By Chijioke Ifeanyi
For Family Writers
If the dead have knowledge of the world, then our fallen heroes will be living in sufficiency but no doubt they will still remain frowned that we have not restored Biafra to give them peace and make their path worthwhile. Though they faced orgy of hatred and inhumane approach; there is yet nothing to regret unless we fail Biafra.
In this quest for a sovereign Biafra shall we pay prices but death is the ultimate price and our comrades that passed on are the heroes of this quest. Biafra is the restoration of God’s kingdom and men only but wise among us shall pay or welcome death for God. In the end Biafra is our religion and we shall die for the sake of our God. One would ask what death is greater than death for the cause of God. It is appointed unto man to die but once while the living is not better than my comrades that fought for God and died for God. Biafra is our religion and we have nothing to lose running to the bosom of our creator Chiukwuokikeabiama.

What is greater than honour and what is as worthless as living an inconsequential life. My comrades are the heroes, they have made themselves gods among men for they shall always be remembered and honoured. Their candle light shall burn without going off while its flame shall be as red as fur. For these comrades, we have made an altar of remembrance and honour. They have paid a rare price even as many more are ready to pay. They passed on for a cause worthy of our lives and their lives shall be decorated as the most important lives ever lived upon the face of the earth.
The shameless Nigerian soldiers that have failed and lost their pride; ran away from the boundary in the face of war. They have learned to pull the trigger only when unarmed men are seen and put down their rifle when men of like-possession are seen. They have raised their shoulders as the winners but they have only given Biafra a breath. They have neither taken our lives because God gives and takes life. Let them not be proud for they are the tools that have been used for the fulfillment of the prophecy.
Long before now we have made up our mind to die and we are very mean when we say ‘Biafra or death’. Our fallen comrades are men of integrity who lived by their words. They have shown a great deal of trust and dignity. They are men of unquestionable integrity that worth everything. What is left of the dead if not respect but we shall not only respect them but god them in our own holy way. They are the most important people of Biafra. They are the foundation of Biafra and everything lovely, holy and worthy of Biafra belongs to them.
Our fallen comrades are the driving force of Biafra because for them we shall continue and stop at nothing but Biafra. They are our source of motivation and the maker of the mark. Here is my tribute that they may be lifted above the living and consider more important than the living in this quest. The staunch believers of Biafra are our fallen comrades. They truly love Biafra and have shown death is only the beginning of the love one can have for Biafra. Let death be not proud and let agents of death be not proud for our comrades are not victims but lovers of freedom. To have paid ultimate price for the living Biafrans is the greatest feat.
Only the restoration of Biafra shall make them state heroes and that is the reason they paid the price. They have fulfilled their part of the bargain and it is left for us to fulfill our own. They shall be accorded the status of a state hero and shall be remembered and honoured. Their honour and remembrance shall make them immortals for every other person shall die and go but they shall die and live forever and ever. By virtue of this and knowledge that death is inevitable have their price been established as the wisest price man can pay to live for eternity.
Death is what will come to us all and only the fearful men shall die many times before their death. Men killed by fear often have no place in the heart of man and in the bosom of God. Our fallen comrades are brave men worthy of emulation and we shall follow them for the sake of our creator. What regret is therein being a willing tool in the hands of our creator. Let death be our portion by the will of our creator for he who made us can make us again. Biafra is the kingdom of Chiukwuokikeabiama and what privilege is it to die fighting for Chiukwuokikeabiama. Let all living honour our fallen comrades and let all lips mention their names in honour and remembrance.
Though they have passed on but they have not passed on because in our heart they live on. Our heart will go on for our fallen comrades and nothing shall stop the fulfillment of their quest. They fell for Biafra to stand and in spirit they fight on because they are not dead. We love and cherish you comrades and until Biafra comes, heroes and gods as you will keep multiplying. Death shall never be lonely as we shall keep trooping in sacrificially until the kingdom of God prevails.
By Chijioke Ifeanyi
For Family Writers
If the dead have knowledge of the world, then our fallen heroes will be living in sufficiency but no doubt they will still remain frowned that we have not restored Biafra to give them peace and make their path worthwhile. Though they faced orgy of hatred and inhumane approach; there is yet nothing to regret unless we fail Biafra.
In this quest for a sovereign Biafra shall we pay prices but death is the ultimate price and our comrades that passed on are the heroes of this quest. Biafra is the restoration of God’s kingdom and men only but wise among us shall pay or welcome death for God. In the end Biafra is our religion and we shall die for the sake of our God. One would ask what death is greater than death for the cause of God. It is appointed unto man to die but once while the living is not better than my comrades that fought for God and died for God. Biafra is our religion and we have nothing to lose running to the bosom of our creator Chiukwuokikeabiama.

What is greater than honour and what is as worthless as living an inconsequential life. My comrades are the heroes, they have made themselves gods among men for they shall always be remembered and honoured. Their candle light shall burn without going off while its flame shall be as red as fur. For these comrades, we have made an altar of remembrance and honour. They have paid a rare price even as many more are ready to pay. They passed on for a cause worthy of our lives and their lives shall be decorated as the most important lives ever lived upon the face of the earth.

Long before now we have made up our mind to die and we are very mean when we say ‘Biafra or death’. Our fallen comrades are men of integrity who lived by their words. They have shown a great deal of trust and dignity. They are men of unquestionable integrity that worth everything. What is left of the dead if not respect but we shall not only respect them but god them in our own holy way. They are the most important people of Biafra. They are the foundation of Biafra and everything lovely, holy and worthy of Biafra belongs to them.
Our fallen comrades are the driving force of Biafra because for them we shall continue and stop at nothing but Biafra. They are our source of motivation and the maker of the mark. Here is my tribute that they may be lifted above the living and consider more important than the living in this quest. The staunch believers of Biafra are our fallen comrades. They truly love Biafra and have shown death is only the beginning of the love one can have for Biafra. Let death be not proud and let agents of death be not proud for our comrades are not victims but lovers of freedom. To have paid ultimate price for the living Biafrans is the greatest feat.

Death is what will come to us all and only the fearful men shall die many times before their death. Men killed by fear often have no place in the heart of man and in the bosom of God. Our fallen comrades are brave men worthy of emulation and we shall follow them for the sake of our creator. What regret is therein being a willing tool in the hands of our creator. Let death be our portion by the will of our creator for he who made us can make us again. Biafra is the kingdom of Chiukwuokikeabiama and what privilege is it to die fighting for Chiukwuokikeabiama. Let all living honour our fallen comrades and let all lips mention their names in honour and remembrance.
Though they have passed on but they have not passed on because in our heart they live on. Our heart will go on for our fallen comrades and nothing shall stop the fulfillment of their quest. They fell for Biafra to stand and in spirit they fight on because they are not dead. We love and cherish you comrades and until Biafra comes, heroes and gods as you will keep multiplying. Death shall never be lonely as we shall keep trooping in sacrificially until the kingdom of God prevails.
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