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Friday, 24 June 2016



By Commrade Chukwu Ogbu

For Family Writers

Sen. Ben Murray Bruce, this is the third time open letter has been addressed to you using this same platform. In My first letter caption` SUPPORT US BEN MURRAY BRUCE’ you ignore it then came the second on `NIGERIA WILL FAILED YOU` yet you never heed to my prophetic warning, now NIGERIA HAVE FAILED YOU.   Read it here : OPEN LETTER TO SENATOR BEN MURRAY BRUCE PART2: NIGERIA WILL FAIL YOU.

Sen Ben, the same people that you are rubbing minds with have connived and taken all you have labored for, sealed off your silver bird group companies in Abuja, Lagos and Portharcourt and this has equally affected over 1000 of your employee who solemnly depends on you for survival.

In my second letter I sincerely told you that they will surely come after you in a very hard-way, persecute you and finally disgraced you. Ben, can you tell me what happened to the great people from your region that served Nigeria before you, what happened to them and why they haven’t been celebrated by Nigeria? I can vividly remember the Azikiwe of Onitsha and Azikiwe of Otuoke who is remembering them today? It is very obvious that my people do not learn from history but only memorized its date.


If you served Nigeria you must surely come back as a disgraced man, but if you served Biafra , Biafran will honour and celebrate you beyond all reasonable doubt. Have you ever wonder why the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra  NNAMDI KANU is THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AND HEROE? Despite been incarcerated, he is in prison commanding legions because he  is serving Biafra and not Nigeria.

Sen. Ben, you have a plenipotentiary power as a senator to calls your fellow senators from south south and south east behind closed doors and reach agreement on how to quickly call for Biafra REFERENDUM from Nigeria. But it seems you and your co-elites and senators derives joy from the extra-judicial killings of Biafrans and the continue incarceration of MAZI NNAMDI NNAMDI KANU. For how shall you continue to fraternized with Nigeria? I must assert that you do not have a future and a nation to call your own except you come back and build yours.

Sen. Ben, I cannot conceal the great resentment I felt at the way you and other senators are treating the issues of Biafra freedom. If Northern elders, senators and Elite can stand before the senate to raise the issues of Creating a BOKO HARAM state for bokoharam insurgency that have killed and maimed dozen, and equally passed a grazing reserved bills which will favor only the Fulani herdsmen who’s heinous crime have left many of your people dead, destroyed their farmlands, and burnt down their homes before your own eyes.

It is a HYPOCRICY AND DECEITFUL for you to keep mute why your own people are struggling to secure their future from a country which you’re among the nationalist. Sen. Ben, like I always postulate, a time shall come when you and other elites will need to build a bigger walls and gate around your home, to protect yourself against the people whose future you’re squandering.

Many people have laid down their life in this quest for Biafra freedom; they died as a HEROE and will forever be remembered like a HEROE. But if you died today, what legacy do you leave behind? Senator BEN MURRAY BRUCE SUPPORT  BIAFRA ,SENATOR BEN MURRAY BRUCE NIGERIA WILL FAIL YOU,SENATOR BEN MURRAY BRUCE,NIGERIA HAVE FAILED YOU,SENATOR BEN MURRAY BRUCE IT IS NOT TOO LATE,YOU CAN STILL COME BACK HOME AND BUILD YOUR OWN NATION AND POSTERITY WILL NEVER HOLD YOU GUILTY.


  1. He too like other Hausa/Fulani puppets will end in prison or be killed one day. Coward and shameless Biafrans.

  2. It's a pity that all the media houses don't have ball enough to publish the real news in Nigeria ie these uncalled for killing of unarmed people who are demanding for freedom and to go their separate ways, since they can't fix in. I think the media should have enough balls to publish these truths. Just making common sense...

  3. The zoo government have just showed him (Sen Ben) that he ain't got common sense for not supporting his people Biafrans. This is just the beginning for him, he gotta be aware that the DSS are on their way to arrest his ass for false allegations so please wait for 'em as they arrive. Nnamdi Kanu the mouth piece of Chukwu Okike Abiama of our time when he speaks I expect men/women of wisdom to listen and follow what ever he's saying but is quite unfortunate that people like Sen Ben who ought to have knowledge are heedless of what Nnamdi Kanu is saying. Nobody should feel sorry for him because he knows the truth but chooses to be heedless of it. See what you've caused your staffs? Soon they'll all lose their jobs & be replaced by only Hausa-Fulani & Yoruba people from the contraption called Nigeria. Shame to all the leaders from Biafra land because y'all are sell outs.


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