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Wednesday, 15 June 2016



By Okonkwo Isaac Somto

For Family Writers

Violence is defined by the World Health Organisation as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation". Talk about violence, talk about Nigeria. "Violence" is the only word the Nigeria government understands when dealing with matters that ought not to be aggravated. Nigeria seems to only crave violence just like they do food, water and sex.

All civilised country try to do everything in their power to not push civilians into using the method of violence when passing their message across. They encourage a more diplomatic approach to solve conflicts but sadly enough, not Nigeria. Nigeria is far from civilised, let alone been diplomatic. The Nigeria government use violence and abuse in various tactics of subtle manipulation to respond to any slight of threat to her government. Most times various groups of protesters in Nigeria, find it very difficult to get their message across to leaders in government because this politicians feel the people don't have what it takes to get their attention, no what the level of awareness they try to carry out in passing their message across to them.

For years now statistics have shown that the only way to get the attention of the Federal Government of Nigeria is through violence. For example, Niger Delta has been polluted by oil production in most of the regions by the federal government and yet they have been trying to call the attention of the Nigeria government to the poverty and suffering their people are passing through because of the oil spill in these regions but what did the federal government do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. But immediately the Niger Delta Militants emerged and became more aggressive and violent they caught the attention of the Nigeria Government.

The root of violence in Nigeria is founded in the many types of inequality which continue to exist and grow in the country. Nigeria government, also use violence as a form of intimidation to her own citizens. The federal government of Nigeria, use violence and abuse to establish and maintain power and control over their own citizens, that way installing fear into the same people they ought to protect.

It’s been more than 50 years, over 3.5million Biafrans were massacred during the first Nigeria-Biafra civil war, the story is still the same in Nigeria, leading to speculation of a 2nd civil war. Another conflict has yet again started between Nigeria and Biafra. The same old story, freedom from Nigeria, religious violence, government oppression on Biafrans, political marginalisation, hate and envy, the list goes on and on. Theoretically, Biafrans have the right and freedom to have their sovereign state, but the political allegiance between the Nigeria government and the British government is exactly why Biafrans are subjected to endless despotic treatment.

Even till this day the promises made to reconstruct and rehabilitate the lands and people affected by the first Nigeria-Biafra civil war in the eastern region have been rendered fruitless by different administrations subjecting the Igbo-Biafrans to all manner of ill treatment. No adequate infrastructure, road, railways, hospital, schools in Biafra land. Take a look at the Niger Delta region, look at how the federal government has messed up that place making it inhabitable to live in and yet for years, nothing has been implemented to help improve regions affected. So the Niger Delta militant had to resolve to force and violence to pass their message across and it was well received by the Nigeria government. The Nigeria government are now forced into negotiation with Niger Delta Militants after several pipelines was blown up. Even a new group called Niger Delta Avengers(NDA), a more advanced and equipped group to have emerged from the region and they seriously mean business, with constant bombing of pipelines.

Prevention, they say is better than cure and Violence is really preventable, with a more cautious approach, well that's not the case in Nigeria. It’s the other way round. While other genuine democratic countries are busy trying to minimise the level of violence in their own country, Nigeria only seem to endorse it. Sadly, there is only one way to get your message across to the Nigeria government and be heard, and that's through "VIOLENCE".

Violence is defined by the World Health Organisation as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation". Talk about violence, talk about Nigeria. "Violence" is the only word the Nigeria government understands when dealing with matters that ought not to be aggravated. Nigeria seems to only crave violence just like they do food, water and sex.

All civilised country try to do everything in their power to not push civilians into using the method of violence when passing their message across. They encourage a more diplomatic approach to solve conflicts but sadly enough, not Nigeria. Nigeria is far from civilised, let alone been diplomatic. The Nigeria government use violence and abuse in various tactics of subtle manipulation to respond to any slight of threat to her government. Most times various groups of protesters in Nigeria, find it very difficult to get their message across to leaders in government because this politicians feel the people don't have what it takes to get their attention, no what the level of awareness they try to carry out in passing their message across to them.

For years now statistics have shown that the only way to get the attention of the Federal Government of Nigeria is through violence. For example, Niger Delta has been polluted by oil production in most of the regions by the federal government and yet they have been trying to call the attention of the Nigeria government to the poverty and suffering their people are passing through because of the oil spill in these regions but what did the federal government do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. But immediately the Niger Delta Militants emerged and became more aggressive and violent they caught the attention of the Nigeria Government.

The root of violence in Nigeria is founded in the many types of inequality which continue to exist and grow in the country. Nigeria government, also use violence as a form of intimidation to her own citizens. The federal government of Nigeria, use violence and abuse to establish and maintain power and control over their own citizens, that way installing fear into the same people they ought to protect.

It’s been more than 50 years, over 3.5million Biafrans were massacred during the first Nigeria-Biafra civil war, the story is still the same in Nigeria, leading to speculation of a 2nd civil war. Another conflict has yet again started between Nigeria and Biafra. The same old story, freedom from Nigeria, religious violence, government oppression on Biafrans, political marginalisation, hate and envy, the list goes on and on. Theoretically, Biafrans have the right and freedom to have their sovereign state, but the political allegiance between the Nigeria government and the British government is exactly why Biafrans are subjected to endless despotic treatment.

Even till this day the promises made to reconstruct and rehabilitate the lands and people affected by the first Nigeria-Biafra civil war in the eastern region have been rendered fruitless by different administrations subjecting the Igbo-Biafrans to all manner of ill treatment. No adequate infrastructure, road, railways, hospital, schools in Biafra land. Take a look at the Niger Delta region, look at how the federal government has messed up that place making it inhabitable to live in and yet for years, nothing has been implemented to help improve regions affected. So the Niger Delta militant had to resolve to force and violence to pass their message across and it was well received by the Nigeria government. The Nigeria government are now forced into negotiation with Niger Delta Militants after several pipelines was blown up. Even a new group called Niger Delta Avengers(NDA), a more advanced and equipped group to have emerged from the region and they seriously mean business, with constant bombing of pipelines.

Prevention, they say is better than cure and Violence is really preventable, with a more cautious approach, well that's not the case in Nigeria. It’s the other way round. While other genuine democratic countries are busy trying to minimise the level of violence in their own country, Nigeria only seem to endorse it. Sadly, there is only one way to get your message across to the Nigeria government and be heard, and that's through "VIOLENCE".

1 comment

  1. The rulers of Nigeria since its inception are ruthless, crude, uncivilized and incompetent people. Peaceful process to resolve any issues in Nigeria will never work for at least 3 reasons: (1) control of oil wealth, (2) ethnic hatred and bias, and (3) religious ignorance and intolerance. MEND, IPOB, NDA, and other freedom fighters in Biafra land must rethink of its strategy. The western industrialized nations have been lied to that Biafrans will cease the oil and be a socialist nation – but that’s not true. We must re-educate the West and be prepared for the ultimate war – because freedom is never given but taken.


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