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Saturday, 12 March 2016



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Family Writers

You might not want to admit it but there is need to tell you clearly that it is Biafra or death. When Biafrans shout this slogan, people give it different meanings; some say Biafrans will protest and get killed; some say we will commit suicide but they have failed to know what revolution is all about. Rochas Okorocha got the taste of it, that was a decent revolution and if this agitation is not properly handled, if injustice is allowed to breathe on our leader. Henceforth, the meeting of any Nigerian like Okorocha was met might turn ugly. Because this is a decent revolution, that is why Okorocha regretted the show and only went home with embarrassment.

Had the revolution turned ugly, Rochas would not have the mouth to be talking about embarrassment and hunting down the actor, rather he would be in the mortuary or hospital bed while one Biafran cools his feet behind bars to come out ten or fifteen years after. There is need to be very very careful with Biafrans and allow common sense to prevail. We want Biafra and there is no how you would arrest, kill and maim us for only making a demand. We have never raised a stick, pebbles, guns or anything; rather we have only demanded with civility for what is lawful and right. Hence what we demanded within the confines of law is not cherished by what does not warrant death by you. Buhari cannot be fighting for self-determination for other people while he kill and imprison us for the same thing he is doing.

They have played blind eyes to our civilized approach; they have failed to praise and give us credit for a lawful and peaceful approach. They have taken advantage of our approach, killing and arresting us. We have not only had it so bad, we have had the worst and the whole experience appears like we are weak men. A brave man is that fearless man and even with their guns we have shown no atom of fear and what would it be like when we get armed?, there is need to be decisive than pulling the trigger as only known option, that we have not pulled a trigger does not mean we don’t have a trigger.

When this violence against us will officially be declared to be reciprocated, I wonder where you men of iniquity and agents of night will hide. It will be happening here and happening over there, there would not be a hiding place for anyone and it shall be eye for an eye. The experience will totally change, instead of raising flags and talking, it will be stabbing, shooting and choking to death. There is need to respect ideology and handle it with care, if we are not worth precautionary measures; know that you are daring the monster in every Biafran.

Rochas Okorocha is having a tip of an ice-berg and when the real game starts, I bet he won’t be able to play neither will anyone be able to play. The sabotage and betrayal is much, this is not a betrayal of one but of the entire Indigenous People. Nnamdi Kanu symbolizes the people of Biafra and hence few men connive for no apparent reason to kill him, the Northern people will take the credit of killing our brave which will yet undermine us as a people. There is this adage that goes like this “ Gbue dike gbue dike, okwa mgbe ihe dike ga ada, achoba dike” it is a popular Biafran adage of the Igbo speaking part of Biafra that states, kill the brave and when a problem that needs the brave comes, you start looking for the brave. By then it would have been late and the problem will swallow us.

Finally, this is a clear indication that there would not be a hiding place for anyone or people. This will go squarely and everybody will be involved; time has gone when men will cause death in the land and run away to enjoy life. Biafrans are everywhere and shall equally bring death to every single one of you hypocrites and agents of darkness. Death will come to all you saboteurs that have found joy in our death, frustrations and persecutions.


  1. I tell you I am all ears waiting for one them to arrive here..

  2. If you are the interrogative type you are easily labelled and condemned.People even wonder why are you always asking questions? forgetting that we must ask our leaders questions, I love what that guy did


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