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Wednesday, 20 April 2016



By Okonkwo Isaac Somto

For Family Writers

The Fulani Terror Group; Nigeria’s latest Janjaweed, has constantly inflicted panic and horror to major rain forest parts of Nigeria and other southern communities, targeting Christian community, who are mainly rural farmers. The Terror Group is now the world’s fourth most deadly terror group, according to the Global Terror Watch Index (GTWI). In 2014 alone, according to GTWI, it killed at least 1,229 unarmed citizens and in seven months of 2015 (January-July), it killed 631 unarmed civilians and between June 2015 and April 2016, it has killed over 900 unarmed civilians. In 2010, it stormed Dogo na Hauwa Community in Plateau State and massacred over 500 mostly rural Christian farmers.

 Just recently, hundreds of mostly rural Christians in Agatu area of Benue State were slaughtered by the Janjaweed. Till date, the Terror Group’s killing spree is yet to be abated or check-mated by Nigerian authorities. Killing of unarmed villagers and abduction of Christian missionaries by the Terror Group have continued in Enugu, Benue, Delta, etc. In all these, the Federal Government of Nigeria, led by dictator Muhammadu Buhari has shamefully portrayed its total “unwillingness and inability” to subdue the terror. As a matter of fact, the Fulani Terror Group is now a militia arm of the Buhari administration.

The recent investigation carried out by the public security and safety department of Intersociety clearly demystifies the pattern of violence and its application by Nigeria’s newest Janjaweed (Fulani  terrorists). The summary of the investigation shows that there exists a strike force or well coordinated military wing, which is well trained and better armed; with proxy and illicit supplied small arms. It further discloses that the Fulani herdsmen as seen by ordinary Nigerians on daily basis with their herds of cattle do not, by themselves, usually carry out the killing, massacring and abduction of their innocent preys; but they provide basic intelligence, surveillance coverage and bases for their military wing to unleash their mayhem on unarmed and innocent citizens. That is to say that as they take their herds of cattle into the rain forests and southern communities, they identify their potential preys; encircle them and notify their military wing through well established and coordinated communication modes. This basic intelligence, identification of their potential preys and bases are mostly done in the daytime; while armory and personnel movements and attacks are mostly carried out at night and at hours of the blue law. Hit and retreat characterizes their attacks and their weapon (small arms) depots and movements are clearly and tactically mapped out and made highly secretive.

The Janjaweed are a militia that operates in Darfur, Western Sudan, and Eastern Chad. Since 2003, the Janjaweed has been a major player or party in the bloody conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan; fighting the Sudanese Liberation Movement/Army and the Justice and Equality Movement. The violent conflict killed 200,000-400,000 civilians between 2003 and 2007 with hundreds of thousands of others maimed and millions of others displaced. In 2008, the United States declared the killings in Dafur as genocide and attempts to wipe out African tribes of Darfur in Sudan.

The worst of it all is that the Janjaweed was and is still a proxy armed opposition group fully backed by the rogue Government of Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who has riotously ruled Sudan since 1989 (27 years). In early 2006, many Janjaweed elements were absolved into the Sudan Armed Forces including the Popular Defense Force and the Border Guards. The riotous and rogue Government of Omar Hassan al-Bashir ensured these by creating the office of the Minister in charge of Humanitarian Affairs & Darfur; headed by Ahmad Muhammad Harun. Defying the UN Security Council’s call on Sudanese Government to disarm the Janjaweed, the UNSC later referred the Darfur civilian butcheries for the investigation and prosecution of the trio of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, principal Janjaweed commanders including Sheik Musa Hilal and Ahmad Muhammad Harun (minister in charge of Humanitarian Affairs & Darfur) by the office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC);

leading to issuance of international arrest warrants to the trio on 14 of July 2008; accusing and charging them for masterminding the attempts to wipe out African tribes in Darfur through a campaign of murder, rape and deportation using and arming the Janjaweed armed opposition or proxy State actor group. Just recently, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that “President Omar Hassan al-Bashir ought to have been arrested and handed over to the ICC when he attended an AU function in the country in 2015”. President Bashir had also announced that he will step down in 2020 when his current autocratic tenure/regime ends in the same year.

The historical clarification and analysis above is to bring to the fore the ongoing replication of the Janjaweed disastrous episode in Nigeria where the country’s spy or secret police (DSS) has lately

 exposed the Government’s preferential treatment of a section of the country, which the DSS referred to as “Hausa-Fulani citizens” as well as treatment of those referred to as “Fulani Herdsmen” as the “untouchables”. Till date, the Federal Government of Muhammadu Buhari and its security forces have not  stopped condoning, aiding and abetting the atrocities of the Fulani Terror Group (erroneously called “Fulani Herdsmen”). Most calamitous of such atrocities is ceaseless massacring and abduction of innocent Nigerians; mostly of Christian population and mainly of rural background. Most, if not all those behind the Fulani Terror atrocities in Nigeria are still on the hunt; with none under diligent and comprehensive criminal investigations in the country or any part thereof; not to talk of prosecution.

The Fulani Herdsmen and their military wing (Fulani terrorists) in Nigeria, fully backed by the Government of Gen Muhammadu Buhari have become the Sudanese Janjaweed and the Rwandan Banyamulenges; all supported and backed by the Governments of the two countries (Rwandan under Gen Juvenile Habriyarimana-July 5, 1973 – April 6, 1994). Gen Habyarimana was assassinated in office during the first day of genocide on April 6, 1994 by rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The RPF is still in power in Rwanda till date. While the Darfur Butchery butchered 200,000-400,000 civilians in three years (2003-2006) with other extreme humanitarian catastrophes; the Rwandan Genocide massacred almost one million civilians in the three months (April 6 -July 23, 1994) and generated millions of refugees and displaced civilians; leading to the death of more 200,000 civilians owing to starvation, hunger, and diseases in the refugee camps.

It is our stern warning that genocide and widespread butcheries are steadily looming in Nigeria and the menace of Nigeria’s newest Janjaweed; condoned and aided by the Government of Buhari, has risen to an apogee. The Government of Gen Muhammadu Buhari must disarm and stop aiding and abetting the military wing of the Fulani Herdsmen or appears to be doing same before it is too late.

1 comment

  1. Buhari after pledging allegiance to Fulani herdsmen and boko haram, all Buhari does is to run around the place traveling from one western country to the other soliciting for funds and weapons that his Fulani herdsmen and boko haram men need to equip themselves with for murdering Christians.


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