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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Again Niger Delta Avengers demands for Nnamdi Kanu's release.

Again Niger Delta Avengers demands for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's release.

By Augustine Ukoro
For Family Writers

The world should not misunderstand Niger Delta Avengers and their activities because they are fighting a just cause. They are freedom fighters. Their land and their affairs have been neglected for years despite that they are the real owners of oil. Because the oil is located in their land while they are sidelined from the affairs of government. Their land has been destroyed by oil spillage and their lives are in great danger. Worst still, they are been killed everyday by combined military forces of Nigeria. And the latest the Nigeria government just hired foreign army from Saudi Arabia to join forces with Nigeria military to kill us because of our own oil. The quietness of the world leaders in this matter is no golden is a conspiracy against us as human beings.

It is no more news that the activities of Niger Delta Avengers has affected Nigeria oil sector immensely. Before Avengers commenced operation zero the Nigeria economy, they issued warning to Nigeria government and handed over their demand list to Nigeria government. But on the usual way of Nigeria government, they neglected and failed to meet the demands of the NDA.  Since then Nigeria oil sector has been witnessing downsizing in oil production and export. Some of the demands of the Niger Delta Avengers is the implementation of the 2014, national conference agreement, release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the director of Radio Biafra and the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB ) world wide unconditionally, among others demands. We will recall that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was illegally arrested in Lagos in October, 2015. Since then he has been illegally detained.  Even after the court of competent jurisdiction granted him bail.

This has sparked protest within Nigeria and overseas. Many peaceful protesters have been killed and some arrested as a result of this in Nigeria. The refusal of Buhari lead government to handle this issue and many other things has been creating confusion. One thing leading to another. Worst still the ultrances of Buhari has been making things get worse. It is a pity that People who don't understand what is going on will listen to garbages in which BBC, CNN, NTA, Sahara reports and many other media houses feed the public with without doing investigative journalism. Worst Lies are the ones propagated by Nigeria newspapers to term freedom fighters terrorists.

We are making it clear that Niger Delta Avengers are freedom fighters not terrorists as been termed by gutter media houses who want cheap popularity and to attract readers and fans. To set the record straight Avengers want to be on their own. The believe in #Biafra because is their own country. They warned all the local and foreign companies operating in Niger Delta region and any part in Biafra land to park out quietly and leave or face the consequences. They (NDA) has warned that they should be no repair work of any kind in the pipelines blown until their demands are attended to by Federal Government of Nigeria.  Any repair on the pipelines will result to loose of staff of such company they warned.

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