By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Am writing this article : "HOLY TRINITY" because Biafra is my religion. So here is the Father(Nnamdi), Son(IPOB) and spirit(Biafra). Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB and Biafra together are one body (3 IN 1).
This great man needs no introduction, because he is a man of integrity, honour, valour and at the mention of his name, all his enemies are struck by fear and driven into their hideout. He is an undisputed, inspirational leader but for the sake of preface, let me start by saying, Nnamdi Kanu is the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and also the director radio Biafra. Mazi Nnamdi kanu have been the true voice of Biafra and also the leading figure for Biafrans. But on the 14th of October 2015, Nnamdi kanu was arrested in Lagos Nigeria by the Nigeria defence security service (DSS). Nnamdi kanu spoke firmly against the Nigeria government on her vicious and ferocious treatment towards Biafrans living in Nigeria and also called for the right to a sovereign state of Biafra. Nnamdi kanu who was illegally and unlawfully arrested, is a prisoner of conscience. President Buhari who is hell-bent on sending Nnamdi kanu to jail, declared that no judiciary in Nigeria can set Nnamdi free, not even Britain can set him free. But we all know that no matter what the Nigeria governments try to plot and conspire against Nnamdi kanu, the end result will be failure. The tyrant and dictator Buhari has no case against him and at the end we must win!

The indigenous people of Biafra are blessed beyond a curse by God almighty(Chukwu okike abiam) and if God says you are blessed, it means you are blessed. And if God can bless IPOB, who can curse them? Nobody because the curse of God automatically comes upon anyone that curses whom the Lord has blessed. IPOB are very hard-working, courageous, loving, peaceful, great and honest individuals. Biafrans are Hebrew descendants and are blessed by God almighty to be dominant, fruitful and prosperous, wherever they find themselves. But in Nigeria their prosperity and dominance, brought harm, brutality and death to them. After the arrest of their leader Nnamdi kanu, IPOB took to the streets all over the world, protesting peaceful while calling for the release of their leader in a non-violent manner and their right to self-determination. In response to their peaceful protest in Nigeria, the evil African Hitler, Buhari ordered his armed forces to shot and kill every IPOB on sight. This action resulted to the death of over 3,500 IPOB and different mass grave of Biafrans were also discovered. The blood of Biafrans flowing in Nigeria is a curse on them. And whatever Nigeria do can never ever prosper because the foundations of Nigeria was built on innocent blood of Biafrans. IPOB will continue to call for the release of their leader and their rights to have a sovereign state of Biafra.
As many of you already know, Biafra is a spirit and that is why Biafra cannot be defeated. The republic of Biafra as it was called in 1967 and still declared now, fought for their freedom and rights in Nigeria. Nigeria solemnly hates and detests Biafrans but couldn't let Biafrans breakaway because of the oil wealth they were heavily benefiting from Biafra lands. Gowon had to declare a civil war on Biafrans. A genocidal war that claimed the lives of over 3.5million innocent Biafrans(Mainly women and children). Even after the civil war, Biafrans are still haunted down and killed by not just the federal government of Nigeria but the Hausa-fulani's. The killing of Biafrans can't kill "BIAFRA" it still lives in every heart, soul and body of every IPOB. That is why it’s said "Biafra is a spirit and it can not be killed or buried."
IPOB will continue to protest for the release of Nnamdi kanu and the right to self-determination. The hatred and jealousy of Nigerians towards Biafrans can't kill Biafra. The arrest of Nnamdi Kanu can't kill Biafra. The brutality of Buhari and his armed forces can't kill Biafra. The silence of United Nations, Britain, America, European Union, International Human Right Law, African Union, and World Leaders on the treatment of IPOB can't kill Biafra....Its Biafra or Death!
By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers
Am writing this article : "HOLY TRINITY" because Biafra is my religion. So here is the Father(Nnamdi), Son(IPOB) and spirit(Biafra). Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB and Biafra together are one body (3 IN 1).
