spring that is sweeping across the world.

Pray for Biafra...!!!

Biafra is the solution....!!!

#FreedomforBiafrans #FreeBiafra


  1. Karl Marx said that, “religion is the opiate of the masses.” Africans - especially Black Africans embraced the religion of the White man and discarded their true and genuine traditional religions and faith. The Western religion/Christianity is designed to deceive, brainwash, and enslave. Today, western Christianity is in deep crisis and the church today is filled with false prophets and fake pastors - all designed to enrich themselves and leave the masses in penury and useless hope. Most of today’s men of God are cowards and biblical illiterate, they do not even understand the Scriptures and the over-arching essence of God, Christ and what He’s doing in the world He created. It’s so sad indeed.

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