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Monday, 13 June 2016



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Familay writers

Niger Delta Avengers will negotiate with Nigeria through Nnamdi Kanu and such negotiation will not be outside freedom, Ifeanyi Chijioke of Family Writers can authoritatively report. There has been a search for a way to address the intense hostility across the Niger. Oil installations in that part of Biafra have witnessed magnitude of ruin in the hands of Freedom fighters otherwise known as Niger Delta Avengers. There is the likelihood and fear that the long expected Sudan like-war may breakout from that part of Biafra if the situation is not properly handled. Ifeanyi Chijioke of Family Writers can authoritatively report that everything is in place for whatsoever anybody wants in that part of Biafra. The man power and the machine power will dazzle you. “2014 confab is another alternative Nigeria can hold against Nnamdi Kanu, but it must be done when all parties lay down their weapons. Buhari’s weapon is the DSS that have incarcerated Kanu, if Kanu is released, bombing will stop and debate will start” a source to NDA said.
Nigerian government had opted to use military might instead of release Kanu and dialogue, this is against the advice of notable people and British government that military action will end in disaster. Nigerian government who always blindly engage matters took the advice for granted and deployed troops to that part of Biafra. Despite the heavy presence of the military, Avengers still carried out their pipeline destructions without interruptions. The promise that the flow or export will be narrowed down to zero is fast coming to reality.

Before then, Buhari had threatened that he would send Avengers to their graves and warned they would get the same treatment Boko Haram got. Buhari tends to be undemocratic in all his endeavors, seeing any form of agitation as disrespect to his government. He has come under criticism for his numerous statements where “crush” has become the order of the day. Crushing any form of protest or agitation which is the definition of democracy. Since the inception of this government, the Nigerian armed forces have been brutal and murderous. Killing unarmed people of Biafra, shot hundreds of Shiite Muslims, shot students protesting and without constraint used force against unarmed Biafrans. Political opponents have come under attack and outspoken personalities forced dumb. The DSS has also responded to the ‘crush’ choice of this government and has unlawfully carried out its activities. Militants have responded to the killing of IPOB members by attacking soldiers in a raid “We cover all Biafra land and you cannot kill our brothers and expect us to fold our arms” the militants said in one of their press statements.

Human right organizations have accused Buhari of crimes against humanity and use of unnecessary force against unarmed or lawful groups and IPOB as the allegory of the onslaught or crime. Chairman board of intersociety who has been leading the fight to protecting human right and human lives has been on the top of his voice and vowed to never relent until justice is done, “At this point, I can tell you that there is conspiracy against Biafra. The level of crime here ought to have called UN intervention” Chairman Intersociety said. Amnesty international has also accused Nigerian government of crimes against humanity and charged the government to investigate those crimes.

Nnamdi Kanu was arrested last year for broadcasting on Radio Biafra, a move people saw as mistake from Buhari. Kanu had been charged to court and released by competent courts of jurisdiction but Buhari vowed that he will not be released. Recall that Kanu has long been calling for an end to militancy and urging Biafrans across the Niger to embrace the quest for freedom. He argued that there is no gain controlling and protecting your food for others to eat and impoverish you or you take from their crumbs. “Get freedom and this oil will be ours, you can bath and swim in oil, only hungry men would protect our treasure for a thief to come and take it” Kanu in a podcast.

However, Nnamdi Kanu was able to unite the people of Biafra; he broke the deceit of over 65years by dismantling Southsouth and Southeast syndrome. The people of old Eastern region were able to come together and understood we are one and we are Biafra. This feat was the greatest feat Kanu achieved through radio Biafra. The subsequent reaction to this development became what is seen today in that part of Biafra.  While some people are protesting with flag, peacefully and lawfully, some are protesting violently and unlawfully for justice.

Niger Delta Avengers has demanded the release of Nnamdi Kanu among other things, they have often posited that everything will stop if Nnamdi Kanu is released and claimed that Nnamdi Kanu alone will negotiate for them. Some other militant groups have emerged with different demands, but among all Niger Delta Avengers remains the most active group. A member of Niger Delta Avengers who spoke over the phone on condition of anonymity said “I am talking to you because you are a pro-Biafra journalist. Let me state clearly to you, everything going on here have one terminology and that terminology is Nnamdi Kanu. We want Nnamdi Kanu to be released and that is the reason we are facing the life of Nigeria” he said.

He hardly allowed me to speak and ordered that I keep quiet and listen to him “You won’t get this phone number again, I will break the sim card so better listen well.” he commanded but I pushed to know the condition upon which they would negotiate, he paused at my defiance but got back to me when I thought he would cut me off “We are not negotiating with anyone, anybody that told you we are negotiating is deceiving you. What negotiation when we have our demand and even if we would negotiate, Nnamdi Kanu will negotiate for us and entire Biafra. We want freedom, we are fighting for freedom and Nnamdi Kanu is our leader because he is a fearless freedom fighter” he said with coerce and reverberating voice.

Ifeanyi Efobi Anthony, who explained why militants are so obsessed with Nnamdi Kanu cited trust as the major reason and also objective. “This is no longer resource control but a fight to be free and they have trust in Kanu. A man that refused everything for freedom, sacrificed his life and everything he has, Kanu is a strong man and the militants want someone they can trust and share same dream with. They have found Kanu and they would stop at nothing but get Kanu released and Kanu would talk for a way out of the mess” he explained.

“The hostility in that part of Biafra will never stop until Nnamdi Kanu is released and neither will there be any negotiation. Negotiation might be geared up by other militants and the foundation for any negation is the release of Nnamdi Kanu. Buhari is being insincere and we are not fools, we gave a demand and capitalized on one, if the man is insincere, he would have released Nnamdi Kanu to show he is ready to listen to us” NDA source said.

  “We want to be categorical here; there won’t be any negotiation without firstly releasing Nnamdi Kanu. Nobody will know us or see us, Nnamdi Kanu is the leader of Biafra and by virtue of his position, he also leads us and we shall only listen to him” the purported member said to me before the line broke.


  1. NDA, I support and applaud your actions to free Biafra land from marginalization, oppression, and satanic occupation by Islamic State of Nigeria. Tyrant Buhari and his SE/SS co-conspirators must be taught a big lesson. They cannot hold people in bondage. Enough is enough. You are God-sent! Keep it up!

  2. All hail biafra divide and rule is over

  3. All hail Biafra and in Biafra we stand. Mr tyrant Buhari the head of Zoological Republic of Nigeria their demand is very simple, release Nnamdi Kanu for them before it will be too late. God bless Biafra.

  4. All hail Biafra and in Biafra we stand. Mr tyrant Buhari the head of Zoological Republic of Nigeria their demand is very simple, release Nnamdi Kanu for them before it will be too late. God bless Biafra.

  5. May God bless the NDA. May God bless Biafra. May God bless Nnamdi Kanu. Long live Biafra


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