By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Family Writers
I must humbly and factually bring to the notice of France government the need to embrace humanitarian deal. In 1967, humanity suffered a gruesome genocide and only France stood in the gap to giving life a meaning. In Biafra, children and mothers perished, men slumped in hunger and bullets did a little job. Wickedness and crime against humanity overshadowed everything, our adversaries were immeasurable. In France, children protested against the genocide in Biafra, Bruce Mayrock blessed memory set himself ablaze to protest the killing of Biafrans. Most of them that killed themselves were only asking government and United Nations to intervene for Biafra, we are Christians and we are human beings. The little help France gave Biafra was everything to Biafra, we can't forget France and Biafra shall always have a place that no one can be for France in our heart.
I briefly want to take your memory back to Paris, the terrorist attack that occurred and killed innocent French- men and women. I also want to remind you that Islam was the fundamental cause of that attack. It becomes unbelievable that France is now arming a Muslim at the detriment of Christians and a people she once saved. Nigeria is an Islamic country only in search of arms to destroy Biafra, I will not only convince you not to give Nigeria ammunition, I will convince you to reprimand Nigeria and turn against her. This you will do because you have concern for a better world and protection of human right and humanity without boundary.
Buhari from day one he was elected swore never to hit Boko haram hard, the question is, what will he then do with ammunition he is asking France? Buhari said attack against Boko haram is attack against the North. Buhari does animal farming- rear cows, he has thousands of herdsmen that herd his cows, those herdsmen today are terrorists, they are the Fulanis, Global Terrorism Index rated Fulani militants as the fourth most deadliest terror group in world, Google it, the ammunition Buhari is asking from France, will he use it against himself? Buhari said Boko haram has technically been defeated and in China then said the battle is over; his victory over Boko haram was published as quoted by him. This confession simply means that Boko haram is over and he wrapped it up by quoting that pipeline vandals will receive same treatment as Boko haram. This however is a shift of war zone or battlefield.
(Fulani Herdsmen loaded with sophisticated weapon to attack farmers in Biafra land
The pipeline vandals he meant are Biafrans and one would ask, when has vandals turned to terrorists that he sought ammunition from France when a simple dialogue will end everything for a better and peaceful world. This is simply to bring to the notice of France that ammunition shifted to Buhari is simply to arm Hitler of Africa against children of God- Biafrans that have done nothing but demand freedom. While Fulani herdsmen terrorists stage pogrom as Usman Danfodio did, Buhari who swore to spread sharia throughout Nigeria has nothing to lose. In Agatu, over 500 Biafrans were killed and he never condemned his boys' act until Fayose the governor of Ekiti fought him fervently. Even before Fulani herdsmen - terrorists attacked Enugu where over 200 Biafrans lost their lives, Buhari was complacent. In conclusion, Buhari is only about destruction of Biafra and arming Buhari will be a gross threat to humanity.
There is no reason to arm Nigeria at this critical time, findings have it that crime against humanity is on a significant rise, state or military abuse of humanity is on a dangerous increase. Aba massacre, Onitsha massacre, Porthacourt massacre among all. Amnesty international and various human right reports have it that Buhari is a disaster. I find it very odd and abnormal arming a man with such record. The Nigerian government quoted that her soldiers won't tolerate Biafrans for lawfully embarking on self-determination. France owe us the obligation of enhancing our safety and Nigeria having quoted her soldiers won't tolerate a lawful Biafra-quest, she now sought ammunition from you to wage war against unarmed Biafra. The existing arm embargo on Nigeria is a precaution, saving humanity is the priority and this should be respected by France we see as the kindest of all countries. I pray France, for the sake of God the creator, for the sake of humanity, let Buhari not be armed for Biafra is a subject of Islamization and genocide for only asking freedom.
Buhari need another civil war