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Friday, 24 June 2016



By Ibeh Gift Amarachi

For Family Writers

I have interviewed several Biafrans recently on the events surrounding Niger-Delta Freedom Fighters and their questions are channelled to one direction, “WHAT IS STOPPING THIS FLAMES FROM ROCKETING AND CIRCULATING IN THE SKY? We waited for the Missile Launching proposed by them, had sleepless nights just to see and have a never forgetting experience of the fall of the Calamity that befell us called Nigeria and we didn't see the flames” It was indeed awesome,seeing Aso Rock,Government Houses,Nigeria Politicians chickened away from their mansions, in fear of this Great Freedom fighters proposed missile launching. Muhammadu Buhari the President Of Nigeria and his corrupt allies, shook like Women under labour just after this mind blowing announcement and it brought the Tyrant Buhari and Nigeria Politicians to their kneels, as he pleaded for a reconsideration over the missile launching, but we believe those missiles are still there and wish it will be put to a good use in due time.

 Niger-Delta Freedom Fighters, the World knows they are other Freedom Fighters, but Biafrans love your style and principles. You have crippled Nigeria Economy with Zero Casualty that is quite a historical unprecedented move, yet to be experienced even by World Power. Biafrans round the World have shown excitement and support towards the act of Niger-Delta Freedom Fighters and The Indigenous People Of Biafra conducted a circulating Press Release, showing their acceptance of the freedom fighting process of this Great Freedom Fighters. You are fighting a cause that is totally on the right track, as UN CHARTER has a legal support towards it by her declaration; "People Have The Right To Fight Against Alien Subjugation, Domination and Exploitation. And Have The Right To Freely Determine Their Political, Economic, Social And Cultural Development".

For that reason, the burning of Pipelines is Internationally legal, as it stops the ally exploitation, determines the Economic and Political Development of every Oil producing region in BiafraLand.  What is stopping this Great Flames of hope? Biafrans want to know. Niger-Delta Avengers, Biafrans read through the conditions you gave to Nigeria Government and we are very much sure, none has been implemented. So, what is stopping the flames from rocketing the sky? One of your conditions is the release of the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra Citizen Nnamdi Kanu and that demand has not been met. His detention was rather prolonged, by an adjournment made on the 20th of June 2016, to 26th and 29th of September 2016. This is actually a slap on the face to the entirety of Niger-Delta freedom fighters and we are very much sure, you can't be reduced to nothing by the corrupt leaders of Nigeria.

Our natural resources have been exploited by the Hausa/Fulani and this selfish exploitation have destroyed Water Supply and Farmlands, through long lasting oil spillage to our detriment. You gave Nigeria a condition, that OgoniLand and all Biafra polluted Land must be cleaned up and that demand is still pending. You requested for Freedom from Nigeria, but we are still living under the dictatorship rule of Buhari. We have been living as fugitives in our land, subjugated to penury, have our resources exploited to its fullness. That Nigeria is the giant of Africa and launched into the limelight of a Rich Oil Producing Country is sourced from the Niger-Delta region and we are hungry to see this flames, if possible every day.

From the pictures you displayed on the internet, you are young vibrating youths, suffering without giving the dividends of the natural resources in your Father Land. You were embarrassingly awarded a contract of "PipeLine Guard",when you are suppose to be Employers in the Oil Companies situated in your Land. This is indeed, a heart piercing act at its peak. This contract was even awarded under the regime of Former President GoodLuck Jonathan an Ijaw Man, after much pressure on the allies and exploiters called Hausa/Fulani and Yorubas Oil Block owners, but was afterwards totally withdrawn when Muhammadu Buhari a Fulani President took over.

Buhari proved that, a Niger-Delta Man is not worth an employment in his Fathers Land and every resource belong to and should be controlled by the North. There is no trace of a Hausa/Fulani unemployed graduate and if there is, it can't be more than 1%,but Biafran Graduates are littered everywhere like flocks of sheep without a shepherd and those who cannot withstand the critical condition, risk their lives by passing through various deserts in search of greener pastures in foreign Lands.

The flames from those Pipelines and the crumbling of Nigeria Economy, is giving hope to the common man. As we see it rocketing and tearing the sky, it tears our murderers and exploiters apart. The heat from those flames, dries our tears and the excitement gotten from it, relieves our pains and wipes away negative memories of the fall of our heroes past. The pipelines are our properties you are setting ablaze not that of Jigawa or the entirety of Nigeria, hence we want to see the flames.

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