By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Family Writers
Apostle Suleman, I did not read in details the comment credited to you, I once said that I won’t write open letters again but recklessness and irresponsibility of people would not let me be. I have not said you are reckless or irresponsible, I have only said people and even El-Rufia is reckless and irresponsible but I am waiting for his burial as you prophesied, I will shred him after death but while he lives, let me engage you.

I have double mind because I don’t trust Nigerian media, family writers were with Annkio Briggs when she passionately sided Niger Delta Avengers but the next minute, we saw online where everything she said was twisted. The reality remains that Nigerian media without enough brown envelopes would always be partial or most times twist things to suit the government of the day. There are enough pro-government media that would do everything to discredit reality of Biafra facing them.
I understood that you expressed your view over Biafra, but for the purpose of clarity, was that prophesy of a thought? I have a reason for asking this question, Biafra will disclose a lot of things and help shine the light of truth everywhere. Biafra will not just come; Biafra will destroy evil and uncover secrets that have bedeviled her people. If this is prophesy, I want to put it in record so when Biafra comes, you can resigned on the ground that you are a fake prophet. If it is a thought, I will also have it in record and tell you tomorrow that you have a poor brain.
Many prophets came against Biafra; they were not only disappointed but disgraced and today have fallen by the way side. I can teach you why it is always that way, Biafra is a spirit and a good spirit, 3.5 million of God’s children were sacrificed for Biafra and many still being sacrificed and you are not afraid to speak against such alter of sacrifice. I have no option but to pity you, I still have doubt because I can’t trust Nigerian media with what I have seen so far.
You are right to share your view while I am right to counter your view, Biafra is the last miracle and if you do not believe in the words God said through Nnamdi Kanu, I have no reason to continue this letter because you are not worthy of my pen. It becomes antagonistic of you and fighting God when you speak against Biafra. Don’t hiss yet, I will explicitly channel you where I am going.
Mohammadu Buhari shot to death over 22 Biafrans on a prayer ground, fasting and fervently praying to God. They have fasted and prayed that God may answer their prayer and grant them Biafra, these are Christians that believe only God can give them Biafra. Suleman, I make bold to ask you, does what was credited to you imply that God cannot give Biafra or God cannot answer prayer? Are you discouraging men from praying and trusting in God? Are you telling me God is ineffective? I am afraid somebody will fall by the way side for carnally and falsely calling the name of God.
Some of your members have already run to your defense, saying that they have not seen you in video say anything against Biafra. One even said you have warned that Nnamdi Kanu should be released and that this is media propaganda with you name. I agree with them because Nigerian media can be disastrous, in this case I logically address the purported propaganda.
Finally, it is important to remind you that prophets come in many forms and opposing the mission of Prophet Nnamdi Kanu is opposing God. Just like Yashua came and sacrificed his life for us, Nnamdi Kanu has sacrificed everything for us. We are fanatical about Biafra and we are challenging God with Biafra. If God did not give us Biafra then to us the African Jews, God is not a living God.
It would be right you come plain and make your position clear because we will keep the record for you to know that God is not a man. If to you God cannot give Biafra, if to you Biafra is impossible for God. I will keep words for action, that when Biafra shall come, I will tell the world that “this man is nothing but instrument of devil”.
Didn’t this so-called apostle Johnson Suleiman sound like a war genocide and hypocrite Gowon? Suleiman is a false prophet. Who made him an apostle anyway? A Muslim terrorist and liar, who embraced Christianity to deceive gullible citizens and biblical ignorant in order to enrich himself. He’ll live to see Biafra come and in no time, see Biafra become the super-power and giant of Africa – politically, economically, technologically, etc. I hope that all Igbos in his church will leave immediately and go some where else. And by the way, it's time Biafrans get out from churches led by northerners and SW pastors. Majority of them are false pastors. You are being brainwashed and deceived.