By Blessed Orji
For Family Writers
EVEN if the whole world is speaking out on Biafra genocide or supporting the independent state of Biafra, Britain as usual will remain mute. Even if all the nations and world leaders condemn the incessant massacre and other crimes against humanity intently committed by Nigeria government against indigenous people of Biafra, Her Majesty's government and leadership will play hypocrisy .What could be the reason for Britain holding close to the breast such deepest of hatred for Biafra people? We make bold to answer that Britain support for "one Nigeria" and their supersonic enmity against Biafra is because of economic interest..oil and gas from Biafra land.

Britain deliberately supported Nigeria government in the wholesome genocide campaign against Biafra between 1967-1970. It is a historically documented fact that Her Majesty's government supplied sophisticated weapons to YAKUBU GOWON led Islamic republic of Nigeria, to kill Biafran people. Britain as well used their press propaganda to block the world from understanding the reality. Biafra suffered the death of over 3.5million youths, women, men and mostly children by starvation. That Britain is repeating same conspiracy of silence over Buhari and his second Biafra genocide is never in doubt.
We are supposing that Britain is abetting current killing of Biafrans under Buahris watch. His shuttle of United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and lately United States is a replica of what transpired during the Nigeria-Biafra war where Britain indirectly was shipping arms to GOWON through Egypt and Saudi Arabia etc. It is good time the international community should dig into British government complicity in the kidnap and extra judicial incarceration of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu leader of indigenous people of Biafra. It is time to cross examine their grave silence on the on incessant killing, persecution and gross crimes against humanity committed by Nigeria against Biafra people coupled with military occupation of Biafra land.
Britain hypocrisy in secretly sending delegates to meet with certain fraudulent group of filthy lucre men referred to as Ohaneze Ndigbo in order to make it difficult for any objective investigation and determination that genocide is taking place again in this satanic contraption they called Nigeria. This actually was what they did from September 1968 until the end of the war in 1970. The small team of observers from United Kingdom,Canada,Poland,Sweden,OAU, and UN were misguided and compelled to operate only in federal military controlled territories. They were many times forced to report that Biafra genocide never took place.
We desire if possible to recall those observers and have them consciously testify at the Hague. The reason is because of their partiality and questionable reportage. It is believable that they only worked for Britain interest, to ensure British Shell petroleum continue stealing oil and gas from Biafra land to this day. They did all to exonerate Britain of gross complicity in well calculated and state executed Biafra genocide.
Until there is an independent, objective investigation of all this and many other suspicion, Britain remains the master planner of unwarranted detention of NNAMDI KANU besides military clampdown on IPOB and militarization of Biafra land. The united nation if need be should investigate Britain sale of arms to Nigeria to continue killing of Biafran people. Britain is a party to the persecution of Nnamdi Kanu and incessant massacre of Biafran people. There is strong indication that arms supplied to Nigeria used by bokoharam to kill Biafrans are supplied by Britain. We await Britain defence on their arms supply to Islamic Nigeria during and after the war and by so doing exonerate her Majesty's government from the Biafra genocide
By Blessed Orji
For Family Writers
EVEN if the whole world is speaking out on Biafra genocide or supporting the independent state of Biafra, Britain as usual will remain mute. Even if all the nations and world leaders condemn the incessant massacre and other crimes against humanity intently committed by Nigeria government against indigenous people of Biafra, Her Majesty's government and leadership will play hypocrisy .What could be the reason for Britain holding close to the breast such deepest of hatred for Biafra people? We make bold to answer that Britain support for "one Nigeria" and their supersonic enmity against Biafra is because of economic interest..oil and gas from Biafra land.

Britain deliberately supported Nigeria government in the wholesome genocide campaign against Biafra between 1967-1970. It is a historically documented fact that Her Majesty's government supplied sophisticated weapons to YAKUBU GOWON led Islamic republic of Nigeria, to kill Biafran people. Britain as well used their press propaganda to block the world from understanding the reality. Biafra suffered the death of over 3.5million youths, women, men and mostly children by starvation. That Britain is repeating same conspiracy of silence over Buhari and his second Biafra genocide is never in doubt.
We are supposing that Britain is abetting current killing of Biafrans under Buahris watch. His shuttle of United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and lately United States is a replica of what transpired during the Nigeria-Biafra war where Britain indirectly was shipping arms to GOWON through Egypt and Saudi Arabia etc. It is good time the international community should dig into British government complicity in the kidnap and extra judicial incarceration of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu leader of indigenous people of Biafra. It is time to cross examine their grave silence on the on incessant killing, persecution and gross crimes against humanity committed by Nigeria against Biafra people coupled with military occupation of Biafra land.
Britain hypocrisy in secretly sending delegates to meet with certain fraudulent group of filthy lucre men referred to as Ohaneze Ndigbo in order to make it difficult for any objective investigation and determination that genocide is taking place again in this satanic contraption they called Nigeria. This actually was what they did from September 1968 until the end of the war in 1970. The small team of observers from United Kingdom,Canada,Poland,Sweden,OAU, and UN were misguided and compelled to operate only in federal military controlled territories. They were many times forced to report that Biafra genocide never took place.
We desire if possible to recall those observers and have them consciously testify at the Hague. The reason is because of their partiality and questionable reportage. It is believable that they only worked for Britain interest, to ensure British Shell petroleum continue stealing oil and gas from Biafra land to this day. They did all to exonerate Britain of gross complicity in well calculated and state executed Biafra genocide.
Until there is an independent, objective investigation of all this and many other suspicion, Britain remains the master planner of unwarranted detention of NNAMDI KANU besides military clampdown on IPOB and militarization of Biafra land. The united nation if need be should investigate Britain sale of arms to Nigeria to continue killing of Biafran people. Britain is a party to the persecution of Nnamdi Kanu and incessant massacre of Biafran people. There is strong indication that arms supplied to Nigeria used by bokoharam to kill Biafrans are supplied by Britain. We await Britain defence on their arms supply to Islamic Nigeria during and after the war and by so doing exonerate her Majesty's government from the Biafra genocide
Britain it is well believe that you are under course from GOD as you continue in your surport in the killing of the BIAFRA, the spirit of GOD are you not away that,those BLOOD that you have been waisting since 1967 till date has been bought over by our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST on the CROSS of CALVARY when he said it is finished and till date,britain and you allow devil to deceive you to waisting the spirit of GOD,s children AHHHHHHHHHHHHHbritain b/c you are devil incanate i command you by the divine power of the holy spirit to realise NNAMDI KANU and BIAFRA within 72hours b/4 GODS sunamic earth quake will come on you in JESUS name Amen.