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Friday, 17 June 2016



By Ibeh Gift Amarachi

For Family Writers

When a group of people with a common goal take a lawful track or embark on a freedom task, it is only a corrupt and Inconsistent Ill minded group of persons that will speak against such pathway.  Every Man has the right to Self-Defence and Self-Determination according to the United Nations Charter. United Nations declared that; "THE SUBJECTION OF PEOPLE TO ALIEN SUBJUGATION,DOMINATION AND EXPLOITATION CONSTITUTES A DENIAL OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS,WHICH IS CONTRARY TO THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ALL PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION,BY VIRTUE OF THAT RIGHT THEY FREELY DETERMINE THEIR POLITICAL STATUS AND FREELY PURSUE THEIR ECONOMIC,SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT".

Recently the Leader of The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) Mr Solomon Chukwu on June 16th 2016 condemned the legal activities of The Niger-Delta Avengers Freedom Fighters, by painting their actions to be Evil and Obnoxious. Before MASSOB will hypocritically out of fear of the Nigeria Government tag Avengers to be Evil, I would like to know if, Mr Solomon Chukwu have a diminished understanding of the UN Charter that is against ALIEN SUBJUGATION, DOMINATION AND EXPLOITATION of a People and legalisation of The RIGHT FOR A PEOPLE TO FREELY DETERMINE THEIR POLITICAL STATUS AND FREELY PURSUE THEIR ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT? If MASSOB is devoid of such reasoning, then there should be a revisit and study of that Charter,to avoid public verbal mess enshrined with inconsistency of their stance. Except a Brown Envelope has changed hands between the Federal Government Of Nigeria and The MASSOB group,for an attack on the Avengers Freedom Fighters since their activities serves as a facilitator to Biafra restoration, thus the exemption and paint blacking Anti-Avengers speech.

The Niger-Delta Avengers are Biafrans fighting against Alien (Hausa/Fulani Yoruba) domination and exploitation of their natural resources. That Nigeria is the Giant Of Africa and launched into the limelight of a Rich Oil Producing Country, is sourced from the Niger-Delta region. Crude Oil which is the source of Nigeria Economy was discovered in the Niger-Delta region of Biafra Land in 1956 at Oloibiri by the Shell British Petroleum. Britain the creator of Nigeria in collaboration with the Northern protectorate, have been exploiting the crude oil without any positive return to the original owners. This selfish exploitation have destroyed Water Supply and FarmLands,through long lasting oil spillage to the peril of the original owners.

GOLD a Solid Mineral was discovered in Kaduna,Kwara and Kano the Northern part of Nigeria,but it is controlled and owned by the Hausa/Fulani alone,without an alien interference.  It will surprise you to know that,95% of Crude Oil Blocs in the Niger-Delta region is being owned and controlled by the Hausa/Fulani and Yorubas,which includes their Politicians, Emirs etc. But, there is not even a trace of any Niger-Delta Traditional Ruler that own Oil Bloc. If one takes a tour to the Niger-Delta region, you will be shocked at the level of perpetual poverty being experienced by the people whose natural resources serves as the source of economy to Nigeria and even Britain. No sight of Good Schools or Buildings, as they build thatch Houses on Deep Seas, where crawling infants sometimes fall into and get drowned and strong waves sink the buildings. People are seen drinking, bathing, washing and cooking from same water supply they defecate on and this has been going on for decades. The only contract given to the original owners was Pipeline Security Guard and this was awarded due to the pressure mounted on the Northern owners of Oil Blocs by the former Nigeria President GoodLuck Jonathan from Bayelsa State a Niger-Delta region. After his tenure elapsed, the current President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari a Fulani Man, withdrew the contract and handed it over to the Nigeria Military mostly dominated by Northerners.

This unending unfair treatment of the original owners of the Crude Oil, motivated the Freedom Fighting Youths who decided to put a stop to Alien subjugation, domination and exploitation of their resources, hence want to be in control of their economic,social,cultural and political development. The bombing of Pipelines, is a means of controlling their economic development and halting forceful stealing of the Niger-Delta natural resources and by so doing, they are lawfully on the right track. Any group of person speaking against the actions of this brave freedom fighters, are political jobbers seeking for attention and brown envelope compensation, thus should back off.


  1. It's insane that MASSOB is criticizing NDA for oil pipelines blowout when Nigeria military forces in conjunction with boko haram and Fulani herdsmen are massacring Biafrans in SE and across the country. Please MASSOB stay away from this and shut-up. You have deceived Biafrans for too long. Enough of your slave mentality and coward agitation.

  2. buhari initiated bokoharam and Fulani herdsmen why should he expect cease fire from niger delta avengers. NDA should not listen to him after all he said that he will make monkeys and baboons soak with blood. niger delta avengers should bring the oil installations to zero. let all the foreign companies vacate there and all the oil blocs holders from hausa and Yoruba should leave Biafra land. remember that without oil Biafra must come.


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