This great man needs no introduction, because he is a man of integrity, honour, valour and at the mention of his name, all his enemies are struck by fear and driven into their hideout. He is an undisputed, inspirational leader but for the sake of preface, let me start by saying, Nnamdi Kanu is the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and also the director radio Biafra. Mazi Nnamdi kanu have been the true voice of Biafra and also the leading figure for Biafrans. But on the 14th of October 2015, Nnamdi kanu was arrested in Lagos Nigeria by the Nigeria defence security service (DSS). Nnamdi kanu spoke firmly against the Nigeria government on her vicious and ferocious treatment towards Biafrans living in Nigeria and also called for the right to a sovereign state of Biafra. Nnamdi kanu who was illegally and unlawfully arrested, is a prisoner of conscience. President Buhari who is hell-bent on sending Nnamdi kanu to jail, declared that no judiciary in Nigeria can set Nnamdi free, not even Britain can set him free. But we all know that no matter what the Nigeria governments try to plot and conspire against Nnamdi kanu, the end result will be failure. The tyrant and dictator Buhari has no case against him and at the end we must win!

The indigenous people of Biafra are blessed beyond a curse by God almighty(Chukwu okike abiam) and if God says you are blessed, it means you are blessed. And if God can bless IPOB, who can curse them? Nobody because the curse of God automatically comes upon anyone that curses whom the Lord has blessed. IPOB are very hard-working, courageous, loving, peaceful, great and honest individuals. Biafrans are Hebrew descendants and are blessed by God almighty to be dominant, fruitful and prosperous, wherever they find themselves. But in Nigeria their prosperity and dominance, brought harm, brutality and death to them. After the arrest of their leader Nnamdi kanu, IPOB took to the streets all over the world, protesting peaceful while calling for the release of their leader in a non-violent manner and their right to self-determination. In response to their peaceful protest in Nigeria, the evil African Hitler, Buhari ordered his armed forces to shot and kill every IPOB on sight. This action resulted to the death of over 3,500 IPOB and different mass grave of Biafrans were also discovered. The blood of Biafrans flowing in Nigeria is a curse on them. And whatever Nigeria do can never ever prosper because the foundations of Nigeria was built on innocent blood of Biafrans. IPOB will continue to call for the release of their leader and their rights to have a sovereign state of Biafra.
As many of you already know, Biafra is a spirit and that is why Biafra cannot be defeated. The republic of Biafra as it was called in 1967 and still declared now, fought for their freedom and rights in Nigeria. Nigeria solemnly hates and detests Biafrans but couldn't let Biafrans breakaway because of the oil wealth they were heavily benefiting from Biafra lands. Gowon had to declare a civil war on Biafrans. A genocidal war that claimed the lives of over 3.5million innocent Biafrans(Mainly women and children). Even after the civil war, Biafrans are still haunted down and killed by not just the federal government of Nigeria but the Hausa-fulani's. The killing of Biafrans can't kill "BIAFRA" it still lives in every heart, soul and body of every IPOB. That is why it’s said "Biafra is a spirit and it can not be killed or buried."
IPOB will continue to protest for the release of Nnamdi kanu and the right to self-determination. The hatred and jealousy of Nigerians towards Biafrans can't kill Biafra. The arrest of Nnamdi Kanu can't kill Biafra. The brutality of Buhari and his armed forces can't kill Biafra. The silence of United Nations, Britain, America, European Union, International Human Right Law, African Union, and World Leaders on the treatment of IPOB can't kill Biafra....Its Biafra or Death!
We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despaired; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed, always carrying about in the body the dying of the Biafrans, that the blood of our heroes may be manifested in generation to come.
ReplyDeleteMove on Biafrans move on, your destiny is in your hand. We have a great leader Nnamdi Kanu, we all can see how he is suffering but still standing firm. Biafrans this is the time or NEVER.