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Wednesday, 2 March 2016



By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers

For the first time in history a major world leader Pope Frances greeted the Biafran protesters.  He said: “I am greeting the believers from Gdansk, indigenous people of Biafra, students from Zaragoza, Huelva, Córdoba and Zafra, the young people of Formentera and the believers from Jaén.”

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Italy organized a peaceful protest in St. Peter’s square to meet Pope Francis on February 28, Sunday. Finally when Pope Francis arrived he greeted and welcomed the Indigenous People of Biafra with open hands. Pope Francis promised to make sure everyone present to meet him did get his blessing and encouragement. Biafrans vowed to continue to protest peacefully anywhere possible and anywhere necessary until world leaders and organizations follow the good example of Pope Francis to acknowledge Biafra.

The declaration of the independent Republic of Biafra in 1967 sparked a civil war that resulted in the death of millions and the re-annexation of the republic to Nigeria in 1970.

Biafran in protest in Vatican
The leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu was arrested by the Nigeria secret police(DSS) since October 2015. His continued detention caused a spate in protests. Biafrans hold regular marches across south-eastern Nigeria demanding independence and the release of their leader. Though since the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, over 2,500 IPOB have been secretly and publicly executed by the Nigeria Armed forces on orders from president Mohammadu Buhari, while Over 4000 IPOB have been brutally injured.

But it comes with great joy and relief to all IPOB that Pope Francis recognized the need for Biafrans to exercise their rights for self-determination. This would go down history as this is the first time the Catholic leader, Pope Francis, have greeted the pro-Biafran protesters. The Catholic Church is the largest Christian church in the world. Biafrans have organized protests in many countries across the world but never such prominent officials address the issue of Biafra.
The indigenous People of Biafra will be stepping out in next few days for another European protest, this time in London. The call for a sovereign state of Biafra continues and the call for the release of the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu continues. IPOB will continue to carry out their peaceful protest all around the world, until freedom is given to them.

World leaders, United Nations, Britain, European Union and The international human rights organisation, are very much aware of the killing of Biafrans in Nigeria, they all are aware of the injustice Biafrans are going through in the hands of the Nigeria Government, they also know that Biafrans have the right for self-determination but they all are keeping mute, but for how long will they continue to remain silent? Biafrans call on the world leaders to please follow in the step of Pope Francis, who chose to stand for what's right and just.


  1. We must remain peaceful, resilient and resolute. Chukwu Okike Abiama will see us through and Biafra will come. There's no leader that doesn't know about Biafra now. Let's keep on with the peaceful resistance. Thank you

  2. For receiving Father,s blessing by Biafran,s in Italy is a big sign that biafra is inevitable . Thanks to Pope Francis and Sister Angela Rayner .

  3. Pope lover of freedom,pm Angela lover of freedom and all other lovers of freedom, freedom will follow you in Jesus name amen.because Jesus loves freedom that's why he gave us freedom even after dieying on the cross for us.Biafra must be free amen.iseee


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