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Wednesday, 22 June 2016


By Chima Onyekachi and Ifeanyi Chijioke

For Family Writers
Jerry Gana with members of Family Writers

Jerry Gana who attended the 17th anniversary of Igbo Youth Movement, last week; called on Muhammadu Buhari to release the leader of indigenous people of Biafra who has done nothing but called for the restoration of Biafra. Gana argued that Nnamdi Kanu has right to call for self-determination and believing that his arrest was uncalled for, a mistake that must be corrected. He was more concerned about the circumstance that led to Nnamdi Kau’s agitation than the agitation itself.
However, he stated that Nnamdi Kanu is only responding to Nigerian as a failed state that worsened under Buhari. Nnamdi Kanu is the spark plug for Biafra restoration and arresting him was stoking the flame of Biafra that has left Nigeria bleeding since last year. He argued that had true federalism been implemented, Nnamdi Kanu’s agitation would not gain the 100% backing and support it has today.

“Release Nnamdi Kanu and restructure Nigeria which is the only solution” he said while responding to questions.  He was filled with smile and expressed satisfaction that despite being in prison, Nnamdi still command respect. He was one of those that clapped and smiled when Nnamdi Kanu’s award was announced.
Since Nnamdi Kanu was arrested, there have been uneasy calm in old eastern region that is Biafra. Youths, fathers and mothers came out on the street with placards which often destabilizes economic activities due to the mammoth crowd that troops out in solidarity. The federal government of Nigeria has shown cluelessness in handling the situation which has only worsened or heated the polity.
Buhari resorted to use of maximum force against unarmed and peaceful Biafrans that are only taking advantage of the tenet of democracy. Nigerian forces under the command of Buhari have brutally shot to kill Biafra agitators.  Shooting unarmed Biafrans was the solution Buhari can offer and the decision only worsened the situation as agitators get motivated instead of retreating. “We have lost lives and continue losing; we won’t retreat because of that”
Buhari has come under intense criticism but have not shown any sign of repenting, hundreds of Biafrans have been killed and instead of deterring others, it has only motivated and fueled the agitation. Gana faulted Buhari’s approach and cautioned that Killing agitating youths will never solve any problem. “Had we embraced true federalism, all these won’t be happening. The youths agitating are doing what should be done to save this country” he said
Notable figures have called for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and many are still calling for his release, militants have also sworn to narrow down oil production to zero, an effort on course. Gana is of the view that only releasing Nnamdi Kanu will bring an end to the many problems Nigeria is facing. “Release Nnamdi Kanu and all these problems will be over, very simple”
Buhari has refused to listen to voices and voice of reason urging him to shelve issues that will likely result to military actions. He is of the view that he would crush everything that opposes him as he has promised that he would kill more Biafrans to keep Nigeria one. He has also threatened to drown everybody instead of allow Biafra. “We don’t want death, we will disappoint Buhari, and we want peace and true federalism” he concluded.


  1. Biafra independence is part of the restructuring. I mean, let Biafra go, then you can restructure what is left.

    Thank you, Gana, for your contribution. All hail Biafra.

  2. Is surprising I have often wondered if learned and moral intellectuals like you no longer exists .The gospel you delivered has no part 2.

  3. Thank you so much sir. Long live Biafrans, long liveee Biafra.

  4. Gana. is one of those educated men in that Country and i do watch him when he was a minister and he is one of the pillar of government at that time. Being educated is your way of reasoning of of your selfish interest and be proud of whom you are not compromising your intellect any way by there fruit we shall know them but Buhar will be the last illiterate that will happen to Black African.

  5. Thank you sir,for showing that we still have educated people in Nigeria,in 21st century you are forcing people to do what they don't want,even your wife and children, you don't have right to force them against their will,that is human rights,and that's where we stand,(DEMOCRACY ).

  6. Jerry Gana is one of those moderate and wise voices from the north. I'm disappointed that they allowed a lunatic and tyrant Buhari to drag the north to mud. Buhari is not only a dictator and tyrant but a fraud, corrupt and fake human-being.


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