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Friday, 25 March 2016



By Commrade Chukwu Ogbu
For Family Writers

I try my best not to involve you in this Biafra struggle, maybe the timing is not right but I realized that there is no correct time to oppose violence, injustice and prejudice, the time is always now.
Senator Ben Murray Bruce
With over 15milion south south and south east youths agitating for Biafra independence, all of them can never be wrong at the same time, therefore I urge you to intervene with your good office, your personal charisma and unquenchable taste in fighting injustice is needed now that justice is being trampled upon, Is time to raise the issue of Biafra REFERENDUM before the senate in other to determine the existence of this multifaceted country called Nigeria.

Your own people are now slaves in their own land, nepotism, and sectionalism among the orders of the day, mass killing: IPOB Massacre at Aba, Agatu/Ogoni  massacre, gross violation of human right law by the  DSS and army, continue incarceration of Biafra leader Nnamdi Kanu and many others are the serious issues at hand now. Your people have lost enough life for this struggle, and thousands more are ready to die because of their shared believe and ideology. it’s not all about resources control no, we are fighting to ensure total equality of all, we are fighting for the sake of posterity where our children will not be forced into abduction and slavery, where our land shall never be invaded by Fulani herdsmen, where killing shall be a taboo. We are fighting for our children not to be in jeopardy of Islamic jihadist. If we fail to restore Biafra now, know it today that posterity will never forgive us.

With the way things are going now, I wonder if our people (your people) have a future at all, it is no longer a rumour that Buhari is on a secret mission to Islamize us, his body languages and unguided utterances is enough to prove to us, Nigeria military is now registered under ISLAMIC MILITARY-ISMAT, this left many to be wondering why ARAB? What of Israeli military? Which are the best in terms of surveillance and military strategies? it will be shocker to know that Buhari register Nigeria under ISMAT and also supporting Western Sahara which is core Islamic region with a motive that a time will come when there must be an industrial, military and civil revolution in Nigeria and he will run to his Arab Counter Part For Help, and They Will Provide Him With Jihadist Army to embark on operation massacre them all.

It is always now or never, this bloody vampire that derives joy in killing must be stopped now and the only way to do this is to restore a nation that once existed between 1967-70s. Permit me to borrow a word from Thomas Jefferson before I conclude he said and I quote: "when injustice becomes a law, resistance becomes a duty, “is either they give us BIAFRA or be ready to kill us. Support us BEN MURRAY BRUCE,you do not belong to Nigeria but BIAFRA. Your people are calling you, hear the voice of the oppressed, hear the spirit of those that was murdered for Biafra struggle seeking for justice, the blood of that innocent school girl shot at Aba is calling for vengeance and with BIAFRA RESTORATION,THEY SHALL ALL REST IN PEACE ! !


  1. A perfect appeal. Am afraid to guess what his response will be. Ben is an enlightened gentleman, exposed to the western ways of doing things. He is trying to apply common sense in dealing with men of dark ages. By the time he achieves that, we would all be dead and what ever is left of us would have become Ahmadu and Amina. To be fair to Ben, all he can do is continue taking a pot shot once in a while without mentioning the name Biafra. Like every other Biafran business men and women, Ben has got an interest to protect, be it business or elective office. Buhari has got a string attached to their individual balls, any one that makes a noise gets his string pulled and the effect is immediate silence. That is why none of them can come out and condemn this open rape of democracy by one man, effectively making the entire country a laughing stock in the estimation of the world. Biafran salvation therefore lies in the hands of those who have nothing to loose, radical youths who are now being mowed down by the reformed Boko Haram Armed Forces of Nigeria. The economic hardship is becoming unbearable to everyone and patience is running out even amongst hardcore supporters of this clueless government. The tide will soon change and the hunter will become the hunted, the so-called leaders of this contraption will pay a heavy price by the time the plan of the Almighty is laid out.

  2. God Bless Biafra!
    Deep down in every Biafran soul they want Freedom for Biafra. But scared to the bone to voice it out. Let such Biafran create Anonymous account (facebook,Twitter, instagram google+ etc) let preach Biafra to the citizens of the World. CNN, BBC and other Main stream Media wouldn't do that for US Biafran People. To Them Biafra na bad market for them milking Black race (Africa).
    Look for example one person death in their world they will put the news stream on fire, Multiple died or Genocide in Biafra Land they remain Mute.
    I need to bomb the world citizens Emails social media accounts with Biafra messages

    All Hail Biafra
    Biafra for Life

  3. Pls Mr ben Bruce help ur brothers and sister as none of people refucess to come to our aid even internationally communities to get out of this mess that the british government get us into pls sir help us.



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